Bronze Age Active Club

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

White and Radical, No white guilt!
WV Based Active Club
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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Alamo Active Club dan repost
Everyone that disagrees with me politically is fat and ugly.

Alamo Active Club dan repost

Piratical Race Aesthetic dan repost
Go like my comment to get him to retweet free rob video

Piratical Race Aesthetic dan repost
Porn stars account hacked by our guy

Activism, Athletics, Identity dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Tips on putting up wheat paste propaganda.

Activism, Athletics, Identity dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish on how to do wheat past for street propaganda - part 1

NorCal Active Club dan repost

Contact: @NAC_VET

F you’re in the NorCal area and trying to get active definitely go to the NorCal Active Club! Great lads out there, keep it up!

Active Club France dan repost
🇫🇷 Arrestation de Rob Rundo

L'un des fondateurs du mouvement Active Club vient d'être arrêté en Roumanie par les agents du système. Militant infatigable, il agit fièrement pour la cause nationaliste depuis plusieurs années.

Son arrestation n'entame en rien la détermination de l’ensemble des militants Active Club. Tout ceci nous prouve encore une fois de plus que notre combat est juste, que notre militantisme est bien réel, que notre lutte n’est en rien un fantasme. Nos adversaires ne lâcheront rien tant que nous ne serons pas à genoux, il n'y aura qu'un seul vainqueur à ce combat. Vous pouvez nous diffamer, nous incarcérer, nous combattre : peu importe ce que vous essayerez, vos efforts seront vains car la flamme de notre idéal continuera de perdurer pour les décennies à venir.

Libérez Rob, libérez tous les prisonniers nationalistes !

🇬🇧 Rob Rundo arrested

One of the founders of the Active Club movement has just been arrested in Romania by the agents of the system. A tireless activist, he has been proudly promoting the nationalist cause for several years. His arrest in no way diminishes the determination of all Active Club activists. All this proves to us once again that our fight is right, that our activism is real, that our struggle is in no way a phantasm. Our opponents will not give up until we are on our knees, there will be only one winner in this fight. You can defame us, incarcerate us, fight us : no matter what you try, your efforts will be in vain because the flame of our ideal will continue to endure for decades to come.

Free Rob, free all nationalist prisoners !

Bros Pose Like Hoes Exposed dan repost
JUST IN - Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) cancels "Trans Day of Vengeance" in Washington DC due to "astronomical amounts of hate from the world."


We’re publicly winning.

Aktivklubb Hälsingland dan repost

JUNGE TAT dan repost
Es ist wieder soweit!

🥊Wir laden am 30.04 zum Boxtraining ein!

: jungetat_schweiz
Signal & Whatsapp: 079 786 82 87

ACTIVE CLUB dan repost
Not just a brand.

Jim Roberts dan repost
42% of paedo freaks get AIDS by being degenerate faggots.

41% commit suicide.

Maybe it's not that normal people won't play make believe with them that leads them to kill themselves.

Maybe it's do with the fact they're filthy, sodomite, faggots.

Wyoming Active Club dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Be the change you want to see in your community.
The people around you aren't carrying their weight?! That's fine. That's why we train and push ourselves mentally and physically, time after time.
Form your life around discipline and it will mold you into the ultimate warrior for our people.

IF NOT YOU, THEN WHO?? Are you going to leave this struggle in the hands of your little brother, your children, your grandchildren?! Get Active.

We cover all four corners of Wyoming, join your local Active Club 🦬💪🏻.

ACTIVE CLUB dan repost
"Nationalism is persecuted by the internationalist system everywhere, here in Greece we know it well, the shadowy centers of globalization in America jailed Nationalist Rob Rundo of W2R. All Nationalists united against the decadent forces of internationalism."

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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