Azizkhon Tairov

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

🇫🇴Ingliz tili filiologiyasida va metodologiyasida ekspert📝
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🔥"Super IELTS"kursi muallifi

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Endi buyog’iga post yozib bormoqchiman, asosan “Ingliz tilini” o’rganish jarayonidagi har xil muommolarga oid. Lekin aynan nimadan boshlashni hech bilolmay bosh qotdi. Shuning uchun O’zimni tanishtirishdan boshlasam.

O’zimni yaxshilab tanishtirsam. Man Azizxon Tairov, 6 yildan beri Ingliz tilini o’qitib kelaman. Shu vaqtgacha 2 ta oliygohda bakalavr darajasida o’qib, hozirgi kunda Magistraturani Webster universitetida boshlash arafasidaman. Asosiy maqsadim Ingliz tilini o’rganishi qiyin bo’layotgan o'quvchilarga bu jarayonni imkon qadar soddalashtirish. Bu tilni yahshi o’rganishni sir-asrorlarni shu kanalda, yozma postlar, ovozli xabarlar va qisqa videolar orqali sizlarga ulashib boraman!

Hammaga o’qish jarayoni oson bo’lishini tilab qoluvchi Sizning METODOLOG O’qituvchingiz Azizxon!

13. Do you speak English?
• Russian: Вы говорите по-английски?
• Uzbek: Siz inglizcha gapirasizmi?

14. I would like to order food.
• Russian: Я хотел бы заказать еду.
• Uzbek: Ovqat buyurtma qilmoqchiman.

15. I need a guide.
• Russian: Мне нужен гид.
• Uzbek: Menga yo’lboshchi kerak.

16. What time does the train leave?
• Russian: Во сколько отправляется поезд?
• Uzbek: Poyezd qachon ketadi?

17. Please take me to the airport.
• Russian: Пожалуйста, отвезите меня в аэропорт.
• Uzbek: Iltimos, meni aeroportga olib boring.

18. I need a receipt.
• Russian: Мне нужен чек.
• Uzbek: Menga chek kerak.

19. Is there a bank nearby?
• Russian: Есть ли поблизости банк?
• Uzbek: Yaqinda bank bormi?

20. How can I get to the city center?
• Russian: Как мне добраться до центра города?
• Uzbek: Shahar markaziga qanday borishim mumkin?

21. Can I pay by credit card?
• Russian: Можно оплатить кредитной картой?
• Uzbek: Kredit kartasi bilan to’lasam bo’ladimi?

22. Where can I exchange money?
• Russian: Где можно обменять деньги?
• Uzbek: Qaerda pul almashtirsam bo’ladi?

23. What is the exchange rate?
• Russian: Какой курс обмена?
• Uzbek: Pul kursi qanday?

24. Can you give me a discount?
• Russian: Можете дать скидку?
• Uzbek: Chegirma bera olasizmi?

25. How long does it take to get there?
• Russian: Сколько времени занимает, чтобы добраться туда?
• Uzbek: U yerga borish uchun qancha vaqt ketadi?

26. I am here for vacation.
• Russian: Я здесь в отпуске.
• Uzbek: Men bu yerda ta’tildaman.

27. Is breakfast included?
• Russian: Завтрак включён?
• Uzbek: Nonushta kiritilganmi?

29. Where is the nearest pharmacy?

• Russian: Где находится ближайшая аптека?
• Uzbek: Eng yaqin dorixona qayerda?

30. Do you have vegetarian options?

• Russian: У вас есть вегетарианские блюда?
• Uzbek: Sizda vegetarian taomlar bormi?

31. Can I have a bottle of water?

• Russian: Можно бутылку воды?
• Uzbek: Bir shisha suv olsam bo’ladimi?

32. Is this seat taken?

• Russian: Это место занято?
• Uzbek: Bu joy bandmi?

33. Where is the nearest ATM?

• Russian: Где находится ближайший банкомат?
• Uzbek: Eng yaqin bankomat qayerda?

34. What time does the museum open?

• Russian: Во сколько открывается музей?
• Uzbek: Muzey qachon ochiladi?

35. Can you recommend a good restaurant?

• Russian: Можете порекомендовать хороший ресторан?
• Uzbek: Yaxshi restoran tavsiya qila olasizmi?

36. Can I pay in cash?

• Russian: Можно заплатить наличными?
• Uzbek: Naqd pul bilan to’lasam bo’ladimi?

37. How do I get to the beach?

• Russian: Как пройти к пляжу?
• Uzbek: Plyajga qanday boraman?

38. Do you have a city map?

• Russian: У вас есть карта города?
• Uzbek: Sizda shahar xaritasi bormi?

