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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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🔴💚💛🔴 If this doesn't warm your heart and heal your sorrows, nothing will! Mighty Hizbullah Mouqawameen who have suffered extensive injuries in the Tuesday and Wednesday Massacres thank ALLAH (SWT) for their wounds; vow to hit the front and enter Palestine the moment they heal; reaffirm their love for Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (H.A.); defy the Jews; and pledge to NEVER abandon Gaza. The Swords of Imam Ali (A.S.), Imam Hussein (A.S.) and Lady Fatima az-Zahra (A.S.) will cut again! 🔴💚💛🔴

(Striking Star Salute 💫 to GRN affiliate and our most beloved brother Al-Ankabut for the beautiful, brilliant, timely and soul-comforting translation!) 🔴💚💛🔴








🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴💚💛🔴 Hizbullah moujahideen wounded in the Tuesday and Wednesday Massacres watch Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's (H.A.) solemn and vital speech. The bond between the people and their resistors; the resistors and their leader; the leader and Imam al-Mahdi (A.T.F.S.) is so immovable and unbreakable that a junior flyweight has a better shot of punching a hole in Mount Everest. The Jews don't and won't EVER understand this Islamic phenomenon--and that is why their terrorism failed. 🔴💚💛🔴







🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴💚💛🔴 Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (H.A.) concludes his speech. What he delivered will change the course of the battle... And history (3/3). 🔴💚💛🔴

"We cannot submit to these threats or stop supporting Gaza. And we will not. Not ever.

"The Resistance in Lebanon will not stop supporting Gaza, the West Bank and the oppressed Palestinian people. Thus, the enemy has not achieved its goal.

"The enemy aimed to strike at the Resistance’s environment, exhaust it, deplete it and force it to cry out to the Resistance and say, 'Enough'.

"The statements of the wounded themselves reflect their morale, great patience and determination to return to the field, which is another crippling response to the enemy.

"We are humbled by the families of the martyrs and the wounded, their resolve, patience, and steadfastness. This is the response of our environment and our country as a whole through solidarity.

"The enemy also aimed to destroy the Resistance's infrastructure, strike command and control systems, target as many leaders as possible and create chaos and weakness within our structure, which did not happen at all.

"There was no moment of weakness in the Resistance’s structure; we were prepared on the front for any scenario. We did not waver or shake.

"Our structure is so strong, resilient, well-equipped, and cohesive that it cannot be shaken even by a major crime of this magnitude.

"The enemy must understand that they cannot harm our infrastructure, determination, or will; they are foolish and ignorant of the deep moral strength of our environment.

"The enemy's talk about shifting the focus to the North varies after expanding the war's objectives by relocating their settlers to northern occupied Palestine.

"Can you return the displaced to the north? We accept this challenge, but you will not be able to return them. Do whatever you want!

"The only way to return the displaced people to the North is to halt the aggression on Gaza and the West Bank.

"What you plan to do will only increase the displacement of Northern settlers and diminish the chance of their return.

"We hope the foolish proposal by the Commander of the Northern region to establish a security belt is implemented, as we consider it a historic opportunity that will have major impacts on the battle.

"We are searching now for their tanks day and night. We would welcome these troops if they came to the South. You may see it as a threat, but to us, this is a historic opportunity!

"The security zone you dream of in the South will be turned into hell for your troops. You will face the ones you attacked on Tuesday and Wednesday, who have only become more determined to fight.

"Allow me to speak with a different tone today, for this attack was done covertly: The reckoning will come, and it will be severe. I will not speak about a date or time. You will know of it when it happens; you will not hear about it before.

"We will keep plans and intentions for our severe response limited to our narrowest circles. You will hear nothing. You shall only see.

"I hope the Lebanese people hold on to the sense of unity we witnessed the past two days and pay no mind to the petty ones trying to create strife and division.

"The enemy's foolish, narcissistic, savage leadership is leading the entity to its demise, to the abyss, insha'ALLAH. If they choose to escalate against Lebanon, that will only cause more settlers, these occupiers and land thieves, to flee from the North.

"I pray to ALLAH (SWT) to aid our Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, who are being massacred before the world. I pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded so they can return to the battlefield. Your words for us are deeply moving and leave us humbled beyond comprehension.

