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Vocabulary to speak about family and friends👬

A lifelong friend – A friend that you have had for most of your life

A relationship of trust – a connection with another in which you have faith and confidence

Arrange a dinner date – Plan to share an evening meal

A shoulder to cry on – Someone to sympathize with you

Close knit family – A close family with common interests

Dear to my heart – Someone that I care about

Distant cousins – People who share a common ancestor but are not closely related

Extend the hand of friendship – Reach out to someone in a friendly manner

Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family

Face to face – In person

Get to know one another – Learning different aspects of each other

Get together – Meet up

Immediate family – Spouse, parents, children, grandparents

Long lost friend – A friend that you have lost contact with

Long-term relationships – A committed relationship between partners

Nurture our friendships – Looking after our relationships with friends

Professional relationships – The relationships that we have in the workplace

Relationship problems – Difficulties with people with whom we interact regularly

Share a common background – The share a similar heritage or culture

Share the same ideas – To have similar opinions and views

Stand the test of time – To last a long time

Struck up a friendship – To make friends

To enjoy someone’s company – To enjoy spending time with someone

To have a good working relationship – To work together well

To have a lot in common – To have shared interests

To hit it off – To like each other straight away

To keep in touch with – To keep in contact

To lose touch with – To lose contact

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⚡️⚡️The Common App: Everything You Need to Know

📌Applying to college can be a tedious and stressful process for students and their parents. In addition to finishing their last year of high school, teens may also be juggling SAT, ACT and college tours if available and applications for numerous schools.

‼️The Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 schools, including some colleges located outside the U.S., helps streamline an essential part of the admissions process for students.

⁉️When Can I Start Working on My College Application Through the Common App?

📍The new edition of the Common App opens Aug. 1 every year. Given the variance in college application deadlines, students should pay close attention to when they need to submit their materials.
For example, students who are applying early action or early decision may need to submit an application in November or October, whereas the regular decision deadline is more likely to be Jan. 1 for many schools. Prospective students should treat these ranges as a general rule of thumb and check with individual colleges on deadlines.

❓How to Complete the Common Application

Here are steps for how students can work on an application through the platform.
• Go to commonapp.org and click on the "Start your application" button to get details about how to create an account and log in. Additionally, students can download the Common App's mobile app to keep track of deadlines, invite recommenders and set reminders.
• Choose the first-year student or transfer student option.
• Add user information such as name, email, phone number, address, date of birth and prospective enrollment year.
• Fill out the user profile with requested details on education, extracurriculars, demographic data, household information, and more.
• Add collaborators such as teachers, counselors, and others providing letters of recommendation or other supporting documents.
• Search for and add schools to "My Colleges."
• Get familiar with each college's application requirements and follow those accordingly

‼️The summer before senior year of high school is a great time for students to start on their applications, experts say.

❓Do I Have to Use the Common App to Apply to College?

Students are not required to use the Common App. While the platform is popular, it isn't the only option. Some well-known private institutions like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Georgetown University in the District of Columbia accept applications only through their school websites. Many competitive colleges and universities, such as Harvard and Amherst College, accept applications through the Common App.

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• More people should be buying local products as this would be one way to stimulate the economy. With greater demand for locally-produced goods comes greater exchange of cash, which is a strong facilitator of a more dynamic economy.

• Never in human history has there been a time when we enjoyed so much safety and security. This is mainly due to the advances in crime detection techniques and improvements in technology which have gone a long way to helping law enforcers do their jobs.

• I would argue that the creation of green spaces in urban areas is more important than the construction of more building for two obvious reasons. For one, trees serve as natural producers of clean oxygen for people to breathe, something one can associate with personal well-being.

• While there is some truth to it, saying that computers will supersede humans in the way of intelligence is a mere overstatement. Despite the misplaced warnings of some scientists, there is a growing pool of academics who believe that technology that could match human intellect is still decades away, if not centuries.

• Banning extreme sports on any ground would be a knee-jerk response to concerns over safety. Seldom do we see accidents in this kind of sport these days thanks to heightened safety measures and precautions.

