#Day48 of #100DaysChallenge
Good Morning everyone
It feels like it’s been a while since I last updated — had some classes and an irregular schedule. But, Alhamdulillah, I haven’t missed a day! 💪
I’ve been diving into Part 2 of the
FullStackOpen course, working through exercises that are really challenging my skills, especially around React hooks and backend connections. Here’s what I tackled:
Rendering Collections: Using array methods like filter, map, some, and includes
Filtering & Search Features: Used array filter for displaying specific elements
Keys in Rendering: Why not to use map’s index as a key for list elements
Data Fetching & useEffect: Efficient ways to handle data from a server
CRUD Operations: Manipulated the DOM with backend data
Notification System: Added basic styles and feedback notifications
Project File Structure: Real-world folder and file setups
I even set up a mock server using
json-server — a package that quickly provides a full REST API without coding. This was a great way to simulate a real backend server and database! 🚀
It is really fun and exciting as you get out of your comfort zone, struggle, get confused, fail, learn and then win.
I felt it a couple of times these 4 days 🥵.
So guys Focus on your work, Work Harder and
Keep Grinding ⚡️