ውጋት thoughts 🥀🔪

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Discussion group link @clarathoughtss
ሀገራችንን እንወዳለን ቢላም እንወዳለን🔪
Cuz we're 🔪ውጋት!!!
Join this chanal tho fr ትወዱታላቹ @ooovibe 🇪
For cross: @Queen_of_broken_heart_baby
እማማ ውጋት ብለው ያገኙናል ኑ አብረን እንደግ
#Mute ያረጋቹ lil shit dumb ppls #Unmute ቶሎ ዊ love y'ኦል

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Mn lehun yet lehid

ዳማካሴ 🧘‍♀ dan repost
Why does every habesha traditional medicine taste more like the disease.😭😭

Yikir yebelh 😭😭😭

BLOODS dan repost
በመላው ሀገሪቱ በዛሬው እለት ለሚጀመረው የሀገር አቀፉ የ12ተኛ ክፍል ፈተና የምትወስዱ አዛ የኢትዮጵያውያን ልጆች በሙሉ መልካሙ ሁሉ እንዳይገጥማቹ እንመኛለን።

ከባድ ፈተና ይሁንላቹ!!!💀


Queens💫🦋 dan repost


T êêna gè'$ stuff dan repost

Hane Queen dan repost
Hanita 👑 mahuta😍......
Hey guys this is
hanita & mahuta's channel
New music
Fun meme and videos 😂
Old musics
Best and fun
pictures & videos

Join us.......
For more happiness and smile
Enjoy the moment @Hanitate

For cross and any comment

ቴሌግራም ፋክ💀

When a girl claps before dancing just know she is a bad dancer😬#ጦቢያ


"🗿" dis emoji 💜

No one:

ሀበሻ people : እንዳትናገር ብለው እንደነገሩኝ ከሆነ....🧑‍🦽 @clarathoughts

They call me ass'ጨማቂ i mean assጨናቂ 😬


#rasn_yematfat_ምኞት_moment😩👇your moment list down here💀

What is ስሜትን መቆጣጠር ...
Its just like ቆሎ አጠገብክ ሆኖ አለመብላት🚶‍♀


I hate the word መቅነዝነዝing lol🚶‍♀


Pain killers 😌 dan repost
ብቸኝነት እንዴት ደስ ይላል በተለይ sun chips ሲበሉ👩‍🦽

አይንህ ይጥፋ

Travis drops some shit 🔥🔥


Who tf is ለማ 👀💀?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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