39. How much does it cost per night?

• Russian: Сколько это стоит за ночь?
• Uzbek: Tunash narxi qancha?

40. Can I check in early?

• Russian: Можно заселиться раньше?
• Uzbek: Erta kirishim mumkinmi?

41. Where can I buy souvenirs?

• Russian: Где можно купить сувениры?
• Uzbek: Qaerdan esdalik sovg’alari sotib olsam bo’ladi?

42. Can you help me with my luggage?

• Russian: Можете помочь с багажом?
• Uzbek: Bagajimga yordam bera olasizmi?

43. Is there public transportation?

• Russian: Есть ли общественный транспорт?
• Uzbek: Jamoat transporti bormi?

44. I need to cancel my reservation.

• Russian: Мне нужно отменить бронь.
• Uzbek: Bronimni bekor qilishim kerak.

45. What’s your phone number?

• Russian: Какой ваш номер телефона?
• Uzbek: Telefon raqamingiz qanday?

46. Do you have free Wi-Fi?

• Russian: У вас есть бесплатный Wi-Fi?
• Uzbek: Sizda bepul Wi-Fi bormi?

47. Can I charge my phone here?

• Russian: Можно зарядить телефон здесь?
• Uzbek: Bu yerda telefonimni quvvatlasam bo’ladimi?

48. Is it safe here?

• Russian: Здесь безопасно?
• Uzbek: Bu yer xavfsizmi?

49. I need a doctor.

• Russian: Мне нужен врач.
• Uzbek: Menga shifokor kerak.

50. Can I get a receipt, please?

• Russian: Можно чек, пожалуйста?
• Uzbek: Iltimos, chek bera olasizmi?


