A&D trainings (channel)

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A&D trainings by C4T BuT S4D (channel)

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We are glad to announce that on the 12th of April we are holding Attack-Defense Stay Home CTF 2020!

The competition is planned to start at 10:00 UTC, and we’ll be playing for 8 hours in total, including 1 hour of closed network.

You can register (and choose whether you want to host a vulnbox by yourself or in cloud) using this Telegram bot: @cbsctf_bot.

Competition chats are at @cbsctf_en (international) or @cbsctf (Russian).

Competition channel is at @Stay_Home_CTF

Technical information will be published later in the channel.

And don't forget to wash your hands!

Also for those who loves Attack-Defence, we encourage you to play saarCTF (https://ctftime.org/event/980), which is organised by team saarsec. We will participate too.

The service had 4 vulnerabilities, and here are firstbloods for each vuln:

Vulnboxes will be shut down in 5 minutes

Special thanks to @lucky624 for the service development!

Thank you all for the game!

Congratulations to top-3 teams:

1) arsib sosi b
2) Rezinoviy Kodzima

We will be glad if you fill out the short feedback form: https://forms.gle/ui1as2bP36c4xHch7
Repository with services, checkers and sploits will be available here: https://github.com/C4T-BuT-S4D/blitz-15-03-2020

We’re not sponsored, so we are open for donations to make our next trainings even better.

Tinkoff (if you have multi wallet card): https://www.tinkoff.ru/sl/3JBSc9Kgiy0
DStream: https://donate.stream/cbsctf
Bitcoin: 1F6XjKjCMvHseScedHyH2xFpLybFGAfgZP

We are also glad to announce that the next competition we are holding will take place on 12th of April. It will have a classic Attack-Defence format (not blitz) and is created for you not to sleep the day RuCTF 2020 should have happened. All the teams with RuCTF invitation will be granted a special label in scoreboard. Be ready for a long battle and stay tuned!

Only 5 minutes left!

The game will end at 13:30 UTC.

Roman Nikitin dan repost

Here’s a little spoiler

Congratulations to arsib sosi b for the first blood!

Check failed verdict is DOWN actually. Will fix it in a minute

Network is opened. Good game!

Network will be opened at 11:30 UTC.

You can now get your team token with /game command

Password is a9cbb68d51259e6ecc2d26af7c3af930

You can now get connection config with /game command.

There will be 75 teams.

Registration is closed.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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