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Merry Christmas, everyone. 🎄🌟

🔴 Rumble seems to be a decent alternative to YouTube, so I have started uploading my videos on Rumble as well. If you are a Rumble user, please subscribe to me over there. 😊

Do you think this will turn into a new global pandemic?

This article is an English translation of a recent speech that Viktor Orbán gave in which he gives conservatives 12 rules to win back the West. I think he makes a lot of excellent points, and I think the American right would be a lot more successful if we embraced some of them. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
NEW - 75% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction as Biden’s approval rating hits new low, a NBC poll shows.

This is the worst number since the height of the financial crisis in 2008.


The BLM movement has caused an incredible amount of violence, destruction, death and divisiveness in the US. Many of the people who criticized it back during the 2020 riots and even earlier were labeled racist. But people are finally starting to see it for the scam that it really is.

Looks like Elon Musk is getting Twitter

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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