Britslore 🇬🇧

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Britslore is a project focused on exploring the culture, tradition, myth, history, and politics of the British Isles folk

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We’re looking for a graphic designer to work with for a proper logo design, among other things. If you, or someone you know is a candidate for such an endeavor, please do leave a comment so we can orchestrate this. Otherwise you can email us at

Surely one of the all-time greatest scenes in British cinema history.

A depiction of an ancient Pictish warrior based off descriptions given by the Romans. The Picts believed a Goddess had walked through their lands and thus they considered every square inch of their home sacred ground. Perhaps why they defended it so vigorously from Roman attack.

What is your ethnic background?
  •   English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
  •   Scottish/Ulster Scots 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  •   Welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
  •   Manx 🇮🇲
  •   Irish 🇮🇪
  •   Mixed British 🇬🇧
  •   British Diaspora (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿)
  •   Continental European
  •   Continental European Diaspora
  •   Other
70 ta ovoz

In our circles there is a widely circulated Tolkien quote which is quite poignant. The idea that ‘deep roots are untouched by frost’ is the essence of our mission.

To understand our Britain as an ancient Oak, is to say that it is alive. Britain is our ‘lebensraum’, our living space; our heimat, our homeland, and it is a living and breathing organism so long as we can hydrate, and nourish its roots, which is to say our roots, to allow for overflowing health and flourishing.

The idea of frost encrusting the roots of tree is indicative of a malaise which is terminal in nature. Frost inhibits the flow of hydration which represents the principle of stagnation, malnourishment, and death.

The peril we face as a folk is the frost. Before our eyes, our homeland becomes necrotic and decadent, withering away towards its slow, and painful demise. There are actors in the world who’s sole purpose is to gaslight you into believing that Britain is dead, and it is never coming back. Our mission is to participate in the revitalization of Britain. We will not let our beautiful island become a wasteland lost in time and space.

Thank you for those who have boosted us and contributed, we are beyond grateful. We are all brothers and sisters, and as long as our roots are nourished this great oak of Britain shall never die!

The sea cliffs of Conachair (located on the St Kilda archipelago) stand at 426m high. Prior to their evacuation in 1930, St Kilda islanders would scale these immense cliffs hunting sea birds with their bare hands. This was often their only source of food.,_Scotland

The early 70’s English folk band Midwinter heavily incorporated East Anglian folklore into their music. Have a listen to their wonderful song ‘Oak Tree Grove’

"He wants to know if you're Gods"
"Not Gods - Englishmen. The next best thing."

Dragos Kalajic’s Hyperborean Realism

Very quaint collection of traditional British sea-shanties. Give it a listen and celebrate our sea-faring tradition.

This project is a friend of the forest, and those who seek to preserve, and perpetuate its majestic green splendor.

Welsh inspired poster for the Interceltic Festival of 2018 in Brittany, France

A picturesque hobbit home village tucked beneath rolling green hills; scavenged from unknown sources on the internet

The Scottish dirk (Biodag in Gáidhlig). A symbol of honour amongst Highland men from the 16th century onwards. It was custom for Highlanders to swear oaths upon the Holy iron of their dirk, often considered to be a more powerful gesture than swearing upon even the Bible.

In the Black Country of the West Midlands, historically a part of Staffordshire, there is a market town by the name of ‘Wednesbury’- who’s etymology is ‘Woden’s Borough’, originally ‘Wodensbyri’ in Anglo-Saxon times.

Is there *really* anything better than the flag of Somersetshire?

The landscapes of England documentary series by historian W.G. Hoskins is masterfully aesthetic.

The folk music of English singer Vashti Bunyan is beautifully organic and deeply rooted in the folk tradition and landscape of Britain.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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