1. Airport
• Russian: аэропорт
• Uzbek: aeroport

2. Train station
• Russian: вокзал
• Uzbek: temir yo’l vokzali

3. Bus
• Russian: автобус
• Uzbek: avtobus

4. Taxi
• Russian: такси
• Uzbek: taksi

5. Ticket
• Russian: билет
• Uzbek: chipta

6. Baggage
• Russian: багаж
• Uzbek: bagaj

7. Passport
• Russian: паспорт
• Uzbek: pasport

8. Visa
• Russian: виза
• Uzbek: viza

9. Customs
• Russian: таможня
• Uzbek: bojxona

10. Gate
• Russian: выход на посадку
• Uzbek: chiqish darvozasi

11. Departure
• Russian: вылет
• Uzbek: jo’nash

12. Arrival
• Russian: прибытие
• Uzbek: yetib kelish

13. Delay
• Russian: задержка
• Uzbek: kechikish

14. Reservation
• Russian: бронь
• Uzbek: bron qilish

15. Hotel
• Russian: отель
• Uzbek: mehmonxona

16. Room
• Russian: комната
• Uzbek: xona

17. Single room
• Russian: одноместный номер
• Uzbek: bir kishilik xona

18. Double room
• Russian: двухместный номер
• Uzbek: ikki kishilik xona

19. Key
• Russian: ключ
• Uzbek: kalit

20. Bathroom
• Russian: ванная
• Uzbek: hammom

21. Restaurant
• Russian: ресторан
• Uzbek: restoran

22. Menu
• Russian: меню
• Uzbek: menyu

23. Water
• Russian: вода
• Uzbek: suv

24. Coffee
• Russian: кофе
• Uzbek: qahva

25. Breakfast
• Russian: завтрак
• Uzbek: nonushta

26. Lunch
• Russian: обед
• Uzbek: tushlik

27. Dinner
• Russian: ужин
• Uzbek: kechki ovqat

28. Exit
• Russian: выход
• Uzbek: chiqish

29. Entrance
• Russian: вход
• Uzbek: kirish

30. Street
• Russian: улица
• Uzbek: ko’cha

31. Map
• Russian: карта
• Uzbek: xarita

32. Direction
• Russian: направление
• Uzbek: yo’nalish

33. Money
• Russian: деньги
• Uzbek: pul

34. Bank
• Russian: банк
• Uzbek: bank

35. Credit card
• Russian: кредитная карта
• Uzbek: kredit karta

36. Change
• Russian: сдача
• Uzbek: qaytim

37. Souvenir
• Russian: сувенир
• Uzbek: esdalik sovg’asi

38. Beach
• Russian: пляж
• Uzbek: plyaj

39. Mountain
• Russian: гора
• Uzbek: tog’

40. Tour
• Russian: тур
• Uzbek: sayohat

41. Guide
• Russian: гид
• Uzbek: yo’lboshchi

42. Museum
• Russian: музей
• Uzbek: muzey

43. Park
• Russian: парк
• Uzbek: bog’

44. Bridge
• Russian: мост
• Uzbek: ko’prik

45. Train
• Russian: поезд
• Uzbek: poyezd

46. Car rental
• Russian: аренда автомобиля
• Uzbek: mashina ijarasi

47. Airport shuttle
• Russian: трансфер в аэропорт
• Uzbek: aeroportga transfer

48. Taxi fare
• Russian: плата за такси
• Uzbek: taksi narxi

49. Safety
• Russian: безопасность
• Uzbek: xavfsizlik

50. Tourist
• Russian: турист
• Uzbek: sayyoh


1. Where is the nearest hotel?
• Russian: Где находится ближайший отель?
• Uzbek: Eng yaqin mehmonxona qayerda?

2. How much does a ticket cost?
• Russian: Сколько стоит билет?
• Uzbek: Chipta qancha turadi?

3. I need a taxi.
• Russian: Мне нужно такси.
• Uzbek: Menga taksi kerak.

4. Can I see the menu?
• Russian: Можно посмотреть меню?
• Uzbek: Menyuni ko’rsam bo’ladimi?

5. Can I have the bill, please?
• Russian: Можно счёт, пожалуйста?
• Uzbek: Hisob-kitobni olsam bo’ladimi?

6. What time is check-out?
• Russian: В какое время выписка из отеля?
• Uzbek: Qachon mehmonxonadan chiqib ketamiz?

7. Where is the bathroom?
• Russian: Где находится ванная?
• Uzbek: Hammom qayerda?

8. I am lost.
• Russian: Я потерялся.
• Uzbek: Men yo’qolib qoldim.

9. Can you help me?
• Russian: Можете помочь мне?
• Uzbek: Menga yordam bera olasizmi?

10. What is the Wi-Fi password?
• Russian: Какой пароль для Wi-Fi?
• Uzbek: Wi-Fi paroli qanday?

11. Can I book a room?
• Russian: Можно забронировать номер?
• Uzbek: Xonani bron qilishim mumkinmi?

12. How far is it from here?
• Russian: Как далеко отсюда?
• Uzbek: Bu yerdan qancha uzoq?

Notice how the meaning changes while the actual words stay the same.

1. I didn't say he stole the money. Someone else said it.
2. I didn't say he stole the money. That's not true at all.
3. I didn't say he stole the money. I only suggested the possibility.
4. I didn't say he stole the money. I think someone else took it.
5. I didn't say he stole the money. Maybe he just borrowed it.
6. I didn't say he stole the money, but rather some other money.
7. I didn't say he stole the money. He may have taken some jewelry.

812 0 22 8 13

IELTS o’qish bo’limidagi Scanning va Skimming texnikalari matnlarni tezroq va samarali o’qish usullaridir. Ularni quyida batafsil tushuntirib beraman:

1. Skimming (Yuzaki ko‘zdan kechirish)

Bu usulning maqsadi — matnning umumiy mazmunini tezda tushunish. Bunda siz matnni batafsil o’qimaysiz, faqat muhim qismlarini, ya’ni sarlavhalar, kichik sarlavhalar, birinchi va oxirgi jumlalarni tezda ko‘zdan kechirasiz. Skimming yordamida siz matnning asosiy g‘oyasini yoki mavzusini qisqa vaqt ichida bilib olishingiz mumkin. Misol uchun, matnning asosiy mavzusi, asosiy g‘oya va qaysi bo‘limlar muhim ekanligini aniqlaysiz.


• Matnning sarlavhalariga e’tibor qarating.
• Har bir paragrafning birinchi va oxirgi jumlasini o‘qing.
• Tasvirlar, diagrammalar yoki grafiklarga qarab, mavzu haqida umumiy tasavvurga ega bo‘ling.

2. Scanning (Ma’lumotni tez topish)

Scanning — bu matnda ma’lum bir ma’lumot yoki raqamlarni qidirish texnikasi. Bunda siz butun matnni o’qib chiqishga harakat qilmaysiz, balki ko‘zlaringizni kerakli so‘zlar yoki raqamlarga qaratib, faqatgina zarur ma’lumotni topasiz. Bu usul savollarga javob topishda juda foydali.


• Oldindan qidirayotganingiz ma’lumotni aniqlab oling (masalan, sana, ism yoki raqamlar).
• Matn ichida aynan qidirayotgan so‘zlaringizni tezda topish uchun faqatgina kalit so‘zlar bo‘ylab o‘qing.

Bu ikkala texnika IELTS o’qish bo’limida vaqtni tejash va savollarga tezroq va samarali javob berish uchun ishlatiladi.

