Day by Day

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

• It is interesting how day by day nothing changes. But, when you look back everything is different.
It's not an IELTS or English-related channel. Sometimes, I write news about my life and all of them for memory.

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Honey, I've come.
Honey, where are you?
Oh, there you are:

"The truth is that most people are not as busy as they claim to be." (People make time for the things and the people that are important to them.)

P.S. Taken from IELTS reading passage. These passages are mostly very interesting if you read them simply to try to understand and not just to answer the question. In fact, when you read the passage with a clear understanding, you have the higher chance of getting more answers correct.


My twisted mind at night:)

To all insomniacs. (If you can't sleep write or do something useful) I heard a funny sentence "If you can't sleep it means you are awake in someone's dream and It would be great that someone will stop dreaming about me. 😃

It's been a little while since I last posted anything. As you know, I came to Tashkent just four days ago, and it's kind of taking a toll on me. My routine has been completely disrupted. (I only went for running one time and that's not good)

There is so much I want to share. (but something inside me is stopping me)

First, I wanted to talk about my general impressions about Tashkent. I had a lot in mind. (I have always a lot in my mind but I speak my mind rarely) Without any particular order, there are many advantages to living in the capital: (but I am two minds about it should I live in Tashkent after settling down or should I get back my home town? )

The people here, in my mind, are generally more civilised. (but not all of them, there are some idiots can be found if you observe carefully) You can sense this when people know how to keep decorum in lines. Yesterday, I visited a drugstore and the other visitors were actually observing social distancing.

Also, the streets are so much cleaner. Back at home, (this was so annoying) I would have to clean my shoes every time I went out for anything. But Tashkent... is Tashkent. There are many more things to do here as well, from taking a walk in the park to basically anything imaginable. The mosques are breathtaking. The list goes on and on. (and there are a bunch of coffee shops) (never drink coffee in the evening; a small cup of coffee can make you sleepless like I'm now and you will over think a lot, get mad about old pain even if you moved past it and still don’t understand why you deserved it. This is not healthy habit especially at night)

Some aspects about Tashkent go two way. For example, the earnings here are much higher than in other regions. But the same is true for expenditures. Personally, my expenses in the last two days haven't just gone up; they have skyrocketed. (but I have to save up for the wedding) 😃

Today I also met up with my close friend Shuhrat and we paid a visit to the garden near the TV tower and talked a lot about the future and plans; to be honest it was a blast.

Another thing is diversity and freedom. The people here are so different, diversity, and sometimes even eccentric. This can be positive, and it could be negative too. A little bit of cultural pressure can work miracles.

As for disadvantages, there are many but that... is a subject of another talk. Sleep well, everyone. (I know except me everyone is sleeping)


Sounds challenging but interesting enough to take part in.

Waiting and being patient is so difficult when you don't know what will happen in the end but I always hope for the best.

Character is shown during travel or in long-term relationships.


Process of learning a language.

When you are learning a language you will be a newborn baby, you can't even walk, you can't even say a word. What the new babies do? They actually observe people around them for 2 years to say a word.

You are as an individual you have right mindset, you are clever and you can decide, you have a reason to learn so process of learning a language is going to be easier for you than new born babies but you are still newborn baby when it comes to English language.

What should you do?

Try to surround yourself with English atmosphere but in the beginning it's hard and you can't do it. A lot of students fail all the time when they begin their journey. They can't get really high score because they don't have the atmosphere. I remember me studying back then to get my C1 in winter in my first attempt. How did I do that? I consumed only English content and I wasn't watching movies for fun; I was learning, writing down things that I didn't know. Listening podcasts all the time and reading together, working on my writing.

When you start changing yourself and your habits your life changes. For those who are learning English right now my best advice is surround yourself with language and you have to live in that language.


Many people will panic to find a charger before their phone dies. But won’t panic to find a plan before their dream dies.

Can’t believe it’s July; time flies when are you busy with yourself and work hard every day.

Saying no

Being a confident person is not easy if you can't stand up to the people around you. First, you should respect yourself, and saying no to things you don't like is totally acceptable.

Let's take this imaginary situation as an example: some people don't like to dance or can't dance. If you are someone who doesn't dance at weddings, myself included, you might feel awkward among people who don't understand your situation. You can be better than them in any other field—chess, language, speaking in front of a big audience, and so on. Not dancing due to your character or moral rules, doesn't mean you don't respect people. It might simply be difficult for you, or you could be a classic introvert who finds being among large crowds challenging.

Keep this in mind all the time: don't pressure people. We can't change people's behavior. Moving a huge mountain from one place to another is easier than changing one's behavior. Accept people as they are without trying to change them.

Long story short: if you don't like something, just say no and keep moving. You don't have to explain in detail.



When you are angry, don't show your emotions right away. Count to 30-60 or leave the place for a while for thinking clearly.

Sometimes not everything is worth for showing reaction and blaming people all the time for everything is the sign of weakness.



Writing is the highest form of any language. While spoken language is useful for exchanging information but people often forget what was said in conversations. Written communication, especially in formal contexts, gives opportunity better retention and analysis of information. In the Western world, email is commonly used for business purposes because it saves time and energy, and allows for careful thought and editing before sending.

In Uzbek, If you write without mistakes people laugh at you but I don't know the reason so I prefer communicating in English with those who understand it.

