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🔰be part and parcel of sth

✍🏾to be a feature of something, especially a feature that cannot be avoided:

🔺Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a celebrity.


Happy Mother's Day 🎉

May God bless Our Mothers 🙏❤️


⚫️ Under the weather

🔴 Meaning: If you are under the weather you are feeling ill.

🔵 Example: I'd been feeling a bit under the weather for a couple of weeks


⚫️The best of both worlds’ –

🔴 Meaning: you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.
🔵 Example: “By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both worlds.”


⚫️ The icing on the cake

🔴 Meaning: If you describe something as the icing on the cake, you mean that it is an extra good thing that makes a good situation or activity even better

🔵 Example: To play for one s country is the ultimate experience. To be in a winning team is the icing on the cake.


⚫️ On the tip of your tongue

🔴 Meaning: If a remark or question id on the tip of your tongue, you want to say it,but stop yourself.

🔵 Example: It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him he d have to ask Charlie. But I said nothing




#common mistakes


⚫️ The worse for wear

🔴 Meaning: If someone is the worse for wear they are tired or injured.

🔵 In the fourth round both fighters suffered cuts over the eyes, and the champion was beginning to look the worse for wear


⚫️ A nosey parker

🔴 A nosey parker is someone who wants to know too much about other people [BRITISH,INFORMAL]

🔵 Example: The village s nosey parker, Olive, likes to spy on her neighbours with binoculars.


⚫️ on a roll

🔴 Meaning: If you are on a roll, you are making great progress and having a lot of success.

🔵 Example: Once you get on a roll you feel as though you are unbeatable.


⚫️ Break the ice

🔴 If a person, event or activity breaks the ice, they make people feel more feel more relaxed and comfortable in a social situation.

🔵 Example: This exercise is usually good fun and can help breaks the ice for a new and perhaps rather anxious, group.


English Idioms & Phrases 📝:
⚫️ Pull strings

🔴 Meaning: If someone pulls strings to get something they want they get it by using their friendships with powerful people, often in a way which is unfair.

🔵 Example: They felt that her father was pulling strings to advance her career.

⚫️ Out of your mind

🔴 Meaning: If you say that someone is out of their mind, you mean that they are crazy or stupid.[INFORMAL]

🔵 Example: We have a lot of problems in our family. I am going out of my mind with the worry of it all.


⚫️ Cover your tracks

🔴 Meaning: If someone covers their tracks, they hide or destroy evidence of what they have done or where they have been.

🔵 Example: He was a very clever man who never took a chance, a man who always covered his tracks


⚫️ Make your blood boil

🔴 Meaning: If something makes your blood boil,it makes you very angry

🔵 Example: It makes my blood boil. He doesn t like talking to the players but he wants his opinions known


⚫️ In the loop

🔴 Meaning: If someone is in the loop, they are part of a group of people who have information about a particular thing.

🔵 Example: Not many people knew what was going on but the president was almost certainly in the loop.


⚫️ Skin and bone or Skin and bones

🔴 Meaning: If you describe someone as skin and bones, you mean that they are very thin, usually because they are ill.

🔵 Example: By the end of her life she was nothing but skin and bones


📚To Get Caught Red Handed

📝A person who is caught red-handed is discovered in the middle of committing a crime or doing something wrong. It is usually related to stealing but can also be used by a parent who finds their child eating their way through a box of chocolates.

✨Example: He tried to steal from the shop but he was caught red-handed.


🔘a dark horse🔘

☑️a person about whom little is known

🅰 Mary's a bit of a dark horse. Do you think she's got any chance of being elected?

🅱He's a real dark horse. He sits in the corner at parties, saying very little to anyone, but he always seems to go home with the best-looking girl!


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