• There are more disadvantages to peer pressure than meets the eye. Aside from the psychological effects, peer pressure has been found to cause setbacks in the student performance.

Sentence examples are given in the order the topics appear on the image above.

Anyone aiming 7 or higher in Writing should consider learning how to construct a range of sentence structures with accuracy. But bear in mind, basing your ideas around grammar structures is not a good idea. If you think there is a way to explain your points in simpler terms, you might be better off doing it that way.

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✅IELTS test is available at more than 1,200 locations worldwide.

✅Who accepts IELTS scores? Click and discover.

✅Over 3 million IELTS tests are taken each year.

✅Data is routinely collected from live tests and analysed to confirm the accuracy of the initial grading process and to support on-going quality assurance processes.

✅Test writers from different English-speaking countries develop IELTS content so it reflects real-life situations around the world and is unbiased and fair to all test takers, whatever their background.

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Advanced vocabulary in use C1, C2

1. Contestant - someone who competes in a contest
In tonight's quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country

2. Claimant - a person who makes a claim
Proof of purchase was needed for the claimant to receive a full refund.

3. Defendant - a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal
The defendant is accused of a range of crimes, from theft to murder

4. Informant - a person who gives information
One of the witnesses was a paid informant for the

5. Occupant - a person who lives in a room or building
The apartment had been left in a bad condition by the previous occupant

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A month before an election process in Uzbekistan. Posters are everywhere. Presidents try their best to win it and become a "brand-new" president. In a nutshell, everything is clear. Everybody knows who will be a president but still vote for those who can persuade you in their words or you can believe him/here to make Uzbekistan be better in the long-run.

Please don't share the post😜😄😳🤭😀
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Advanced vocabulary in use C1, C2

1. Stress-free life
I gotta spend sleepless nights to reach a stress-free life in the long run.

2. Tax-free shop
We used to have a tax-free shop

3. Addictive-free food
Our traditional food is considered addictive-free food.

4. Health-conscious people
Consumers have become more health-conscious

5. Safety-conscious company
It's a safety-conscious company, safety is in the list of their top priority.

6. Time-conscious person
I'm a time-conscious person, I always try not to waste any minute when I am surfing on the net.

7. Like-minded person
I really enjoy the company of like-minded friends

8. Money-minded business person
I've never been very money-minded - I leave all my business affairs to my financial adviser

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Hey Uzbekistan, let's try to minimize the use of cars today as September 22 marks the World Car-Free Day! #airquality #climatechange

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Guys, URGENT‼️ ️
My friends applied to 4 Top US universities and opened their own telegram channel.

They daily share information about:

📍Applying to US Universities

📍 Getting financial aid

📍Preparation for SAT | TOEFL | IELTS

📍Learning English

📍Youth Opportunities

💣Subscribe to the channel, put in the comments under the last post "+" and get a GUIDE for admission to the USA.



Have you ever thought about living in other planets? Share your idea below in the comments. That's really intriguing, isn't it?

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Let's analyse the above essay.

This one is written in a super-simple way. I've basically written it primarily as a model of how to get an 8.

Everything about this one is minimalistic, simple and efficient. The introduction here is the most efficient version possible for this kind of essay. I've simply paraphrased both sides of the argument framing one of them as my own. Having a longer introduction style is fine, but this is a good one for test conditions where you don't want to waste time and keep things simple.

You'll find my body 1 is pretty formulaic. I'm using a 'there are a number of' topic sentence followed by a 'Firstly/Secondly' with supporting sentences structure.

On this point, I noticed someone asking in the chat regarding the use of 'Firstly' and 'Secondly' and that I had apparently said that you shouldn't do this. Let me clarify. I don't like a Firstly / Secondly / Lastly structure. This is because you are forcing yourself to use 3 points. When you have a point, it's necessary to provide supporting evidence for any claims you make. In other words, you need to write two sentences per point at a minimum to be safe from CC and TR punishments. Having 3 points in your paragraph means that you need 7 sentences (remember the topic sentence) to write a paragraph that follows the criteria. Writing paragraphs of 7 sentences is too big and wastes time without contributing meaningfully to your TR score.