Home and Accommodation

Question 1: Can you describe the place where you live?Answer: I live in a two-bedroom apartment in the city center. It’s quite modern and has an open-plan living area, which makes it feel spacious. The building has all the necessary amenities, including a gym and a small garden where I can relax. The location is also very convenient, as it’s close to shops, restaurants, and public transport.

Question 2: How long have you lived in your current home?Answer: I’ve been living in my current home for about three years now. I moved here after finishing university, as it’s closer to my workplace. I’ve really enjoyed living here because the area is quiet but still has everything I need nearby.

Question 3: What do you like most about your home?Answer: What I like most about my home is the natural light that comes through the large windows. It makes the space feel bright and cheerful. I also love the balcony, where I can sit and enjoy a cup of tea in the morning. The view of the city from there is really nice.

Question 4: Is there anything you would like to change about your home?Answer: If I could change something, I would probably add more storage space. Although the apartment is spacious, I sometimes find it difficult to store all my belongings, especially seasonal items like winter clothes. Another change I’d make is to update the kitchen, as it’s a bit small and not as modern as I’d like.

Question 5: What kind of accommodation would you like to live in in the future?Answer: In the future, I’d like to live in a house with a small garden. I’ve always wanted a bit more outdoor space where I can have a garden and maybe even grow some vegetables. I think it would be nice to have more privacy and space, especially if I start a family. Ideally, it would be in a quiet neighborhood but still close enough to the city.


Question 1: Where is your hometown?Answer: My hometown is Tashkent, which is the capital city of Uzbekistan. It’s located in the eastern part of the country and is one of the largest cities in Central Asia. The city is well-known for its rich history and beautiful architecture.

Question 2: What do you like about your hometown?Answer: I really like the combination of modern and traditional elements in Tashkent. You can see modern skyscrapers alongside ancient buildings and monuments. The city also has a lot of green spaces, like parks and gardens, where you can relax and enjoy nature.

Question 3: What is the weather like in your hometown?Answer: The weather in Tashkent is quite varied throughout the year. We have hot summers with temperatures often reaching above 35°C, while winters can be cold, sometimes dropping below freezing. I enjoy the spring and autumn the most because the temperatures are mild, and the city looks beautiful with blooming flowers or colorful leaves.

Question 4: How has your hometown changed over the years?Answer: Tashkent has changed a lot over the years. There has been a lot of development, with new shopping malls, residential areas, and infrastructure projects. The city is becoming more modern and international, but it has managed to preserve its cultural heritage, which I think is very important.

Question 5: Would you recommend your hometown to tourists?Answer: Absolutely! Tashkent has a lot to offer tourists. There are historical sites like the Khast Imam Complex, beautiful parks, and vibrant markets where you can experience the local culture. The people are also very friendly, and you can enjoy delicious Uzbek cuisine in many traditional restaurants.


Question 1: What do you do for a living?
Answer: I work as an English teacher at a local school. I primarily teach young learners, focusing on developing their speaking and writing skills. I really enjoy my job because it allows me to inspire and motivate students to improve their language abilities.

Question 2: How did you get into your current job?
Answer: I studied English at university, and during my final year, I completed a teaching internship at a local school. I found teaching very rewarding, so after graduation, I applied for a teaching position and was fortunate to be accepted.

Question 3: What do you like most about your job?
Answer: The best part of my job is seeing my students make progress. When a student who struggled at the beginning of the term starts to speak English confidently, it’s really satisfying. I also enjoy the creativity involved in preparing lessons that engage and challenge my students.

Question 4: What are the challenges you face at work?
Answer:One of the main
challenges is dealing with different learning paces. Some students grasp concepts quickly, while others need more time. It can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page, but I try to provide extra support for those who need it.


Question 1: What are you studying at the moment?
Answer: I’m currently studying at university, majoring in English language and literature. My courses include a mix of linguistics, literary analysis, and practical writing skills, which I find both challenging and interesting.

Question 2: Why did you choose to study this subject?
Answer: I’ve always had a passion for English, especially reading and writing. I chose this subject because I wanted to deepen my understanding of the language and explore its cultural impact. Plus, it’s very relevant to my future career in teaching.

Question 3: How do you balance your studies with other activities?

Answer: It’s not easy, but I try to manage my time effectively. I usually create a schedule at the beginning of each week to plan my study sessions, work hours, and leisure time. I also prioritize my tasks, focusing on the most important assignments first.

Question 4: What do you plan to do after you graduate?
Answer: After I graduate, I plan to continue working as a teacher, but I’d like to explore opportunities abroad. I think teaching English in another country would be a great way to broaden my horizons and gain new experiences.

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