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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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Dena ederu guys melkam misht sibsebaw meketatel yemitflgut be major news alelchu
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Bitget መቼስ በ ግምት አይታማም 🤩ዛሬ ገና ደስ የሚል ግመት🙌
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848 1 3 10 34

✔️Kaisar Network 📱

✅New Potential Early Alpha on Depin Sector | Chapter 0 ZeroNode .

✅Join here 👉 START

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✅Open Extension & turn it on

✅ Connect new wallet.

✅ Go to "Missions" tab & Check in daily👩‍💻

✅ Link X & Discord and complete all tasks.

✅ Click profile ~ Connect same Wallet.

✅Done 🤝


     ♡ ㅤ  ⎙ㅤ  ⌲        ✉️   
   ˡᶦᵏᵉ    ˢᵃᵛᵉ    ˢʰᵃʳᵉ   ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ

አሁን ላይ 🏛️ Pre-Market Trade እይተደረገ ያለው Paws Point 🐾 ነው እንጂ ለኛ ከሚሰጡን token 🎟️ ጋር እኩል ❌ አይደለም በለው ተናግረዋል KuCoin Exchange 🔄

ይህ ማለት አሁን Pre-Market ላይ ከገዛችሁ 💰 ወደ Token 🔄 ተቀይሮ ነው ምትሸጡት የListing 📝 ጊዜ!

ይህ ዜና ለኛ ጥሩ ነው! 🎉 ምክንያቱም ዋጋው 📉 የወረደበት ምክንያት probabaly 🤔 ይህ ነው! 🚀

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As i said.
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📌Premarket ሊስት ከሚደረገው ዋጋ ጋር ምንም የሚያገናኘው ነገር የለም📌
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Current price🤩
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በግማሹ እራሱ ሊስት ቢደረግ ያዋጣናል😁🔥

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🔹Paws Premarket ዛሬ 7 ስአት በ BYBIT እና ይጀምራል 🔥
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Binance referal $100 reward

Binance account ያልከፈታችሁ ከታች የማስቀምጥላችሁን Link ተጠቅማችሁ register ስታረጉ $100 bonus ታገኛላችሁ

Registration Link ➡️

Referral Code ➡️ CPA_00J8DACS04

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
ያለ ምንም Investment በወር እስከ $100 ልትሰሩበት የምትችሉበት አፕ ነው እኔ ሞክረሬው ሰርቶልኛል እናንተም መሞከር ትችላላችሁ

🔍እንድታውቁት የምፈልገው ነገር ይህ App አሁን የህን post ባደረኩበት ሰዓት በትክክል ይከፍላል ነገር ግን maybe ከትንሽ ጊዜያት በኋላ መክፈሉን ሊያቆም ስለሚችል በጊዜ ጀምሩት

ለመጀመር ይህንን Link ነክታችሁ ከ Playstor አፑን download አድርጉ

Play Games & Earn Crypto like Bitcoin,Ethereum, Binance coin, Ripple and more
mCrypto App-

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Good morning 👋

Tomorrow 🕺
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🐶Information on Paws is that:
11th March - Claiming tokens to Exchanges will commence
15th March - Claiming will Close

17th March - Deposit will be Available to Exchanges
18 March - Listing Date And On-Chain Claim via SOL will be made available
Stay tuned for more updates..

Not official ! anyways we will see whats gonna happen .
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Eligible ለመሆን register ማድረግ እና ታስክ መስራት ግዴታ ነው።

እኔ ጋር ግን ቴሌግራም Connect ሊሰራ አልቻለም ከሰራላችሁ አሳውቁኝ እስቲ😢

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MEMEX airdrop registration

Memex ሰርታችሁ ለነበራችሁ....

- በዚህ ሊንክ ግቡ
- አካውንት ክፈቱ
- ሪፈራል ኮድ ከጠየቃችሁ 👇

- ልክ እንዴ ትዊተር ነው።
- airdrop 🏆 እሚለውን ንኩ...በቀኝ በኩል አለ
- ሁሉንም ታስክ ስሩ

⚠️ ቴሌግራም connect እያስቸገረ ነው አንዳንዱ ጋር ስለሚሰራ ከሰራላችሁ ሞክሩ።

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SEED እረስተውን ነው ወይስ ደና ነገር እያበሰሉ ነው?🤔

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Guys its premarket🎮
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Paws comin to bybit
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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.