The other point is that you shouldn't be using 'Firstly / Secondly' in both paragraphs. It makes your whole essay extremely formulaic. You'll notice that my second body paragraph doesn't use any of the sentence openers that my first one does. All that being said, this essay is slightly more formulaic than I'd normally write, but writing in this way does help to keep writing any essay really easy.

One last thing I want to mention. Notice how clear my position is throughout this essay. My position appears in the introduction, the body 2 topic sentence and twice in the conclusion (the last sentence isn't entirely necessary, but it's good to make super-sure that your examiner knows you gave your position). I read too many essays where I get to the conclusion and I still have no idea what the writer's position is going to be. For this reason, you might find the structure I've used here a useful one.

Feel free to discuss this one in the chat. I'm sure some of the experts on this channel will be happy to join in and give advice.

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Some countries use prisons primarily as a punishment for criminals. Other countries use them to rehabilitate prisoners so they can be useful members of society.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion

In many countries around the world, the primary role of prison is to punish criminals for their misdeeds. However, I believe that jails should function primarily as rehabilitation centres.

There are a number of benefits associated with using prisons for punishment. First of all, having strict prison systems has the potential of discouraging other would be criminals from committing crimes of their own. If people know that the consequences of bad behaviour are long sentences in harsh jails, they may think twice before breaking the law. Secondly, it seems that if justice is to be preserved, the punishment should in some cases be severe. For example, if a person commits murder, the families of the deceased can only find comfort knowing that the offender will pay a heavy price for their actions.

However, rehabilitation should be the primary purpose of prisons. In terms of statistics and crime prevention, it has been shown that focusing on rehabilitation is most likely to reduce recidivism rates and the amount of crime in a society. A good example of this is in Norway, which treats prisoners with respect, care and dignity resulting in one of the lowest rearrest rates in the world. Furthermore, focusing on rehabilitating prisoners makes financial sense. Criminal justice systems that take a more humane approach are much less expensive in the long-term due to the shorter sentences and the resulting reduction in recidivism rates.

In conclusion, although harsh prison systems do serve a purpose, particularly for the families of those who have lost loved ones, in broader social and economic terms, it is better to focus on rehabilitation. Therefore, I believe that rehabilitation should be the main focus of the prison system.

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Do you drink coffee a lot? What is the matter? Why do you think, you have become so addictive to this "drug"? Does that actually work to drink it before going to sleep or having a headache?

Share your ideas in the comments below. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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● Have you ever met a celebrity in real life?
● Who is your favourite movie star?
● Are international superstars popular in your country?

1. Have you ever met a celebrity in real life?
Yes. I have seen Amitabh Bachan in the airport. But I didn’t make any effort to get an autograph from him. Sometimes I happen to sit next to film stars when I travel by air when they take the economy class. But I have not volunteered to talk to them.

2. Who is your favourite movie star?
Well, I’m a fan of Aishwarya Rai. She is a versatile actress, and I admired her from the very first movie. She is worth the Miss Universe title. My admiration increased after I watched her performance in the movie ‘Taal’.

3. Are international superstars popular in your country?
Yes, they are. The youth of our country adore them. International superstars like Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evan, Robert Downey Jr, Gal Gadot are extremely popular in our country. From the music world the superstars Taylor Swift, Alan Walker, Selena Gomes, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, and many more have their tracks on trending.


✏️Autograph (noun) - a signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento for an
Eg: The actor was surrounded by fans asking for an autograph

✏️Versatile (adj) - able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
Eg: Sarah was a versatile poetess of her times.

✏️Adore (verb) - love and respect (someone) deeply.
Eg: Children adore their mothers.

✏️Superstar (noun) - an extremely famous and successful performer or sports player.
Eg: She became a superstar without much effort.

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● Do you sometimes go to bed late?
● What do you do when you stay up late?
● How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?

