NEGROES IN NEGROLAND | Audiobook (Hinton Rowan Helper | 1868)
-Cannibalism in negroland
-Human butcheries and human sacrifices in negroland
-Human skulls as sacred relics and ornaments in negroland
-Blood-thirstiness and barbarity of Negroes in negroland
-Slavery and the slave-trade in negroland
-Heathenish superstition and witchcraft in negroland
-Fetichism, priestcraft and idolatry in negroland
-Rain doctors and other doctors in negroland
-Nakedness, shamelessness and prostitution in negroland
-Drunkeness and debauchery in negroland
-Night carousals and noisy and nonsensical actions in negroland
-Inhospitality to strangers, begging, extortion and robbery in negroland
-Wrangling, lawlessness, penury and misery in negroland
-Theft as a fine art among the Africans
-Lying as an accomplishment among the Africans
-Duplicity and venality of the Negroes in negroland
-Revolting voracity and gluttony of the Negroes in negroland
-Dislike of their own color by the Negroes in negroland
-Courtship, marriage and concubinage in negroland
-Mumbo jumbo in negroland
-Funeral and burial rites in negroland
-Indolence and improvidence of the Negroes
-Timidity and cowardice of the Negroes
-African anecdotes
-Utter failure and inutility of all missionary enterprises in negroland
-Miscellaneous peculiarities, manners, habits and customs of the Negroes in negroland
-Huts, hovels and holes (but no houses) in negroland
-Gradual decrease and probable extinction of the black race
-Natural, repulsive and irreconcilable points of difference, physical, mental and moral, between the whites and the blacks
-American writers on the Negro
-Mulattoes, the offspring of crimes against nature
-Albinos, white Negroes and other creatures of preternatural whiteness
-Increasing pre-eminence and predominance of the white races
The Negroes In Negroland | Text
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-Cannibalism in negroland
-Human butcheries and human sacrifices in negroland
-Human skulls as sacred relics and ornaments in negroland
-Blood-thirstiness and barbarity of Negroes in negroland
-Slavery and the slave-trade in negroland
-Heathenish superstition and witchcraft in negroland
-Fetichism, priestcraft and idolatry in negroland
-Rain doctors and other doctors in negroland
-Nakedness, shamelessness and prostitution in negroland
-Drunkeness and debauchery in negroland
-Night carousals and noisy and nonsensical actions in negroland
-Inhospitality to strangers, begging, extortion and robbery in negroland
-Wrangling, lawlessness, penury and misery in negroland
-Theft as a fine art among the Africans
-Lying as an accomplishment among the Africans
-Duplicity and venality of the Negroes in negroland
-Revolting voracity and gluttony of the Negroes in negroland
-Dislike of their own color by the Negroes in negroland
-Courtship, marriage and concubinage in negroland
-Mumbo jumbo in negroland
-Funeral and burial rites in negroland
-Indolence and improvidence of the Negroes
-Timidity and cowardice of the Negroes
-African anecdotes
-Utter failure and inutility of all missionary enterprises in negroland
-Miscellaneous peculiarities, manners, habits and customs of the Negroes in negroland
-Huts, hovels and holes (but no houses) in negroland
-Gradual decrease and probable extinction of the black race
-Natural, repulsive and irreconcilable points of difference, physical, mental and moral, between the whites and the blacks
-American writers on the Negro
-Mulattoes, the offspring of crimes against nature
-Albinos, white Negroes and other creatures of preternatural whiteness
-Increasing pre-eminence and predominance of the white races
The Negroes In Negroland | Text
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