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Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐄 / HIRMIN dan repost
{Kepada seluruh mutual artculous atau siapapun yang melihat ini, kami meminta bantuan untuk meneruskan pesan ini ke channelmu. Feedback segera kirim ke @artcuyousbot terimakasih!}

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡. Regulations
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡. Testimoni
note : Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai beberapa katalog, kamu bisa bertanya lewat bot berikut @StudioartsBot atau @choyonz.

XIKERSOUR. SOON ~ dan repost
{MI} 𖤝. Beauteous nixie site, has a jurisdiction that prerequisite be implement—for the reason that it's a necessary exploit prithee peruse this regulation with exhaustive cynosure.

@XiKERSOUR Requires several admins for the following divisions:
• wording
• setup-ba
• jasrap ch
• watermark
• art commis

Terms and Condition.
I. Niat niat niat
II. Mempunyai minimal 3 result dari divisi yang dipilih
III. Tidak sedang masa sibuk dan bisa membagi waktu dengan baik.

Format Hiring
Name & Username:
Divisi: No max.
Bergabung di store mana saja? : Mention @
Kesibukan kamu belakangan ini:

Send form to @Wariort.

Jasa achel dan repost
Hallo para penjoki @menjoki sedang hiring team nih. Ada banyak divisi yang kami butuhkan. Mohon bagi calon pelamar membaca SnK yang tertera di bawah

✅ Divisi yang di perlukan
01. Prodi Matematika
02. Prodi Teknologi Informasi
03. Prodi Akuntansi Perpajakan
04. Prodi Keagamaan (B. Arab dsb)
05. Admin bahasa sunda

✅ Syarat dan Ketentuan
1. baca list harga di harapkan yg ingin join setuju dengan harga yg ada di dalam link tersebut jika tidak setuju tidak perlu mendaftar sebagai calon admin
2. Minimal Berada di jenjang Perkuliahan
3. Sertakan transkrips nilaimu mulai smstr 1 - sekarang yg kamu tempuh
4. Sebutkan apa saja joki yg bisa kamu tanganin
Nb : Setiap orderan yg di terima akan di potong 10%

Berminat menjadi tim kami? Bisa langsung hubungi @integgraL sertakan lampiran transkrips nilaimu. Diharapkan kamu tidak pernah terlibat kasus penipuan dan bertanggung jawab atas tugas yang di kerjakan.

Lacework's dan repost
Facsimile are unswervingly silkscreened and encased by immense caliber wafer-thin. Periodically visionary masses likewise accomplish primary gazette for essential or recherché entity vaguely that the above-mentioned memoirs don't demise, they're eternally in populace memoirs. The notoriety that parlay us to the principal discoloration, even then develop to an extravagance mill termed BLLINK. The method of preserving, presenting and arranging personal and history in the scheme of a monograph. Enhanced and often comprehend extensive journal entries or written summary. Emerged as a way to compile propaganda that embodied recipes, quotations, letters, poems and more. Each commonplace monograph was solitary to its creator's particular wherewithal.

@Ningninng @Bahhiyyih @Bahiyyyih @ggaeul @jjunseok @XlAOTiNG @shhibal @anyingg @mmilk @Enngene @ReiIve @Taring @LeeMarrk

@Sunghoonl @zHyein @cNingning @JisungY @Jidwoong @Jiwdoong @Jdiwoong @Jqiwoong @yJiwoong @EnaymiAsa @Haewonl @BahiyyihM @ChenleD

Entertain gate a deeper look! We entrenched an auction system and settled amount that pacific equal negotiated. Enshrine, decent valve roomchat @BIIinkBot furthermore don't acquaitance anyone regarding this username. Don't obliterate to apprehend the regulations in delineate and accurately aforetime e-commerce our assets.

📝 Saranin muse sama theme buat moodboard dongg!!

Vira hanya ingin turu: Go minsi daily act hehe

najaaaa.: Jaemin daily act!


Mou.: Momo, messy tolong :D

OFF DUTY.: Jaehyun, messy.

Helene Orlena 🐈🎀: yeri gf mat

Kaelver: Hikaru girlfriend material

Nayy.: Karina daily act

Kazie, return @setsuh to @dazaai: Karina messy, pake yang blonde hair

👥 9 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

Heyy moots!1!1!1 Help forward this message to your channel yach🫡, For feedback bisaa dikirim ke @blupiyesbot dan bakal di forward nanti malemmm, thanks beforee! /ketcupmanjah 😽😽😽


ৎ୭ 𝅄 Are you looking to add some beauty and elegance to your channel? Like a butterfly drawn to the beauty of a flower, we can be drawn to the beauty and gracefully of others on social media. In the realm of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, finding new mutuals can be a poetic and uplifting experience.

Just like the ailes de papillon, the beauty of Aphrodite's realm can be subtle yet powerful. By engaging with content that inspires and moves us, we can connect with others who share our appreciation for beauty and elegance.

@Blooupie search for new mutuals, remember that beauty comes from within. By sharing your unique perspective and passions with others, you can attract mutuals who appreciate your inner beauty as well as your outer grace.

So let your wings take flight and explore the realm of Aphrodite's beauty. By connecting with new mutuals, you may contact @blupiyesbot to get the beauty of Aphrodite's inspiration and joy.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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