My twisted mind at night:)
To all insomniacs. (If you can't sleep write or do something useful) I heard a funny sentence "If you can't sleep it means you are awake in someone's dream and It would be great that someone will stop dreaming about me. 😃
It's been a little while since I last posted anything. As you know, I came to Tashkent just four days ago, and it's kind of taking a toll on me. My routine has been completely disrupted. (I only went for running one time and that's not good)
There is so much I want to share. (but something inside me is stopping me)
First, I wanted to talk about my general impressions about Tashkent. I had a lot in mind. (I have always a lot in my mind but I speak my mind rarely) Without any particular order, there are many advantages to living in the capital: (but I am two minds about it should I live in Tashkent after settling down or should I get back my home town? )
The people here, in my mind, are generally more civilised. (but not all of them, there are some idiots can be found if you observe carefully) You can sense this when people know how to keep decorum in lines. Yesterday, I visited a drugstore and the other visitors were actually observing social distancing.
Also, the streets are so much cleaner. Back at home, (this was so annoying) I would have to clean my shoes every time I went out for anything. But Tashkent... is Tashkent. There are many more things to do here as well, from taking a walk in the park to basically anything imaginable. The mosques are breathtaking. The list goes on and on. (and there are a bunch of coffee shops) (never drink coffee in the evening; a small cup of coffee can make you sleepless like I'm now and you will over think a lot, get mad about old pain even if you moved past it and still don’t understand why you deserved it. This is not healthy habit especially at night)
Some aspects about Tashkent go two way. For example, the earnings here are much higher than in other regions. But the same is true for expenditures. Personally, my expenses in the last two days haven't just gone up; they have skyrocketed. (but I have to save up for the wedding) 😃
Today I also met up with my close friend Shuhrat and we paid a visit to the garden near the TV tower and talked a lot about the future and plans; to be honest it was a blast.
Another thing is diversity and freedom. The people here are so different, diversity, and sometimes even eccentric. This can be positive, and it could be negative too. A little bit of cultural pressure can work miracles.
As for disadvantages, there are many but that... is a subject of another talk. Sleep well, everyone. (I know except me everyone is sleeping)