Massive Salutation, telelings! We're GEEZTEEN, we're on the mission to search for Seventeen, and GFriend face claims to be a part of us. As a result, you can be a part of us with these qualifications. But before that, please kindly obey the rules below.
โ. Make sure that youโre using Gfriend & Seventeen members as your face claim. Weโre not accepting any temporary swaps condition and multichara.
โ. Twins are allowed but we only have two slot for each muse. So make sure you check up the taken list before you sign up.
โ. Weโre not accepting two faced and spies, silent reader, and people who can't keep the members' secrets. Make sure youโre not in the time of hiatus or leaving this role player world.
โ. Crackhead, talkative, noisy, and can mingle well with each other issa plus.
If you think that you can do these qualifications and interested to be part of our family, you can contact our assistant
bot and see you in our dorm.