Beware the False Light! 🕯👿

Kanal geosi va tili: Buyuk Britaniya, Inglizcha
Toifa: Din

Channel started by a life-long truther who fell for this ingenious deception and into the new age.
Now I want to warn folk of the incoming luciferian false light great awakening, to expose the key players & demonstrate that only Jesus saves 🙏❤️

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Kanal geosi va tili
Buyuk Britaniya, Inglizcha
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Warning His People 2 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Stop talking to A.I.!!!

You are communicating with fallen angel entities and opening the door for them to come in.

If you have to, chuck that phone deep into the woods or the toilet and go back to an old fashioned type of phone.

Do whatever it takes, just refuse to let them in.

Flee the Beast and his A.I. system. It’s a trap. 🙏

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 13: 15

🔴 Blazing Press 🔴 dan repost
BREAKING: Trump issues 'last warning' to Hamas for releasing all hostages

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From birds to bats, seals to cats in our flats .....🐔🦇🦭🐈

You know.....if I didn't completely trust everything our totally impartial and honest media tells would feel awfully like the rotten scoundrels are creating some kind of plandemic 2.0 narrative?!

Some headlines from just the last few days.....

bird flu and measles outbreaks being coordinated by the white house as kennedy promotes mRNA measles vaccine... meanwhile pfizer is coming in thru the back door at the trump white house along with bill gates as trump himself appears to be facilitating a PLANDEMIC 2.0 ....

The Lord blessed me with some wonderful pals, both on and offline, during the dismal plandemic days.

Folk who are on fire for Him and are offering their testimonies in an attempt to plant seeds that could prayerfully lead a soul to salvation.

One such local sister, whom I adore and respect is Sam. Like myself, she unwittingly fell into the deceptions of the false light "new age" while seeking God in all the wrong places.

Here is her remarkable testimony.

Praise the Lord that He is calling out to so many in these rapidly shifting times.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Lord will surely only allow this spiritual wickedness masquerading as light: the genetic manipulation of the human race, for so long.

There may come a time when your loved ones, even you, are faced with a deadly illness that these false light creeps would offer hope for through their newfangled "cures." Methods that tinker with the DNA code that our Father knitted us lovingly together with.

Ahead of such a time, before all this mad science malevolence becomes further rolled out, and normalised. Remember how shocking you find it now, and to whom those who are peddling it, show their allegiance to 😈

Perhaps such a thought may guide any tough decisions that I hope none of us will have to make. But, as they say: forewarned is forearmed.

Revelation 9:6
"6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."


Maranatha! 🙏🦁

Vocal politics dan repost
The arms package comprises 35,529 general-purpose bomb bodies designed for 2,000-pound bombs, along with 4,000 bunker-busting bombs of the same weight and Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers.

This comes amid reports that #Israel is refusing to move into the second phase of the ceasefire agreement in #Gaza and is instead planning on continuing its genocidal war on the Strip.

Although the #Pentagon indicated that deliveries are scheduled to commence in 2026, it also noted that some of these weapons could be drawn from existing #US stockpiles, allowing for expedited deployment.

#vpol #GazaGenocide #GazaUnderAttack #Ceasefirenow #Netanyahu #Trump

I am blessed and encouraged to have so many talented on-fire brothers and sisters in this group. Thank you so much for being here.

These poems shared from 'Common Sense IQ Test' are faith affirming and wonderfully written.

Turned into a country music song too 🪕🥁🎶🎼

God bless you all, may He be with you in all ways and through all things, now and forever.

Love 🙏🕊❤️

Manna Today dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

Luke 6

Truth Seekers dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
World Govt Summit & Unleashing Tomorrow’s Terror | HelioWave

If you're in a time crunch - check out the "unleashing tomorrow's terror" section. Some of those projects are crazy.


0:00 Intro

3:18 World Govt Summit

5:20 Digital ID & Biometric Surveillance

10:03 “Intersectionality & The Global Agenda”

13:39 Digital Dictatorships (Yuval Harari & Dario Amodei)

18:44 Unleashing Tomorrow’s Terror

21:59 “Digital god”

24:13 Protoclone & Ameca Humanoid Robots

27:23 Spot & Atlas Robots For War

28:46 Artificial Intelligence & Nueralink

30:30 DARPA’s N3 Program

31:27 Air Force Autonomous Drones

32:21 META Project ARIA

32:50 Future Digital Twin Projects

33:53 The Singularity – AGI & ASI

39:44 Lets End On A Good Note

My lovely supportive friend and sister in Christ Kate Orson has come to Jesus in recent years and is on fire for Him.

She's a talented writer and she pens articles about her love of the Lord, exposing the new age outlook of her past, and the heretical forms of "Christianity" that she's encountering, boldly across several platforms. She receives lots of criticism from the "love and light" crowd, whom seemingly preferred her as a new-ager...but doesn't let that deter her.

Here is one recent example of her work, please check out her channel.


NavigatingTheLies dan repost
I will be honest…

With so much insanity going on and multi-facetted deception on every front, the only thing I can think to tell people anymore is to “seek the Lord while He may be found” (Isa. 55:6)

At the end of the day, all that matters is knowing the Lord. Though the world appears to have gone mad, Gods grace is still abound and salvation is still available to “all who call upon the name of the Lord,” as Paul wrote in Romans 10:13

The fog of deception and distraction grows thicker everyday. We need the Lord to successfully navigate through the storm. If we think we can “do it ourselves” apart from Gods guidance, we will fall into perdition

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.