ㅤ 𝐅or the sake of a flying executioner, I never imagined before she would meet this sweet girl, starting from harboring her taste and burying it to grow back over time, hername Venus, my favorite planet is not our planet. I'm willing to stop time, just for admire your smile even though I can't
𝐒elfish but indeed it is real I don't want to share anything about her, for this time let me be a selfish person. Why do I like it so deep? Because she is different from the others, a fussy that transforms into cutest, is very pleasant if it disturbs her any time.
𝐏eople come and leave, I know her will go later but before that let's make a beautiful memory before one of us goes to each other and becomes a stranger back, I swear I don't care if you go later as long as happiness always participates in you, H𖦹ney.