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Debunking climate change lies

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Alanp dan repost

Alanp dan repost

Alanp dan repost

Alanp dan repost

Alanp dan repost

LauraAboli dan repost
Debunking the (2nd now) Biggest Man Made Hoax

This is how you debunk a massive hoax like climate change:
First, get the chairman of the 'World Physical Society' (a committee of the world's top physicists, all of them, like Prof. Glievar here, are Nobel lauriettes) to look at the whole climate agenda and then, foolishly, allow him to give a speech on it!
Then get 25 (retired) NASA climate scientists and one (retired) astronaut and ask them if they've got anything they want to get off of their chests?
Mix them together and you get this video!

Alanp dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
You do need to watch this exposure.

Noma’lum dan repost
@TonyHeller:c/hiding-the-heat-of-the-past:5?r=45mj4cSjLu4NjgVC73vsZ2Rpx5tJ21fY' rel='nofollow'>
Hiding The Heat Of The Past
Heatwaves in the US were much worse prior to the year 1960, so the US government and the press have chosen to hide that critically important data. ...

Noma’lum dan repost
This guy makes great videos debunking the lies

The Great Reset Times dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Prince Charles on the climate change hoax/agenda:

"Climate change and biodiversity loss cannot be solved without China... the future of humanity, the entire natural world on which we utterly rely for all economic activity and civilization itself depend on an evermore urgent solution."

It's ONE BIG CLUB, be glad you're not in it.

This was how Glastonbury was left after all the virtue signalling hypocrites cheered Greta Thunberg after her speech there! 😡

PS How did she get there? Walked? Cycled? 🤔

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