
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

be good enough to forgive someone, but don't be stupid enough to trust them again.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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hdh ganteng amat pusing

On a fabulous day NCT 127 x Amoeba Culture's Save music video just came out now! Happy Comeback to 𝐍ct 127 irl, and all rpers who used them as muse especially for Jaxon, Jaserio, Juna, Alriz, Tama, Zafdreon, Faqih, Bargas, Rabil, Alan, Kalenzo, Javares, Trafalgar, Javier, Ardhian, Hesa, Kazeo, Miguel, Yudha, Kafel, Baraskal, David, Radanu, Jude, Edward, Adrien, Zevallo, Artejo, Aufa, Kaedzar, Dekaz, Arkatama, Aksan, Rielo, Malvin, Adimas, Setara, Arkais. Don't forget to stream and give them a lot of support. 🖤

btw yang absenin chaeryeong, tolong absenin jorlene ya. thanks a lot


rp nct 127, rp chaeryeong & rp haechan absen kesini bs

yang tadi isi board ada disini yaa, thanks a lot yang udah isi

Amorevolous dan repost
Halo, selamat malam! Aku mau tanya ada yang keep @HanSoheeh? Kalau ada, boleh minta dibalikin? Aku sayang banget usn itu, barusan mau aku keep tapi aku masih limit keep sampai sekarang, balikin ya.. aku punya bukti kok kalau itu punya aku, balikin ke @iTiffanyHwang ya 🥺🥺

𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐬 . dan repost
kalo report bilangnya, disrespecting god / menghina tuhan

Arya's Simp. dan repost
hai selamat siang! guys boleh mintol buat report ch ini @yvckddss dia ngaku jadi istrinya rasul and hina" tuhan gitu, itu bener bener disrespectful. So please report this ch, thanks a bunch.

Into the Minds. dan repost

Can i have all of your attention again? Days ago until today this topic blew up about the actor "Zahra" in an indonesian tv series called "Suara hati istri" on indosiar television. The point is the actor that roles as "Zahra" is still a minor but still have to film inappropriate scenes with an old man that plays a role as her husband. Even if this is just an act, it's not okay at all that a minor should act in inappropriate scenes with a old man who's way more older than them. And still counts as promoting pedophilia to everyone who watches it. Finally someone made a petition about it to stop the show, it only takes a few minutes or second to sign it and share it to your friends.

ily jemayu.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Into the Minds. dan repost

Kasus kekerasaan seksual terhadap anak telah terjadi lagi pada tanggal 28 mei 2021 jum'at lalu, dengan orang tua pelaku yang merupakan anggota dprd MENOLAK hukuman yang diberikan kepada tersangka dan memutuskan untuk MENIKAHKAN korban yang di bawah umur dengan pelaku. for more information.

Even if we're role players, please seize some action with respect because it is NOT okay at all. We have a link for a petition to stop and it takes just one minute to sign. It desires such a tremendous thing to do. Share this to your friends and be one part of morality.

ㅤ ㅤ

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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