Central Grooves

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

we're going Groovies! Hello, welcome to Central Grooves the temporary agency. 🕺🏻
contact us through : @CentralGrooves_bot

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Tomorrow is finally our first close day!!!!

To celebrate our first close day, we provide a twibbon for everyone. Click here to grab yours. We want everyone to use the twibbon by 11:00 AM KST or 09:00 AM WIB, or your dare awaits. 😝‼️

Residents, the things you need to know about close day is available on the guidance paper. Read it again carefully and please ask us through the board if you don't understand.

That's all for today, rest well and have a good night Groovies!😴🌙💫

👤 kependudukannya diisi bebas atau indonesia..?

🕺🏻 : Bebas, like we said before. We want you to create your own character. Nggak peduli kalau aneh atau gimanapun bentuknya, karena itu tokoh punya kalian. 🤗


👤 aku masih ngga paham maaf, nanti di up di channel dalam bentuk kaya 2 2 nya di paper atau gimana..?

🕺🏻 : Iyaa di up ke channel dalam bentuk paper yang udah di isi. Later on I'll show mine biar kalian paham.


👤 Kita submit task 3, poin I ke bot dalam bentuk text atau photo (written on the paper)?

🕺🏻 : Poin ke I submitnya hanya dalam bentuk text yaaa. Nanti pas waktunya dikumpulin, kita kayak biasa bakal minta link postnya di channel kalian.


👤 kapan kita bakal milih mentornya?

🕺🏻 : The winner will get a privilege of choosing their own mentor first, the second winner will go on next, and so on. ❤️


👤 for the 3task one, we fill it in with our muse biodata right?

🕺🏻 : I forgot to mention it again, nggak. We want you to create your own character with using your muse as the face claim. So it doesn't have to be the same as the real artist.


and that's the board! One last announcement for today will be announced later at 09:00 PM. ⛄️

malu bertanya, sesat di jalan. so ask. 😠

👤 apa dari hari pertama sampai terakhir kelompok tetep sama?

👤 bisa nggak kita ngasih saran game atau event?

👤 if the first batch has done? apa peserta di first batch get to sign up for the second batch?

👤 kapan kita bakal milih mentornya?

👤 Kita submit task 3, poin I ke bot dalam bentuk text atau photo (written on the paper)?

👤 aku masih ngga paham maaf, nanti di up di channel dalam bentuk kaya 2 2 nya di paper atau gimana..?

👤 kependudukannya diisi bebas atau indonesia..?

👤 wanna ask itu yang di send ke bot, yang biodata kan? tapi dalam bentuk teks aja?

👥 8 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

and here's the paper

Now, congratulations on passing two tasks. For the 3rd one, we're still making it simple. 👀 To make it more understandable, I'll make it into a list of the things you have to do as your 3rd task.

I. This is an individual task, we're making a biodata. Therefore the things you will have to input are :

a. First name
b. Last name
c. Nickname
d. Date & Place of Birth
e. Gender
f. Occupation
g. Eyes color
h. Hair color
i. Weight
j. Height
k. Blood type
l. Zodiac sign

for point I, once you're done we want you to send it privately through the bot.

II. Another thing you have to input is to tell us about yourself. You can draw or just simply write down with words. You're free to decorate and write anything on the paper.

III. We will leave the piece of paper (or two) after this. You will write down the things mentioned above on the papers and decorate it as creative as you want to.

IV. Once the paper is decorated, you can post it on your channel alongside with the disclaimer

"Disclaimer: Due to @CentralGrooves's event, I will put my channel into MVRP for a meantime. Anything stated or written on this channel has nothing to do with the real [character name]."

V. We're giving out few days deadline, that means the task will be collected by the caretakers on Monday, 1st February 2021 on 09:00 PM KST or 07:00 PM WIB.

VI. For more questions, you can ask us through the board.

now's the time for announcing 3rd task. drum rolls please 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

Voting starts now, happy voting!🚨‼️🤠

  •   Team 1 : Morosis
  •   Team 2 : Signe Realm
  •   Team 3 : B.Y.E
490 ta ovoz

  •   Team 1 : Morosis
  •   Team 2 : Signe Realm
  •   Team 3 : B.Y.E
468 ta ovoz

Now's the time for vote. Because we couldn't decide which one to pick, we will be asking the outsiders to help us out.

We will have two polls, one for the group name and one for the logo. The most voted group will be the winner. Voting will begin in a moment and the closing time is tomorrow at 07:00 PM KST or 05:00 PM WIB. Goodluck Groovies!🙈‼️🕺🏻

p.s yes, this is another #shameless promotion from us🤩.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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