
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Moment Of Alwayness dan repost
📝 Drop SOD for Emor

👤 spill yang cinlok

👤 spill nn + muse mantan terakhir

👤 spill mantan terindah

👤 spill bio crush

👤 spill yang kaya pasangan tapi sebenernya bukan

👤 spill anak emor yang paling sinting

👤 spill worst memory irp

👤 spill crush

👤 Spill ava pacar

👤 Spill pacar

👥 10 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

hey enamor, you're the friend group that I only have. it's a shame that I'm an introverted person that I get tired easily while talking to another person, which I can't get close to you all. anyways, happy friendship day. I can't imagine the day we met and our eyes laid on eachother, it was the happiest thing. you make my pride shine, you make me happy, even though I feel I am the worstest and never felt loved before alive along this way, thank you.

ˆ ᐧ ﻌ ᐧ ˆ dan repost
To : @shade44u 💖🖤

MY SOOBJUN MATE!!! I really like your sense of humor and how you treat me and other peoplee. You are so kind and brave i must approve that! Speaking of which, i'm pretty curious about that AU you are talking about please do tell me more about it ;o; oh! And i also hope we could get way closer and let's get to know eachother even more ♡ let's share more stories and be open to eachotherr!! I'm looking forward to it!!! (*˙ᵕ˙*) a little reminder for aiden, i know you have been busy these days but please don't overwork yourself and get much rest when you feel exhausted. FIGHTING!!!!

ÆSPA #BlackMamba dan repost
Hai, siapapun yang keep @GiseLLeAespa tolong di balikin ya. Gak lucu kita udah nunggu berbulan bulan terus kamu pindahin usernamenya ke channel baru karena channel lama udah banyak yang subs tapi gak di balikin. Kalau misalnya di jual juga yang beli harus ngambil resiko karena username itu bukan punya kamu. Tolong balikin ke @SynkRobot ya. Tolong.

AngelWings. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


♡ Again, Enamor constantly gives its members a chill. We don't need to think about anything else because we'll think about each other with a pleased and luminous face and never permitting go. We caress each other and organize our lives together, wipe each other's sufferings and wipe away tears as if we are family.

We've been kind to each other, let's clap and thank the universe, because of all the beautiful opportunities universe have given, we can gather and be delighted together. May we walk in the same path, may we last long. Have a great day Emor

heads over heels, happy bday bidadari enamor and our vocalist jisu.

6 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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