"The enemy does not understand the deep cultural and sentimental relationship the people and the Resistance have. They have failed and will fail to achieve all their goals. Insha'ALLAH, grand victory awaits us." 🔴💚💛🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴💚💛🔴 Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (H.A.) continues his pivotal speech on the Tuesday and Wednesday Massacres (2/3). 🔴💚💛🔴

"ALLAH (SWT) saved us with His Mercy and Generosity. The number of martyrs was lower than the enemy had aimed for because of how the people, ambulances and medical workers all rushed to save lives.

"We have formed multiple internal investigation committees and are studying all scenarios, hypotheses and possibilities, and we have reached an almost conclusive result. 

"The entire matter, from production to consumption to the moment of the explosion, is under investigation, and actions will be taken accordingly.

"We are a realistic and honest people. There is no doubt that we have suffered a significant blow, both in terms of security and humanity, unprecedented in the history of our Resistance, and perhaps in the history of the conflict with the enemy. 

"We have endured a severe strike, but this is the nature of war, and we are aware that the enemy has technological superiority, as it is backed by the US and the entire West, with all of their advancements at the enemy's fingertips.

"When we engage in this struggle, we rely on effort, Jihad and attrition, and we have achieved victory as a result many times thus far.

"There are days when we triumph over our enemy, and days when our enemy triumphs over us... The past two days were a heavy burden and a great test, but we will overcome it with pride.

"The important thing is that this major blow did not bring us down, and it will not.

"We will become stronger, more determined and more resilient, capable of overcoming all dangers.

"Our front was highly effective and exerted immense pressure on the enemy, as evidenced by the enemy's actions and statements, regardless of what is being said here and there.

"When the enemy says that what is happening in the North is the first historical defeat for 'Israel', it is further evidence of the effectiveness of our front. 

"All the forces the enemy has deployed to the North confirm that it is facing a genuine and powerful threat on this front.

"The enemy has admitted to losing the North, which forced Netanyahu and Gallant to find a solution for this front, which is considered one of the most important fronts of attrition.

"Our front is one of the most important bargaining chips that the Palestinian Resistance holds to stop the aggression on Gaza. 

"Many pressures, threats, and assaults were exercised to halt the Southern front, and the recent strike came in this context. 

"Tuesday afternoon, after the first attack, the enemy sent us a message through official and unofficial channels, threatening that if we do not close our front, they have more in store for us. And so the attack on Wednesday came.

"In the name of the martyrs, the wounded, the ones who lost their eyes and palms, and in the name of every person who has taken on the responsibility of supporting Gaza, we tell Netanyahu and Gallant: The Lebanese front will not stop until the war on Gaza ends." 🔴💚💛🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴💚💛🔴 Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (H.A.), with Ayah 39 of Surat al-Hajj from the Holy Qur'an emblazoned in the background, "Permission to fight is granted to those who are being fought, because they have been wronged. And indeed, ALLAH is competent to give them victory", delivers his moving, stern, human and critical speech following the Jews' pager terrorist attack in Lebanon (1/3). 🔴💚💛🔴

"What prompted me to speak today are the events that have occurred over the past two days, which require discussion, assessment and a stance. 

"I must first, before everything, congratulate all Muslims on the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) and the birth of his grandson Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq (A.S.)

"I address the families of the martyrs, whether the martyrs of the bombings inside or the martyrs of the front in the South, with my deepest condolences for the loss of their loved ones.

"I extend my gratitude to the government, the medical sector in Lebanon, and for the serious approach taken by all, as well as to everyone who donated blood in various Lebanese regions. 

"I thank everyone who took the initiative to transport the wounded and those who expressed their readiness to donate organs to the injured. 

"I thank our kind people, our dear citizens from all regions, and the political and union leaders who stood in solidarity with us. 

"One of the blessings from what happened is the great, unprecedented humanitarian and moral epic we witnessed on both the national and humanitarian levels.

"I extend my thanks to the countries that took the initiative to send medical aid and transport the wounded, including Iraq and Iran, and to the Syrian government for opening the doors of its hospitals.

"What happened on Tuesday was the targeting and simultaneous detonation of thousands of pager devices, with the enemy showing no concern for anything. 

"The enemy did not care that pager carriers were in civilian areas, using a civilian tool. 

"As a result of this aggression, dozens of martyrs, including children and women, have been martyred, and thousands have been injured, with the true numbers to emerge over time. 

"The enemy knew that the number of pager devices was 4,000, distributed among Hizbullah members, meaning it deliberately intended to kill 4,000 people in one minute.

"The enemy's intent the next day was to kill thousands of wireless device carriers.

"Over the course of two days, in one minute each day, the enemy sought to kill 5,000 people in two minutes, with complete disregard for all human life.

