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We exist to help people make sense of a rapidly changing world, and inform them of efforts by the W.H.O. to govern public health worldwide.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Iran, as well as New Zealand, rejected the May 2022 International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments that speeded up the global biosecurity agenda—and announced it 6 months ago.

That means that for these two countries, future amendments to the IHR will not come into force until 24 months after approval (not 12 months), and these nations have 18 months (not 10 months) to reject or make a reservation against all future amendments.

Have other countries also quietly rejected the US-proposed 2022 amendments?

Did Slovakia? What about other “enemies” of the UK-US, like North Korea?

Ask your governments what they did!

To our friends in Norway

Stopp endringene i smittevernloven!

Regjeringen vil gi seg selv fullmakt til å sette befolkningen i isolasjon og karantene. Stortinget mister sin makt til å gripe inn. Dette er konsekvensene av de nye endringene i smittevernloven.

Du har kanskje hørt om dem? VG kalte forslagene for «Demokratisk galskap». Dagbladet sa det var «Autoritære forslag».

To professorer i rettsvitenskap, Hans Petter Graver og Morten Walløe Tvedt, ropte «Varsko for demokratiet». De advarte mot at Stortinget satte seg selv til siden. De setter forslagene i sammenheng med endringer i avtaler Norge har med Verdens helseorganisasjon, som krever at medlemslandene endrer lovverket for å tilpasse seg tiltak WHO kan innføre. Endringene kan i verste fall føre til tvangsvaksinering og innføring av vaksinepass.

Høyre, Arbeiderpartiet og Senterpartiet fikk flertall for forslaget, mens alle andre representanter fra andre partier sa nei.

Vi har en siste sjanse til å stoppe vedtaket!
Forslaget krever to avstemminger, og den andre vil skje 4. januar.

Er du enig i at vedtaket må reverseres? Signer oppropet!

🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🇿🇦 Nobel Prize Protest. Doctors' Appeal, Nurses' Appeal and MoD Party are launching a new global petition at 17:00: Nobel Prize Protest. All citizens of the world are invited to sign the petition.

The petition was created to protest against the award of this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to two scientists who made it possible to use mRNA technology to produce COVID-19 vaccines. Based on a study of vaccination rates and mortality in 17 countries in the southern hemisphere, an estimated 17 million people have died due to adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, the vast majority of which are based on mRNA. To honour two scientists who made mRNA vaccines possible with the Nobel Prize is a deep affront of all those who have died or been seriously injured by these products. It resonates with previous awards for same prize for DDT (1948) and to the inventor of the lobotomy (1949).

An Open Debate in the Swedish Parliament between Elsa Widding and the Minister of Social Affairs about the WHO treaty and the IHR amendments.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Slovakian MP Fico announces that their party will not support strengthening the WHO at the expense of national sovereignty

Press Release Forum for Democracy in the European Parliament

A press conference will be held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg (Daphné Caruana Galizia Room - Weiss N-1/201) on Tuesday 21 November 2023, 15:00-15:30.

At this press conference, Marcel de Graaff (FVD MEP), Joachim Kuhs (AfD MEP), Willem Engel (pharmacologist) and Vibeke Manniche (physician) will discuss the shocking revelations contained in the letter from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This letter came in response to a request by Marcel de Graaff and Joachim Kuhs for the immediate suspension of authorisations for Covid-19 vaccines.

We would like to invite you to this press conference.

You can follow the press conference live at

For questions please contact Mr Arnold Sadhinoch ( - 0032 470 37 96 83).

Chers citoyens,

Nous avons le grand plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence The WHO coup ! Le Traité Pandémie, une menace pour la démocratie ?

Va-t-on laisser l’OMS décider des futurs confinements, des vaccinations forcées et des intrusions dans nos domiciles ?

Ce vendredi 24 novembre à 19 heures, nous avons l'honneur de recevoir le Dr. Meryl Nass, médecin et experte en anthrax, bioterrorisme et armes biologiques, ainsi que la journaliste Senta Depuydt, spécialiste de l'agenda 2030.
Un évènement à ne pas manquer !

La conférence aura lieu 1100 Chaussée de Wavre, 1160 Auderghem, le 24 novembre 2023 à 19h00.

PAF: 10€ sur place - Inscription sur

Fiona Rose Diamond dan repost
On the 4th December 2023, a historical meeting hosted by MP Andrew Bridgen is taking place in UK Parliament at which Dr Robert Malone, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Pierre Kory, Professor Angus Dalgleish, Dr David E. Martin, Dr Peter McCullough & Steve Kirsch will be giving expert testimony on the Pandemic & its consequences.

WE NEED YOU to lobby your MPs to attend this meeting!

ALL MPs & Lords have been formally invited to attend this meeting. Follow the link below to access a letter template that you can send to lobby your MP.

This is Huge !

Thomas Massie

My amendment to end gain-of-function research funding passed tonight! It’s insane to use taxpayer dollars to create a blueprint for the next pandemic.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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