How am I spending my holidays?
1. Chilling, sleeping, regenerating ma' soul energy.
2. Reading - trying to look like "avid reader boy" on the eyes of parents 🙃
3. Watching "Harry Potter" Prisoner of Azkaban haven't finished yet.
4. Of course there's no way without sport, planning to start attending martial arts again from September 🌚
All in all, I m in a place where I am supposed to be right now, #NoSocialMedia challenge is not working as you see:), but tryin' to get on well with it. Significant reduction in instagram time waste bar chart, (yesterday it was 2 hours today it is 1,50🥲, screw it, anyway that's progress for me)
Enjoy your day offs too...
1. Chilling, sleeping, regenerating ma' soul energy.
2. Reading - trying to look like "avid reader boy" on the eyes of parents 🙃
3. Watching "Harry Potter" Prisoner of Azkaban haven't finished yet.
4. Of course there's no way without sport, planning to start attending martial arts again from September 🌚
All in all, I m in a place where I am supposed to be right now, #NoSocialMedia challenge is not working as you see:), but tryin' to get on well with it. Significant reduction in instagram time waste bar chart, (yesterday it was 2 hours today it is 1,50🥲, screw it, anyway that's progress for me)
Enjoy your day offs too...