Bundaberg businesses against discrimination

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This channel is for businesses who don't want to discriminate and people to support them

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Cops for Covid Truth dan repost

After a very somber day to read this tonight just shows karma is so beautiful to watch. We all remember burleigh village’s owners position don’t we!!!!

Cops for Covid Truth dan repost
Driving around our local Area in the Moreton Bay Region Brisbane QLD…The man driving was a volunteer who said he was sick of sitting at home doing nothing..What a Bloody Champion.

Dave Asprey Official dan repost
Enough is enough.

Google has already removed your ability to find most useful health and science information about taking care of yourself.

I no longer use Google as my search engine because it does not deliver the useful results it used to. That, and Google has become synonymous with censorship, spying, and the destruction of privacy.

May I humbly suggest that you switch to @duckduckgo, which is a search engine that actually gives you useful results instead of carefully scripted, AI-driven, mind control search results?

“Don’t be evil” was Google’s motto when I first started working with them when they were a few guys with a couple of servers.

They forgot. 🤦‍♂️

Parents With Questions dan repost
It almost doesn’t seem real, how can this be happening! In 25 Days they are going to start vaccinating our babies... We just launched our PWQ Local Activators Page 👉🏼 Jump on to our website www.parentswithquestions.com.au and see how you can get involved ON THE GROUND now!!

#parentswithquestions #wesayno #handsoffourkids

Parents With Questions dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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We don’t want to get this Wrong... These are our Children 🤔 until I know for sure I’m saying No ~ World Number 2, and 12 x World Champion from the WSL, Taj Burrow 🏄🏼‍♂️🤙🏽

💬 If you have questions as well, head to www.parentswithquestions.com.au for more information || @tajamos

#tajburrow #parentswithquestions #wesayno #handsoffourkids #surfer #WSL #protectourkids

Australiaforfreedom dan repost

Queensland government!

This is disgusting the coercion and how does a child have the ability to consent to a poison jab without parents deciding what is good for their own child!


David Avocado Wolfe dan repost

Nurses Speak Out - Australia dan repost
Thank you / Recognition 🤍

To All the beautiful souls who have acted selflessly for their families, put their bodies on the line in order to put food on the table, make mortgage or rent payments. 🤍

Speaking is healing, connect with those who listen, your voice IS valuable. 🌈🕊 @CoercionNotConsent

Velvet Revolution - Chat dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

The People's Revolution dan repost
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Share with all those sitting on the fence in regards to coming tomorrow.

See you all at Musgrave Park at 3pm.

Velvet Revolution Australia dan repost


If you give me your email l can send you the Sanctioned Lawful Moratorium and you can serve it on all Local Government Members if you don't mind please.
Just email them; as unvaccinated people aren't allowed to go in there, it's better anyway as you will receive a receipt in reply for them as proof that they were served, it is not our fault if they didn't read it, they were served. Please keep these receipts and send them to your Organiser in your state. It is our only form of communication with these criminals.

Trespass Notice
Here is the Trespass Notice which you can place on the buildings doors. You can get them printed off at Office works if you don’t have a printer, you will need a minimum of three Trespass Notices one for each building. These are OUR buildings and it won't matter if we have to clean them up a bit and it will make more jobs available our councils to clean it off WIN/WIN 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

All of The People will be allowed to paste their own Trespass Notice on the buildings, all people have a RIGHT to claim their part of the building they simply need to bring their own Tape and Trespass Notices.
I heard someone come up with the idea of getting crime tape and wrapping it around our buildings, it’s not a bad idea. We get all their computers and history and lots of evidence 👏🏻
Perhaps our X-Police Officers and Ambulance Heroes (No Jab - No Job Victims) can assist with this??? Please 🙏🏼

Make sure you advise everyone to bring water 💦 have a look at your weather forecast in your city and note it down
wet or dry
• bring water
• bring a hat 🧢
• bring an umbrella ☔️
• Snacks
• Backpack
• Tape
• Trespass Notices
• Did l mention 💦

Please ring your “police station” near you and advise the Super Intendant or highest in charge that we are having A Velvet Revolution
NO 🩸 SHED, NONE VIOLENT and we are claiming back our establishments.
A Corporation known as COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA have been squatting in our buildings and have not paid any rent for 50 odd years and we are lawfully removing them under A Velvet Revolution.
Please give them a copy of our SANCTIONED LAWFUL MORATORIUM and we would appreciate it if he/she reads it. Then ask them “on the day; PLEASE be on the right side of history”.

If anyone has a spare megaphone or microphone and speakers please ring your Organiser of your state and offer it to them for the day please🙏🏼

I require a panel of 23 Jury Members unbeknown to me.
I shall be passing on your number to the Sheriffs.
Anyone willing to sit on the Jury; please message me your Name & Contact Details please.

Thanks for now

Lyn Bennetts
Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand
AGAINST Treason, Tyranny, Fraud, Treachery & Political Corruption.
AGAINST Child Abuse, Pedophilia & Sex Trafficking.
AGAINST Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports & NO JAB - NO JOB

Researchers of Australia’s Political History.

Nurses Speak Out - Australia dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Australian Doctor speaks out on the reality of the vaccine rollout - peri/myocarditis in the young and healthy. He encourages others to speak also.

Beautiful to see Doctors finding the courage to speak up🤍🕊

Thank you ❤️
Credit: https://t.me/DavePellowe

Dr. Peter McCullough dan repost
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Covid/vaccine discussion: Dr. Peter McCullough with the legendary Joe Rogan (Pandemic)

Join 👉 @PeterMcCullough

Australiaforfreedom dan repost


The People's Revolution dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Need your help guys.

Somehow, there is still confusion on the location of the rally, although the flyer with the TPR logo clearly states Musgrave Park 3pm.

There are no events at Bar Gardens on Saturday.

Please share the below image with as many people as you can.

See you all for a memorable day for all ths right reasons, on Saturday.


Reignite Democracy Australia dan repost
Local Council campaign is HERE.

This is easy, it’ll take you a few mins to edit and print. Then drop it into the council and that’s it. Imagine if 10,000 do it in your area??? It could have a huge impact.

You have every right to have full access to those amenities, no matter what your vaccination status is.

See how to participate here | www.reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au/council-campaign

Reignite Democracy Australia dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Wow she is an absolute legend. Christine Andersen. Member of the European Parliament.
“Dear government, bring it on, let’s see what you’ve got”

Reignite Democracy Australia dan repost
Wow almost 20,000 parents will take their kids out of school if this happens (some would have more than one child at school to so this could represent 30,000 children).
We will send this to all the MPs and school board. We will screenshot the email so you know we’ve sent it.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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