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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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❀ / ₊˚⊹

Within the garden of ink and words we found the depth of our being, through names and pictures we are captivated. For within their beauty we discover a world where we found ourselves bearing wisdom for a long time and we hope to help others to rejoice alongside us.

@Rougemary is soon to be open for order and is currently searching for mutual trust in camaraderies to help us reach more customers. We provide any kind of profile needs and assignment service for all academic levels.
Warm regards, en Fleurㅤㅤ

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Telegram'da ko‘rish
ㅤㅤㅤ *ting-ting* message sent and notification sounds! 🧸💬

ㅤㅤ │”to my beloved colleague. if you see this, can you forward this message to your channel? i was very very happy before >____0//!3
ㅤㅤ │ it's really hard for me to find friends lately.

ㅤㅤ ”what if you accept the invitation to be a partner in my party as well as become mutual friends?” accept the invitation and get a mysterious gift at the party later! X3

ⓘ ⸼ xoxo- the owner is very very picky so make sure you meet the type of criteria in your particular line of business. voting session started and everyone gathered at a big white table covered with tulips and the distinct smell of blooming flowers:3 people there agreed to accept all businesses especially those specializing in except for the rental agent & gallery username please DNI.

ㅤㅤ 🪡📓 if you are interested in becoming a partner as well as one of my close friends, you can immediately contact 📞 .. @kiddycbot! thank you so much to everyone for your friend requests ❤️

👌 dan repost
enkindling a set of pulse to wave the sparks of early relish, a savory fragrance that magnifies the spine of the ocean incessant in springtide breeze and one’s bone-weary ardency.

hereinafter, i miss the pleasure of fulfilling your longing, therefore i’m ending the long-awaited at 8 august 9.00 GMT+7! with my list of specialized contents that surely piles up your massing fancy, a neat and must read agreements are here to be explored, too! ♥

emgerty! soon dan repost
╭ ╮

In The Morning August, 8th 1953
the bird singing, the dog running
⠀⠀ ⠀the rat eating, in the morning
⠀⠀⠀ the sun shinning, the wind blowing
⠀⠀⠀ me and you, start to feel love

╰ ╯

𓄼 . ֺ ָ ֙ 𓂃 𐇲 𓂃 . ֺ ָ 𓄼

EMGERTY make a typewrite of poems spoil for every business–man here to make a connection; bilateral industries. i, enlighten all of you to be conducive part of emgerty. the type business will to hoard only used main account and welcome for professional profileneeds type of business such a moodboard, phraseology, icons, and manipulation. in case that you find out our attractive you can ring up @emgertymutuals_bot give your best offering. start your job to be associated with emgerty as soon as possible.

Vaedent dan repost
Behold the allure of manners, for in their gentle grace lies the power to forge connections that transcend time. Like dainty petals in a summer breeze, they leave behind the fragrance of goodwill, and hearts are touched in the dance of sincere camaraderie. Embrace the skill of delicate equilibrium, for it is the alchemy that blends pleasure with wisdom. As you navigate the symphony of life's demands, this balance shall be your compass, ensuring that joy and responsibility dance harmoniously in the theatre of existence. You shall find the very essence of thriving. It is not a simple road, but one of depth and nuance, where understanding and growth intertwine. Courageously, we beckon you forth, for the path ahead is filled with marvels to be unearthed.

. . . ⸙ Regulations, Catalogue and Testimonials.

With the map of observation as your guide, you shall unravel the intricacies that lie before you. Each page turned shall reveal insights and revelations, leading you towards the treasures that await discovery.

merthpoesy: II—writting & moodboard commission. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
(gate has been opened, in 10th)

salute, folks! in ‘thus aureole whom aweness by myriad phrase. and, that’s unspeakable prosperity also serenity is eagerly awaited. therefore, @merthpoesy yearning all humankind whom workers in field of “writing commissions, moodboards, proofneeds” to become mutual—benefit that can grant those favour one another. not only being mutual, but either becoming comrade and two parties whom will establish a memory. please approach this bot @ffavourbot if y’all interested enough to be a part of @merthpoesy, however it’s important to know that i (only accept main accounts). please clearly read what divisions i am looking for, and sanguinely we can begin our journey together in a business context.

🪶penned by,
@merthpoesy, in—sooth.


mutuals, help me by forwarding this bubble message to your business channel! and if you need similar recompense please buzz @summerbluebot

ㅤ ⌜121-870-029⌟ / ESTEALYTE

TICKING-TOCKING | @estealyte mandate as you see nowadays is to intentionally solicit correspondence by performing a major cultural act which is called communication through into the bargain, i doubtlessly stated the business channels acknowledge incorporate: profile-needs, wording and art commissions.

lots love,
eurina daphne

8 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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