In midnight in Los Angeles. Sound of motorcycle that sound gentleman, motorcycle that goes really fast rided by Mark Lee is having an aggressive night ride alone. He wear a black jacket and his motorcycle is red colored, he use his favorite black helmet that was given from his beloved ex, he rided the motorcycle with the maximum speed on the middle of dark night and the road was very dark, lights is rarely there cause of the road are kinda secret, there’s only lights from his red motorcycle and a little from the road’s light that doesn’t really bright as he expected.
Mark lee, a gentleman who still riding his motorcyle until 11.00 PM stopped at a place where people rarely came there, he took out a cigarette and start smoking while he’s waiting for his friend to came at the place that they usually hanging out at.
Mark lee, a gentleman who still riding his motorcyle until 11.00 PM stopped at a place where people rarely came there, he took out a cigarette and start smoking while he’s waiting for his friend to came at the place that they usually hanging out at.