Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Status; close
Contacts/Ordering/Business INQ; @Qpredatorsbot
Testimoni Channel's; @Predatorstest
Talent Biography; @Tpalents

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Moots, help forward. Minta feedback-nya kesini yaa, @Qpredatorsbot.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[For our beloved mutuals, would you mind for helping us by spread the announcement that we have prepared? Thankyou so much!]


I. Wajib subscribe @Directucr.
II. Niat, Bertanggung jawab dan tidak dalam masa sibuk ataupun ada pikiran untuk lba.
III. Berusia major untuk yang available for nsfw thingy and for you who -16 please don't confirm for joining this hiring talent.
IV. Mendaftar memakai akun utama not cloning account or mata-mata.
V. Sudah berpengalaman dalam dunia rental, bisa cepat berbaur dan tidak keras kepala dalam hal berdiskusi.
VI. Menjaga privasi yang ada didalam Predators.
VII. Maksimal harus bergabung dari 3 Agency saja.
VIII. Berlaku all type of account EXCEPT ROLEPLAYER.
IX. Format pendaftaran.
Name & Username;
Mention the agency you are in;
Reasons to join;

Fill all the format yang detail karna kita akan adakan seleksi & trainee.
see you at the predators building, send your registration form here @urgentpdrbot.

✦ Format for OTP only.
Name & Username:
Type Account: (CA/BA/PA/ FA/RP)
Customer Position:
Customer Nature:
Requested Pet Name:

For talent.
Talent’s name:
Criteria Talent:
Should Do:
Should Don’t:
Otp Duration:
Start Otp:
Type Of Relationship: (BxG, GxB, BxB, GxG)
Panggilan: (Aku-kamu, Lu-gua, Saya-Kamu, Nama-Nama)
Additional req:
Payment: (DANA, ShopeePay, GoPay, Qris)

Name & Username buyer:
Type account: (CA/BA/PA/FA/ RP)
Customer Position:
Customer Nature:
Favorite Things:
Unlike Things:
Paket Rent: (Reguler/VIP)
Payment: (DANA, ShopeePay, GoPay, Qris)
Requested Pet Name:

For talent.
Talent’s Name:
Type Of Relationship: (BxG, GxB, BxB, GxG)
Talent Position: (Sub/Dom/Switch)
Request Ava:
Criteria Talent:
Should Do:
Shouldn’t Do:
Typing: (Proper/Lower), (Eng/Ind/Bill)
Your talent as: (Pacar, bestie, fams
Panggilan: (Aku-kamu, Lu-gua, Saya-Kamu)
Additional req:
Rent Duration:
Start Rent:


1 Day: Rp, 4.000
2 Day: Rp, 8.000
3 Day: Rp, 12.000
4 Day: Rp, 16.000
5 Day: Rp, 20.000
1 Month : 105.000
(N). Berlaku kelipatan and for 1 month you can ask bot first.

1 Day: Rp, 8.000
2 Day: Rp, 16.000
3 Day: Rp, 24.000
4 Day: Rp, 32.000
5 Day: Rp, 40.000
1 Month: Rp, 245.000
(Free Additional Request put bio, PDA, and imagine sfw)

3.000/3 jam

4.000/ 30 menit
8.000/ 1 Jam
7.000/ Sleepcall mute
10.000/ Sleepcall unmute
(Ngobrol satu jam after that di mute.)

▸ Imagine nsfw: 4K/ Day.
▸ Imagine sfw: 2.5K/ Periode.
▸ Stay up late: 3K/ Day.
▸ Game date: 3K/ Jam.
▸ Movie date: 2K/ Movie.
▸ Pap activity: 2K/ Day
▸ Public loving: 2K/ Periode.
▸ Food date: Bill on cust.
▸ Singing or instruments: 3K/ Song.
▸ IC: 3K/ Periode.
▸ Dirtytalk/Deeptalk: 3K/ Day.
▸ Voice note: 3K, Get 3 Voice note.
▸ Move platform: 2K/ Periode.
▸ Request name: 1K/ Periode.
▸ Free addictional request bio, and ava/Muse.


I. You must subscribe our channel @Directucr before renting, so you don't miss the new info.

II. Before sending the format, pastikan kamu mengisi data dengan detail agar tidak jadi kesalahan. You can contact @Qpredatorsbot bot if there's wants to be asked.

III. Send form that means you're fix to order, can't be cancelled except there's a mistake from us.

IV. Kami menyediakan pembayaran hanya melalui DANA, ShopeePay, GoPay, Qris.

V. We can't refund money but you can change the talent if it's not like the criteria that you want or uncomfortable with them. Gunakan bahasa yang sopan ketika menghubungi bot kami.

VI. After rental's time end, customer diwajibkan untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap talent kami, do not ghosting us.

VIII. Jam kerja talent dimulai dari pukul 08.00 hingga 21.00 apabila melebihi dari jam kerja maka akan dikenai biaya stay up late atau begadang.

IX. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab apabila customer terbawa perasaan terhadap talent dan begitu pula sebaliknya.

X. For additional request (imagine nsfw, dirty talk, etc) only allowed to mundane who already legal. Requested that both parties be able to the privacy of each other.

Evil monsters come back to earth to launch their evil plans. Look at how many buildings he's broken down, the street is breaking down and things are getting worse. Everybody freaking out is abyss. who's gonna save us? Everything was falling apart, the babies began to cry over the noise.

Bad, how do we keep it safe? The officer in charge had lost control of the situation, half the city had been torn apart by the monster. Very punctual! Masked heroes have now come to take control of the situation. Welcome them with a happy heart

✖ Regulations
✖ Pricelist
✖ Format order
✖ Testimonial
✖ Talent introduction

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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