REGULATIONSI. You must subscribe our channel
@Directucr before renting, so you don't miss the new info.
II. Before sending the format, pastikan kamu mengisi data dengan detail agar tidak jadi kesalahan. You can contact
@Qpredatorsbot bot if there's wants to be asked.
III. Send form that means you're fix to order, can't be cancelled except there's a mistake from us.
IV. Kami menyediakan pembayaran hanya melalui DANA, ShopeePay, GoPay, Qris.
V. We can't refund money but you can change the talent if it's not like the criteria that you want or uncomfortable with them. Gunakan bahasa yang sopan ketika menghubungi bot kami.
VI. After rental's time end, customer diwajibkan untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap talent kami, do not ghosting us.
VIII. Jam kerja talent dimulai dari pukul 08.00 hingga 21.00 apabila melebihi dari jam kerja maka akan dikenai biaya stay up late atau begadang.
IX. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab apabila customer terbawa perasaan terhadap talent dan begitu pula sebaliknya.
X. For additional request (imagine nsfw, dirty talk, etc) only allowed to mundane who already legal. Requested that both parties be able to the privacy of each other.