1. Do you sometimes go to bed late?
Well, it depends on whether I have met my deadlines at work. If not, I stay late to finish it and go to bed around 1:00 PM or 2:00 PM.

2. What do you do when you stay up late?
I would do many things. I would finish pending office work, read a book that I find irresistible, or talk to a friend over the phone.

3. How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?
It doesn’t feel nice to sleep late and wake up early. I get a headache, the next morning and it spoils my whole day.


📌Meet a deadline (noun phrase) - to finish work on time, by the agreed date.
Eg: We are hoping to meet the July deadline

📌Irresistible(adj) - too attractive and tempting to be resisted.
Eg: The chocolates were irresistible.

📌Over the phone (noun phrase) - hat something is done using the phone as a way to do it.
Eg: She conveyed the news over the phone.

📌Spoil (verb) - diminish or destroy the value or quality of.
Eg: Don’t spoil the fun

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The prepositions during, for, and while are often used with time time expressions. Let's take a look at the difference in usage between during, for, and while.

How to use during
During is a preposition which is used before a noun (during + noun) to say when something happens. It does not tell us how long it happened. For example:
"Nobody spoke during the presentation."
"We get plenty of snow here during the winter."

How to use while
When is used to talk about two things that are happening at the same time. The length of time is not important. Remember that While is used with a subject and a verb (while + subject + verb). For example:
"The phone rang while I was watching TV."
"I met him while we were studying in the library."

How to use for
For is a preposition which is used with a period to say how long something goes on:
"Simon has been sleeping for 8 hours."

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🍀Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn

You should say:

• what it is
• when you learned it
• why you learned it
• and explain why you think it is difficult for you.

In this contemporary epoch where fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, we strive hard to learn new skills. So, that we could lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.I too tried, my hand at a new skill last year, and with a lot of issues in between, I managed to learn. Last year due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. During that time, the administration imposed a ban on going outside. Since I didn’t have much to do, I decided to learn to cook. After tremendous hard work, I finally learned it. To make prudent use of my spare time, I had decided to learn cooking at home because I plan to pursue my further studies in Canada. As there is a lot of difference between Indian and Canadian cuisine, therefore I realized that learning to cook in my spare time was a prudent approach for me. Like a typical youngster, I started to learn cooking by watching videos on Youtube. Initially, I had too much interest but later on, it didn’t work, and I took a break in between.In my next attempt, I took the help of my mother, who is an excellent cook. Although it was challenging to learn, despite many doldrums, I had managed to learn cooking. The whole process took around five months. Many times I had failed, but I kept on doing practice with determination, dedication and discipline. Learning a new skill is a daunting task, and with regular practice, we can become masters.

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☘️ Problem / Solution

✅Q: Many people believe that zoos have no purpose in today’s world and should be closed. What problems do zoos bring? What are the alternatives to zoos if they are closed?

💡 Answer:

The presence of zoos in our cities and towns has been questioned a lot recently, and opinions differ about whether they provide benefits to people and animals, or whether they should be closed.

Initially, we need to think about the negative issues with zoos. Many people believe it is wrong to take animals out of their natural environment and put them into cages. They believe that this is cruel and is only done to attract visitors and make money. In addition, many people feel that we should not interfere with nature, and if possible, animals should be allowed to stay in their own environment.

In terms of alternatives, there are a few options that we have. Wildlife parks are becoming more popular in today’s world. These provide more space for animals to wander around and they provide a habitat which is more similar to animals’ natural homes. A more permanent solution which would enable us all to see animals in the wild would be for airlines to reduce their ticket prices especially for this purpose. If air travel were cheaper through government subsidies, for example, then we would all be able to see wild animals in their natural habitat and there would be no need for zoos in our cities. We should also promote channels on TV such as National Geographic. Here, people can see wildlife as it should be seen.

As we can see, zoos are not the only way for humans to see and learn about wild animals. If there were no zoos, it would still be possible for scientists and ordinary people to preserve and experience nature.

✍ Total words: 270

📍Band: 7+

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