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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan

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Channels: @TheBunkerGate
Contact: kconsphole@protonmail.com
XMR: 85eb8TT9C5BAJnTno4ws6LEyAN4BB26NXWcX4r4G7U6D9ZmwgCLBvnsSPqETdX4Njo2mw9m5LwBiQdTgwr32Fhq3VQhEusW

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
41048222 | 📨 123 replies

Is this a job?

41037442 | 📨 105 replies
/HBG/ HBAR General

Previous thread

>Hashgraph Explained by Dr. Leemon Baird
https://youtu.be/IjQkag6VOo0 [Embed]

>Hedera Hashgraph Public Ledger and Governance Framework
https://youtu.be/S_YlsLD2DWI [Embed]

>The Ultimate HBAR Bull Case
https://youtu.be/4pLFwl72Ku0 [Embed]

>Where To Buy HBAR


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
41044145 | 📨 127 replies

Tangle v3 just rugged

41050875 | 📨 223 replies
/smg/ - Stock Market General

"Alright, babe. So if we sell all of our shares of MSFT, we can finally afford that pile of shit you always dreamed of rolling around in."


>Basic Boomer ETF investing:

>Options 101

>Stock market words:

>Live Streams:

41049374 | 📨 115 replies

Crypto is so obvious a Ponzi scheme that I don't understand how it has managed to fool millions of people into pouring their money into it.
Seriously, take a step back and think, what are you actually buying when you buy a bitcoin?

41035377 | 📨 100 replies
Smart Contract Platforms

/biz/ i want to invest in other smart contract platforms with a small amount. I don't think there is going to be any clear winner... But I definitely don't want to get caught holding the loser. So, I want to DCA a small amount in some projects and see where I wind up in the next five years. What I have...

What I'm thinking about

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

41040063 | 📨 112 replies

>There are actually 22,000,000 millionaires in the United States, a country of 330 million people
>Every fifteenth American is a literal millionaire
Holy fuck. I'm a yuropoor and I can't imagine this. In Germany of 83 million people there are "only" 3M millionaires, so only every thirtieth German is a millionaire, which makes more sense. In my country, there's only 38 thousand not even millionaires but local currency millionaires



41047389 | 📨 144 replies
/smg/ - Stock Market General

Take a deep breathe and calm down, the end hasn't even begun yet. Edition.


>Basic Boomer ETF investing:

>Options 101

>Stock market words:

>Live Streams:

41043569 | 📨 103 replies
/XSG/ XRP Schizo General #1487

One more edition.

Previous thread: >>41028769

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)
XUMM instructions https://postimg.cc/LqLWr0mn


>Newfag Tutorial:


41037760 | 📨 103 replies
All enthusiasm has been squeezed out of this coin

By shorters and speculators. For some reason it was targeted as number 1 shorted asset this year and as such has had to fight tooth and nail for every $1. Multi week flirting and such to gain a $1 price floor gain. All because its been heavily selected for shorting for unknown reasons.


41036684 | 📨 101 replies

only green IDs will make it

41027867 | 📨 106 replies
There goes the dip, any good token out there?

This dip feels like it fucking gonna stay till EOY, any token out there with great passive income? i can't get my mind of this fucking dip.

41037060 | 📨 109 replies
PMG Precious metals general

They fear the dip buyers edition

>Bullion dealers
https://jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://goldsilver.be/en/ (BE/EU/UK)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Russian/European coins
https://oldsilver.ru/ (EU/UK/US)

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info


41035611 | 📨 133 replies

umm.... wtf is going on /biz?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


Kanal statistikasi