Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Anglo Archives dan repost
NOW - Biden says, "My memory is fine," then blames mishandling of highly classified documents on staffers.

Anglo Archives dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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NEW - Biden says he recently met with François Mitterrand, the former French president who died in 1996.

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Telegram'da ko‘rish

Liberalism and Whiteness dan repost
The Ontological Dillema
of "Pro-White" Voices

Some "Pro-White" voices who identify with the labels "illiberal" and "anti-liberal" suffer from a strong case of cognitive dissonance. On the one hand they embrace white identity, and yet on the other hand they reject the very foundation and historical basis of white identity's origins.


On the Ontological Difference between Medieval Europe and the Atlanticist West

The Modern World: White and Western

They Gave Us Modernism

Race is Ontological: A Basic Question and Answer Introduction

The Spirit of Faust is Demonic

The True Charachter of the Faustian Spirit

Whiteness and Westernism broken down in a one minute video

There is no Separation of Church and State (Secularism = Anti-Christian)

America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social Order

The Progression of Liberalism

On the Liberal's Appeal to 'Common Sense'

Liberalism and Whiteness dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Americans Celebrate Rosh Hashana

Washington DC arrogantly declares its white supremacy to the world. The Americans truly believe in their Secular-Protestant concept of "Tikum Olam" or "healing the world". Heavily influenced by the traditions of Freemasonry, Calvinism, Reformed Judaism and various American cults, the liberal race's leaders see themselves as harbringers of a divine plan to enlighten humanity into their way of being.


The Progression of Liberalism

On the Liberal's Appeal to 'Common Sense'

The White Man's Burden

On the Ontological Difference between Medieval Europe and the Atlanticist West

The Modern World: White and Western

They Gave Us Modernism

Race is Ontological: A Basic Question and Answer Introduction

The Spirit of Faust is Demonic

The True Charachter of the Faustian Spirit

Whiteness and Westernism broken down in a one minute video

The Fascifist Archive dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Continued Systematic Humiliation of Germany

Germany continues to suffer perpetual humiliations at the hands of the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West which controls her. Beyond the American bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines, Germany's liberal collaborationist occupational government has further thrown the country towards de-industrialization and gradual ruin.


Europe is Doomed

U.S. President Joe Biden Appears to make a Veiled Threat

President Joe Biden's real sentiments towards Europe and Europeans

Russia's 2022: Reflections of Germany's 1939

"God is queer" was preached at the closing ceremony of the German Protestant Church Congress in Nuremberg

Otto Ernst Remer on the necessity of an alliance between Germany and Russia against Britain and America

True Christians 🐟 dan repost
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Up and Away from Sin and Iniquity
Up and Towards God and Divinity

Death to the World and its ways. Up and away from Liberalism and Americanism. Up and away from American Identity Politics. Up and Away from all that is Anti-Christ!

Liberalism and Whiteness dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Becoming White: How Whiteness infects POCs and turns them anti-ethnic

In the following clip from King of the Hill, a scenario is presented of an ethnic Laoatian man who is undergoing the process of "becoming white". He is no longer able to understand his Laoatian identity as whiteness has infected him to see himself as a "yellow man".



Civic Identity vs Ethnic Identity

How the Irish became White
by Noel Ignatiev

Becoming Yellow
by Michael Keevak

The Modern World: White and Western

On the Ontological Difference Between Medieval Europe and the Atlanticist West

They Gave Us Modernism: A Response to Megha Liliwhite's "What We Owe to the West"

The Theory of Consciousness as the Basis of Reality

The Theory of Language as the Basis of Identity

Idealism as the Philosophy of Christian Theology

The Theory of History as a Subject of Natural Revelation

What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?

Third Position Hub dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Myth of the Third Reich's Attack on the Soviet Union Being "Unprovoked"
by Zoomer Historian

In 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The narrative says that this was done to complete Hitler's dream of lebensraum. But is this actually the reason? History suggests otherwise. When the Germans themselves explained why they went East, lebensraum doesn't even come into the equation. If we examine the events surrounding the start of the war, the narrative begins to unravel and it becomes clear why they declared war.


On the Accusation that the Third Reich was the Aggressor against the Soviet Union when it engaged in Operation Barbarossa

Stalin's Secret War Plans:
Why Hitler Invaded the Soviet Union

The Secret Dossier of Finnish Marshal C.G.E. Mannerheim:
On the Diplomatic Prelude of WWII

On the claim that “Hitler broke the Ribbentrop Molotov pact for no reason”

The History of the Molotov-
Ribbentrop Pact between the
Third Reich and the Soviet Union

The Fascifist Archive dan repost
The True History of the Holy Roman Empire
by RealHistory and The Fascifist

In this paper, we prove that Benjamin Franklin was right in calling most of Europe "non-white". Most Europeans were exactly as Franklin correctly described.

We reveal the history of the "Dark Europeans". These are the Europeans who opposed the "enlightenment" and are today demonized by liberals as "savages responsible for the dark ages". We prove how the constant wars that coincided with the liberalization of Europe were actually a concise effort to destroy the rule of the "Black Nobility" in Europe and further the "White Man's Burden" of "enlightening the savages to the cause of liberty".

At long last, the history of what Benjamin Franklin calls "Europe's Swarthies and Tawnies" is finally revealed!

The Fascifist Archive dan repost
by Guillaume Durocher with editorial annotations by The Fascifist

Before we get into this speech delivered by Adolf Hitler on the 27th of January, 1932 at the Industry Club in Düsseldorf, we analyze how Hitler’s concept of “race” and “class” were heavily derived from Friedrich Niezsche’s worldview.

After this, we analyze the actual speech itself by Hitler. This speech represents the lengthiest known comments by Hitler discussing a so called “white race”, a subject otherwise almost entirely absent from his public speeches, and generally touched upon only briefly in his books and his supposed "Table Talk". It should be noted that Hitler takes a Nietzschean approach in that he uses “White Race” as a synonym for the “Bourgeois Class”.


The Fascifist Archive dan repost
The Modern World: White and Western
a production by the Fascifist

presentation diagnoses the ontological essence of the modern world. It touches upon the concepts of whiteness, white supremacy, westernism, western civilization and all other peripheral topics that relate to the socio-psychological and historical progression of the modern world from its inception to its current state.




@TheFascifist:c/The-Modern-World%EF%BC%9A-White-and-Western:5' rel='nofollow'b/b>

The Fascifist Archive dan repost
They Gave Us Modernism_.pdf
They Gave Us Modernism:
A Response to Megha Liliwhite's
"What we Owe the West"
by The Fascifist

On June 5, 2023, Megha Liliwhite published an article titled "What We Owe to the West". Usually I feel no need to respond to classical liberals when they attempt to repackage their worldview as antithetical to progressive liberalism and try to pass off the root cause of Modernity as some kind of spiritually kindred relative of the various traditional schools of thought. This time, however, I felt the need to write a response article.

It is not necessary for you to read her original article if you have not yet done so as the second portion of my response directly quotes almost every passage in her original article and responds to each passage one at a time.

The Fascifist Archive dan repost
Here is the American Conservative reaction to the topless trans person at the White House

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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