Charmer Street, esok free rent!

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Giving you love, affection, and comfort in our arms is our duty. Come to @charmerstbot and you will feel the grace of being loved. This is where we will show our charm, where you will feel in love just by looking into our eyes, @charmerst

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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AIGHT, that's all! Hope what I explain there can help you guys who still confuse about what the different between it. And I hope kalian ga bingung lagi ya kalau mau request ke kita mau typing yang gimana. But if you still confuse and want to ask, just come to our helper; @charmerstbot, ok? Thank you for all your attention, have a pleasant eve, Charmies!

4. Proper case.
Bonus aja sih HAHAHAH. Proper case ini kebalikan dari lower case, all. Betul, jadinya huruf besar setiap awal kata. And we didn't accept request for this kind of typing since will drain more energy. :D check the commet for example!

3. Neat typing.
Bisa dibilang ini tuh upgrade version of sentence case. And as the name, it's "neat," alias rapi. Neat typing ini should watch out what words you will write and how to type it dengan baik dan benar. Kaya, penempatan titik, koma, juga kata yang harusnya menggunakan huruf besar, dan lain-lain. Aduh, langsung cek comsect aja ya buat contohnya!

2. Sentence case.
Haa kalau ini, agak lain dari lower case. Jikalau lower case tuh huruf kecil semua, sentence mah ngga. Setence case is typing but the letter of first word pakai huruf besar. And I a.k.a Lucerne usually use this type for typing, Charmies! Kalau belum paham betul, cek comsect ya.

1. Lower case.
Lower case ini udah umum sih, and mostly people know it well. Jadi, as the name, lower case itu typing with lower alphabet at all words, Charmies! And funfact, Mouelle use this kind of type for typing. Buat contoh, you may check the comsect yo!

Jadi kali ini Charmer St. bakalan bahas 3 tipe typing ya! And 3 tipe ini tuh yang Charmer's mankind up for alias avail buat kalian request.

#information about the different of TYPING.

Kalau semisal kalian masih punya pertanyaan, boleh drop di sana. Nanti kita jawab lagi ok

Karena belum ada new question lagi, kita lanjut bahas yang lain dulu ya!

siapa yang mau nanya lagiii? ada nggaaa nih?????

👤 gamau nanya tapi mau ngasih semangat aja, semangat yaaaa

👤 Mouelle bisa buat GxG rls as sub gak?

👤 yg udah legal cung

isiii lagi dong mau nanya apa ajaa bebas dehh

👤 free rent avail brother rent gaa

👤 Free rent nya berapa hari?

👤 yg bisa gxb siapa?

👤 yang ikut sp aja nih talentnya?

👤 Ada yang ganteng gak nih?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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