wdyt 🅰bOut yasmine :bub?
- $weet pers0n n cRUSH m🅰terial😵💫, aRGH u r so cutE bub!!💥 wArm as a SuN☀️lasT, pwetty as s🪐turn
- taLkactive, @ s🤩ciaL buTTerfly🦋, p❤️sitive vibe$ radi🅰te w in u :D, happy virus, seem'$ friendly¿
- uR sO c😵😵L grrR, i wanna bARK at u mom🥵, u radiates ur muse vIBE🤟, LETS GET CLOSER BUB‼️ ihacoy.
- L👀K intiMidat!ng, tbh... u sc💀red me😰 but u have a badDa$ vibes💥, afraid tO be friends🫂 w/u.