It's been about three months since I started using Compose for work. Although my progress was a bit slow initially, it's now a core part of my daily routine. So, I thought I’d build something entirely with pure Compose.
Instead of using Google's default stack with Retrofit, Dagger/Hilt, and Room, I decided to go with Ktor and Koin, following the MVVM architecture. I know some of you aren't fans of the "abstraction bloat" that comes with this setup, but hey, we're working with what we've got.
Instead of using Google's default stack with Retrofit, Dagger/Hilt, and Room, I decided to go with Ktor and Koin, following the MVVM architecture. I know some of you aren't fans of the "abstraction bloat" that comes with this setup, but hey, we're working with what we've got.