"This criminal act is a major terrorist operation, an act of genocide, a massacre, and amounts to a declaration of war. 

"Many of the injuries were minor, and several pagers were either out of service, distant, or not distributed in the first place. 

"The human efforts and the eagerness shown by the people contributed to reducing the number of severe injuries. 

"This eagerness, human effort, and high morale thwarted a large part of the enemy's goal of killing 5,000 people." 🔴💚💛🔴






🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴🫡 🔴 The IOF invaded the Jenin city of Qabatiya late last night and has been engaged in a brutal aggression since. Seven Palestinian Resistance fighters from Kata'ib Shouhada al-Aqsa and Saraya al-Quds have attained the rank of Shahid in the ongoing battle. 🔴🫡 🔴

We recite Al-Fatiha for Kata'ib Shouhada al-Aqsa Commander Shadi Zakarneh (R.A.), who also served in the PA National Security Forces but in the end, chose Resistance over collaboration; Khaled Abou al-Rab (R.A.); and Muhammad Omar Abou Khamira (R.A.) They elevated amidst a clash with the enemy interlopers and left Earth without ANY bullets in their weapons.

We send our salaams and blessings upon Saraya al-Quds Jenin Brigade Qabatiya Battalion Commander Ahmed al-Zakarneh (R.A.), nom de guerre "Abou Maher"; Omar Abou al-Rab (R.A.); and Fadi Hanaysheh (R.A.), all whom were butchered by Energa shells after the Tumor carried out an air raid on a rooftop.

And we make du'a for the soul of Moustafa Zakarneh (R.A.), who the Jews assassinated in a drone strike.

Heroes of heroes and worthy entrants into the Wasp's Nest 🐝 Pantheon of Martyrs that has reigned supreme during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. True indeed, outside of Gaza itself, no place in Palestine has made the sacrifices that Jenin al-Qassam has made. 🔴🫡 🔴



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇵🇸 🤬 BREAKING: The usurping Zionist entity has just murdered Ahmad al-Ghoul (R.A.) - brother of martyred Palestinian journalist Isma'il Ghoul (R.A.), who was beheaded with his colleague, Rami al-Reefi (R.A.), two months ago - in a sadistic air raid on the south of Gaza. 🇵🇸 🤬

This is the "Blotting Out Amalek" Imperative in action. From even before the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) was born until now... From the Haniyeh family to the Al-Areer family to the Ghoul family and so many others... This is an extermination. This is Goyicide. This... is Judaism. 🇵🇸 🤬


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇱🇧 🤬 You all saw how on X, the Jewish owner of Barstool Sports, Dave Portnoy, made light of the Zionist terror attack on Lebanon. We've come to expect this from Jews who've shown their true face to the world these past months, having no shame whatsoever in laughing and gloating over dead children in Gaza. Sickeningly, Shabbos Goyim like Linda Yaccarino - who is the CEO of X Corp - seem to enjoy the Jewish bloodlust just as much. Here she is revelling in the terror, posting an edgy and fun 'bang' emoticon in response. There's no place for anti-Semitism on X, but mocking the victims of 'Israeli' terrorism is a-okay! The double standards are stark. And Jewish. 🇱🇧 🤬

We get sent to prison for cracking jokes about the 'holocaust', yet it is infinitely more tasteful to joke about the holofraud than to joke about people who actually died.

In this week's latest 'Israeli' terror attack in the Levant, women and children were killed; thousands were injured; innocents have sustained life-changing injuries having their eyes surgically removed. Yet these people poke fun, openly, with not an iota of shame.

It's like Satan himself is speaking through these demonic personalities. Perhaps that thought is not in fact so far from the truth. 👿 🕎



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴🫡 🔴 Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi (H.A.), who was set to speak today, has cancelled his speech and rescheduled it for Saturday, which will mark the 10th anniversary of Ansarullah's history-shifting September 21st Revolution. He has instead instructed his people - and the entire Ummah - to follow the equation-changing speech of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (H.A.) 🔴🫡 🔴

If Abou Jibreel (H.A.) is deferring... You know this is going to be imperative. Clear your schedules and tune in, Floodsmen and Floodswomen. 🔴🫡 🔴







🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴🫡 Five more pure-hearted moujahideen from Hizbullah, four of whom have been present in the struggle for decades, have left this world for Jannah's Gardens With The Streams Running In Them. 🔴🫡

Ya Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) for veteran Nazir Yousuf Noun (R.A.), codename "Jaber", from the Bekaa Valley village of Ram in Baalbak-Hermel. He was 53 years old and the second Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Shahid from Ram, now joining his warrior-brother, Haydar Ali Noun (R.A.), who ascended last November, on the Other Side.

