🤩 Before the great battle begins, we need to call as many fighters as possible!
🤩 Therefore, our command has decided to attract all willing recruits from other armies.
🤩 You, fighters of the Resistance Movement, can also make your contribution to the common deal. To do this, go to the Partners tab in the Quests menu.
🤩 Just a couple of simple actions for each of the tasks and you will receive a good reward in dusts 🤩 (the amount depends on the level of your hero).
🤩 Together we will make our army invincible!
🤩 #News #Game #EmpiresBattle
🤩 Official communities
🤩 Before the great battle begins, we need to call as many fighters as possible!
🤩 Therefore, our command has decided to attract all willing recruits from other armies.
🤩 You, fighters of the Resistance Movement, can also make your contribution to the common deal. To do this, go to the Partners tab in the Quests menu.
🤩 Just a couple of simple actions for each of the tasks and you will receive a good reward in dusts 🤩 (the amount depends on the level of your hero).
Important! If you have already followed the link and have not yet received your bonus, please complete the quest again and you will be credited with the prize dust.
🤩 Together we will make our army invincible!
🤩 #News #Game #EmpiresBattle
🤩 Official communities