Improving your second language is difficult, especially the productive skills (speaking is harder than writing) which can be a real challenge. To make your use of the language more natural, you should immerse yourself in crazy amount of content in that language. It's important to compare yourself not with others, but with your past self. Look at who are you today and who were you yesterday.

While writing, pay attention to punctuation and grammar rules as much as possible. Plus, it's not a good idea sending a voice message to strangers, this can be considered rude if you don't know the person well.


Power of writing

Every morning when I wake up, my brain often comes up with extraordinary ideas, but if I continue sleeping, they will fade away, and I won't remember them later. This happens to me frequently. To solve this problem, I take notes whenever I have a good idea. For instance, I keep a pen and a small notebook under my pillow to jot down thoughts as soon as I wake up.

Journaling is a useful habit for organizing my thoughts. In the beginning, writing down your ideas might be difficult, but over time, it becomes second nature, and you'll become a more organized person.

For example, I've noticed that recording my thoughts has helped me plan my day better and come up with creative solutions to problems.



This comeback is personal. It's an apology to myself.

Let's be serious and discuss more substantial topics. Maybe I can't fully express what's on my mind in English yet, but I believe that, over time, I can master writing in English. Let's mark today as a fresh beginning and commit to writing daily reflections on different topics to sharpen our minds.



People use the same language to communicate (Uzbek, English, or Russian) but they often don't truly understand each other. All languages are just combinations of different sounds. To understand the person in front of you, use your soul, not just your ears.

Lying and broken promises weaken relationships, while being honest in difficult situations and discussing problems with a calm mind create strong bonds over time.

There is a good saying in Uzbek that I like: "Get older together." Recently, I began reading Tohir Malik's book, which is mainly about family. People can live in one house for 30-50 years as a couple, but over time they can become enemies due to lying and not listening to each other in difficult situations. Don't neglect anything in your life; small things can lead to big problems.



I have a habit of staying silent and not speaking at all when I am angry or when I witness something bad happening and can't do anything to make the situation better.

Whenever you see me totally silent, it means I am thinking deeply and something is seriously wrong.


Today is the day to remember. 🏡

Wed, July 17

Aziz Rahimov dan repost
Yo'lga chiqqaningizni bildiradi.

Ingliz tilini bilish kerak.

Kerak degani, yetarli degani emas.

IELTS olib hamma ishni qotirib qo’ydim deyayotganlarni kundan-kun ko’proq uchratyapman.

Bir nima desangiz - "Meni IELTSim nechiligini bilasizmi?" deb savol berayapti.

Tabriklayman. Siz ingliz tilini bilasiz. Dunyodagi 1,5 milliard(!) odam kabi.

Siz endi butun dunyodan ma’lumot ola olasiz. Til yordam beradi.

Bu ma’lumotlarga qanchalik amal qila olasiz? Bilmadim. Bunda tilni o’zi yordam bermaydi.

Siz endi millionlab odamlar bilan gaplasha olasiz. Til yordam beradi.

Gaplashadigan saviyali mavzuingiz bo’larmikin? Hayotiy tajribangiz? Qiziqarli voqealaringiz? Bunga tilni o’zi yordam bermaydi.

Ishlarni tezroq bitira olasiz. Til yordam beradi.

Qaysi ishlarni qilishingiz kerakligini, sizga qaysilari mosligini tushunib yetarmikinsiz? Bunga tilni o’zi yordam bermaydi.

Til bilmay, yuzlab ishlarni qoyil qilayotganlar bor. Til o’rganib shundan boshqasini eplay olmayotganlar bor.

IELTS manzilga yetganingizni bildirmaydi. Yo’lga chiqqaningizni bildiradi.

Safaringiz bexatar bo’lsin azizlar!



How do I manage my time? I don't, and frankly, I can't. .😅 Human beings are just too weak for that.(These days I'm moving a lot from one place to another so managing the time is somehow difficult.)

But I do have an interesting strategy that works for me very well. Since I can't stop wasting my time, I try to waste it with benefit.

Well, you see, since my childhood, I've always been hooked on something. At some period, it was football, then board games, running, reading books and so on. I have to have some kind of addiction.

Hence why I try to work out my appetite for things that benefit me. These days, for example, I'm hooked on watching useful documentary soap operas in English. After recently finishing 'Rise of empires; Ottoman' and 'From dirt to riches' a documentary movie about Khabib Nurmagomedov. I have now started watching 'The last dance' series about Michael Jordan; the most iconic person in basketball history.

This way, rather than wasting my time in toto, I'm actually reaping a lot of benefits from this. My listening and writing skills are all time excellent (compared to where I was just a year ago).

When I tell people who are studying English or other languages to do what they enjoy doing, a lot of people won't take my word for it. And I feel sorry for them, because they make learning a new language into a nightmare; it should be fun.

Others will say they don't understand what they watch. Well, Rome wasn't built overnight. Mastering any skill will obviously require time. You don't go to a gym and give up after just one work-out, seeing no growth in your muscles. That would be stupidity.

When I began my studies, I too could barely comprehend anything, but practice makes perfect. A lot of practice is still better.

Every day, I watch or listen to at least 1 hours of English and on Sundays I watch a full podcast in English, these days I am watching Ad-astra school podcast. That's how vocabulary builds up. In any case, this post wasn't meant to be about learning a language, but rather about managing one's time.

Waste your time well in summer, friends.

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