Ya Ali (A.S.) for veteran Fadlallah Shehadeh Msheik (R.A.), war-name "Adam", from the Bekaa Valley village of Mazraat Beit Msheik in Baalbak-Hermel. He was 54 years old and Mazraat Beit Msheik's first Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Shahid.

Ya Hussein (A.S.) for veteran Hussein Ali Amhaz (R.A.), fighting-name "Kifah", from the Bekaa Valley village of Nabha in Baalbak-Hermel. He was 53 years old and Nabha's first Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Shahid.

Ya Zahra (A.S.) for veteran Bassam Hussein Fatouni (R.A.), battle-name "Alaa", from the South Lebanon village of Khirbet Salim in Bint Jbeil. He was 49 years old.

And Ya Zaynab (A.S.) for Jaafar Ahmed al-Hussein (R.A.), Jihadi-name "Moujahid", from the Bekaa Valley town of Sohmor. He was 35 years old.

The usurping Zionist entity's terrorism, which is being whitewashed by both the British and American wings of the Jewish mainstream media, continues to steal lives. But the Lebanese people are steadfast and their will not be dented even in the slightest--let alone broken.🔴🫡




🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇵🇸 🕊 Three prominent pillars of the Palestinian community in Gaza, from three different sectors, have been martyred by IOF in the last few days as well. 🇵🇸 🕊

Dr. Ziyad Muhammad Dalou (R.A.), the Deputy Director of the Internal Medicine Department at Al-Shifa Hospital, had been abducted and imprisoned by the Tumor all the way back on March 21st, 2024. It has just been confirmed that he was tortured... And murdered. Following the killing of his colleague, medic Hamdan Annaba (R.A.), last week, Dr. Dalou is now the 38th prisoner and the 900th medical professional butchered by 'Israel' since October 7th.

Dr. Mahmoud Salman Younis (R.A.), the Director of Shouhada Al-Nuseirat School and a prominent professor and researcher, had his life stolen when a Zionist drone fired a missile into a group of citizens near Al-Ahli Club in Nuseirat Refugee Camp.

And DFLP activist Fahd Mahmoud Ahmed Abou Ghanem (R.A.), from Al-Shati Refugee Camp, a member of the Front's Workers' Unity Bloc and the head of its Emergency Committee, achieved the rank of Shahid in a brutal bombardment from Jewish occupation regime warplanes. He was 38 years old. 🔴

Doctor. Teacher. Resistor.

All serving the Palestinian people, especially the youth, in their own way.

Now their friends and families and children have to pick up the pieces and find a way to live without them here in the physical. And the Resistance, with its arms honest and true, begins the road to avenging them proper. 🇵🇸 🕊



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🗞 🇬🇧 ✡ The front pages of the British tabloids today whitewash this week's dastardly Jewish terror attacks on Lebanon's people. The blasts, which were set off in public spaces all over Lebanon, murdering and maiming hundreds of innocent people, are presented in Orwellian terms as some triumphant victory in a 'war on terror'! 🗞 🇬🇧 ✡

British people have been locked up by the ZOG for printing leaflets that criticise mass immigration.

British historians like David Irving have been persecuted relentlessly by the state for questioning the so-called 'holocaust'.

Yet here we are, with the mainstream press celebrating what is a paradigmatic act of Jewish terrorism that killed women and children indiscriminately.

Dear Britain, tell us you're run by Jews without telling us you're run by Jews. 🇬🇧 👀



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇵🇸 🕊 Three Palestinians have risen to Heaven from the war theater of the occupied West Bank over the last 48 hours as they dug into confrontations with the illegitimate Jewish regime. 🇵🇸 🕊

Samir Nakrzi (R.A.), from the Tulkarem village of Al-Jarushiya; Hassan Yousuf Hassan al-Sha'er (R.A.), 17 years old, from the Ramallah town of Ni'lin; and Hani Majdi al-Kari (R.A.), 16 years old, from the Al-Quds refugee camp of Shufat... are all martyrs.

Al-Fatiha for their militant souls. The older generation and the youth united in combat and blood. They are remembering... And they are resisting. It is the Jews' worst nightmare. Alhamdulillah. 🇵🇸 🕊



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

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