English Nationalism

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A nations culture resides in the heart, soul and blood of its people. Like a tree, a folk without roots will wither and die. And the first step to destroying a people is to first sever their roots. Research your history. Research your roots. Know your past, understand your present, and fight for your future!


We have a chat group attached to this channel at @EnglishNationalismChat. Join in the conversation, spread the word and post relevant information, articles, memes, images, photos, discussion topics, suggestions, etc.

One for the kids. And let's face it, for some of us adults too! ;)

Anglo-Saxons (Ladybird Histories)
by Jane Bingham,
ISBN-13: 9780723294429
London : Ladybird Books Ltd, [2015]

Who were the Anglo-Saxons?
How did they train their warriors?
Which English kingdoms did they claim?

This Ladybird book about the Anglo-Saxons has all the answers to these questions and more. Find out about the Anglo-Saxons' arrival in Britain, the way they lived and the legacy they left behind.

This detailed reference guide is full of fascinating facts making it the perfect companion to KS1 and KS2 project work.

64 pages : color illustrations, map ; 26 cm

Bacchin, Giorgio - Illustrator
Goodyer, Clive - Illustrator

Also see more here and at Anglo-Saxon Books: www.asbooks.co.uk


Some essential reading material for Ethno-Nationalists of the British Isles...

Four Flags: The Indigenous People of Great Britain
by Arthur Kemp B.A. (Pol. Sci., Int. Pol., Pub. Ad.)

An English Nationalism (details)
by Tony Linsell

The Deculturalisation of the English People
by Rev. John Lovejoy

English Witness: To Their Darkest Hour (reviewed)
by P. Scrivener

Views from the English Community
ed. by Tony Linsell

Our Englishness
ed. by Tony Linsell

A Nation of Immigrants?: A Brief Demographic History of Britain
by Professor David Conway (Professor of Philosophy at the University of Middlesex)

Folk and Nation: Ethnonationalism Explained
by Arthur Kemp B.A. (Pol. Sci., Int. Pol., Pub. Ad.)

More info here and here (with blurbs and purchase links). Also see recommendations on the history and origins of the Anglo-Saxons here.


The English Warrior
by Stephen Pollington

English Heroic Legends
by Kathleen Herbert

Hammer of the Gods
by Swain Wodening

The Lost Gods of England
by Brian Branston

Looking for the Lost Gods of England
by Kathleen Herbert

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
ed. Michael Swanton

Anglo-Saxon Prose
ed. Michael Swanton

by Stephen Pollington

Hidden Gods: The Period of Dual Faith in England, 681-1980
by John Yeowell

More recommendations here, here and at Anglo-Saxon Books: www.asbooks.co.uk


Recommended reading on the history and origins of the Anglo-Saxons (The Englisc).

The Anglo-Saxons
by James Campbell

Anglo-Saxon England
by Sir Frank Stenton

The Origins of the Anglo-Saxons
by Donald Henson

The Anglo-Saxons
by Geoffrey Hindley

The Origin of the English Nation
by H. Munro Chadwick

History of the Anglo-Saxons
by Sir Francis Palgrave

The Real Middle Earth
by Brian Bates

The Anglo-Saxon Age
by John Blair

An English Nationalism by Tony Linsell (detailed here) also has an excellent chapter on the history and origins of the Anglo-Saxons. Highly recommended!

More recommendations here, here and at Anglo-Saxon Books: www.asbooks.co.uk


Some excellent designs of the White Dragon of England, the true symbol of the Ethnic English over a map of England. Thank you @Alexfor98 for your excellent work, it is greatly appreciated!

Angelcynn Módignes! (English Pride!)

About the White Dragon of England


Traditional English Tattoos

The English people have a long association with tattooing stretching back to the very beginnings of our nation. As far back as the 5th century AD it is thought that many of the Anglo-Saxon Kings and their bands of warriors who were to lay the very foundation stones of what is now the English nation, were heavily tattooed. Indeed, it is recorded that after the English defeat at the Battle of Hastings King Harold, the last true King of the English, was only identified by the tattoos on his body.

Our early ancestors the Anglo-Saxons were an extremely proud... click HERE to continue reading and for more designs.


Englisc since 449! Angelcynn Modignes!

The White Dragon of England - The True Symbol of the Ethnic English


Englisc since 449! Angelcynn Modignes!

The White Dragon of England - The True Symbol of the Ethnic English


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Tony Linsell on Englishness, White Tribe, Ep. 2, January 20, 2000 - Channel 4. Source.

See also Tony Linsell's book An English Nationalism: https://t.me/EnglishNationalism/24?single and What England Means To Me by Tony Linsell: https://t.me/EnglishNationalism/12

Is Britain a Mongrel Nation of Immigrants with NO Indigenous People?


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The ancient flag of England (video by English Democrats)

Source: https://youtu.be/oj7mc5SIkmo

More information: https://anoccasionalcomment.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-white-dragon-of-england.html


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