00's, Adezar.

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📝 random talk ceritanya

👤 phile. lebih suka naga atau dino

👤 𓄹 ࣪🍻Ꮺָ࣪ pernah ngalamin toxic relationship?

👤 #Cupang buat hari ini ada cerita apa aja?

👤 #トゲイン suka makan kaga?

👤 #taetae kkaaa suka lagu apa akhir akhir ini?

👤 #ray balik ke orang lama tuh menurut lo oke ga?atau malah ada opini lain??

👤 𖨂 ✦🪜🦙@nSouris > kalo mantan kangen ama kita, kudu naon?

👥 7 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

random talk bareng gue mau ga zareux?

📝 can you give me a long description about me?

👤 cool abis, ramah juga dan keliatan humble, kayanya galak tapi gatau deh

👤 #North u're so fcking gorgeous brow. like oh goshh.. how can someone be that finee.

👤 #ray lo keren bangett sih diliat dari akun dan kanalnya, ramah jugaa

👤 phile. damn, youre fine as hell, finest man ive ever seen. seems kinda cold n intimidate but i thought ure an easy going


👤 ADEZAR LO GANTENG BANGET GILA, lo juga terlihat ramah dan rendah hati, sedikit menyeramkan wkwka.

👤 KERENNN, terlihat asik, cukup mengintimidasi, dan cocok buat diajak temenan *ghibah si

👤 #taetae so cool ++ handsomeeee but you look a little intimidating and easy going ^__^

👤 #젠디 looks cool, handsome of course, very humble, and seems fun to be invited to random talk.

👤 ini orang terkeren dari yang terkeren, you're so cool and handsome *ofc😏, Kelihatan asik walaupun agak nyeremin..

👤 #mojω u look cool and friendly, i guess social butterfly bgt inimah anaknya, temennya ada dimana-mana

👤 KERENN BANGET SIHHH, humble jugaa, positive vibessss

👤 lo kerenn banget, ganteng++, friendly, easy going and humble person

👤 lu keren banget, keliatan cool tapi ternyata friendly! terus kayaknya orangnya asik buat diajak temenan, dan lu menarik

👤 Like a prince of ocean, you're very calm, sir. Kind but dangerous, I guess.

👤 u look so handsome, cool, and intimidating, anw i like yours channel sm🦸🏻‍♀️🦸🏻‍♀️📞📞

👤 kamu sangat keren dan sedikit menyeramkan,good vibess. keliatan cuek sedikit, humble

👤 Cool, handsome and kinda intimidating. Attractive, humble, and have good vibes

👥 18 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Male-Staring, the parable that eternal is eternal then the ocean will run in the same direction as thought. Man's manhood, it's not about hurting or intimidating by cheating. Not likened to the flow of thoughts of love, this is about how important the role of charisma is in identity. If this eye is injured by the slightest scratch from another person's gaze, the retribution will be crueler than what you want. First-Last death wish of some people, being stupid in many ways even the lyrics of his life. Now hanging out in the twilight becomes the wisest 'Albert Einstein' which is none other than, if possible it will start then the ending will also immediately proceed.

CHIROGRAPHY: Is encore a triumph of tremendous art nd’ pulchritude from o’ columnist; scribble engage enticing minuscule combine stygian enrapture. Disembogue entire th’ ingenuity in a fragment of paper-thin varnish with auriferous scintillation and is unquestionable extravagant. Existence paramount large-scale to actualization o' exquisiteness of consummate and enthralling writing. In appellation of conspicuous good looks, a stern countenance nd’ a amalgamation of eyebrows and eyes glimpse austere and terrible. He is a herculean and mesmerizing male, with a tall, vigorous posture and a amorous streamline embodiment enumerate to the impression of his marvelous perceive and authority that is truly immeasurable. His prodigious looks became a guideline for his esse to invariably be at the state-of-the-art, become much-publicized and panegyrize by numerous people. Invocation to the talent indigenous since childhood manufacture him a successful and blithesome man at his age now.

7 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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