DSI/DNI : : If you are homophobic, asking about my sexuality, underage, racist and other negative things.
BYI/BYS : : This channel contains harsh words, LGBTQ+, etc without using TW or CW. so if you are uncomfortαble with that, feel free to unsubscribe my channel. but before you want to unsubs my channel, please remove my account from your channel.
( ‼️ ) WARNING : : do not copying this channel. i know that you have creative brain. so please, use your damn brain to think. for the pictures, wording, plot, grid even the theme is made by myself and i. i used my damn creative brain to think ya. not like you (for the plagiarisme).
BYI/BYS : : This channel contains harsh words, LGBTQ+, etc without using TW or CW. so if you are uncomfortαble with that, feel free to unsubscribe my channel. but before you want to unsubs my channel, please remove my account from your channel.
( ‼️ ) WARNING : : do not copying this channel. i know that you have creative brain. so please, use your damn brain to think. for the pictures, wording, plot, grid even the theme is made by myself and i. i used my damn creative brain to think ya. not like you (for the plagiarisme).