European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival

Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Inglizcha

This channel is dedicated to promote a natural European lifestyle.
- tribalism
- nutrition
- metaphysics
- survival
- history
Blood & soil!
#tribalism #dharma #mythology #survival

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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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On Germany and the EU

How about a joke on this German election Sunday? No, not an imaginary joke, but something so hilarious, I just have to share it:

Starting with last January, there is a new tax, called the 'cake tax'. It has to be paid by little children, who sell self-made cake during school events like Carnival and it is set to 19%.

Isn't the EU great by enforcing such an obnoxious rule?


On genetics

If you already have children, you might want to explain the importence of genetics to them and refer to the above image.

Imagine you have the pure jelly bears on top. Distinct taste, clear colour. It references to the peoples, which express their racial spirit in clean cultures, like the Germans or the Japanese.

When we now start to mix these distinct groups on a genetic level, things will start to become unclean: the taste of the jelly bears deteriorates, you cannot distinguish it. The colors blend and eventually you will only face a brown goo.

If we use this metaphor on humanoids, we will see culture rotting away as we do nowadays in the West.

Hence one should strive to have children and grand-children in ones own image!


Aufbruch Oberösterreich dan repost
"Shining Hearts on Fields of Sorrow" is the first Album by Aufbruch Europa. A spiritual journey into the heart of European history, the essence of its identity, and the question of transcendental renewal in times of nihilism and decline.

My European brothers and sisters! Tell me, what do you fear most?
  •   Russian spy drones
  •   Rampant non-whites raping our children
  •   Inflation eating up our wealth
  •   Fascism
  •   Globalist devils controlling our life
  •   Aliens invading Earth
  •   Climate change
28 ta ovoz

Education for kids dan repost
I sewed this adorable little doll house mouse with leftover materials I already had at home. 🐭

Pattern is linked down below, if you want to make one yourself.

The Paganist dan repost

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Insight into the everyday life of a labour camp of WW2.


On the Black Death of 1347

Sure you've heard of the Black Death, the medieval epidemic called 'plague', which killed a large chunk of the European population. It's said that this disease spread through fleas, brought by rats.

But there is something off with this theory: It is known, that rats and other rodent have a rather short history on Iceland (late 18th century), which was also struck by the plague. On the other hand China did not suffer from the plague although it was connected to the Silk Road, which is said to be a source of this sickness.

Have you ever considered an alternate theory?

European and West Asian sources mention a bright comet, Negra, which happened to be seen right before the mysterious sickness appeared. However, neither Chinese nor Japanese sources mention a celestial body in said years, both of who have a detailed astronomic history.

So why was the plague of ~1350 not known in China, that had rats, but in Iceland, that did not have rats?

Which brings us back to the comet Negra: if you are not fond with the electric nature of the universe, it's time to learn something: Comets are highly negatively charged rocks with eliptic orbits around the Sun. They influence all bodies they pass on their stellar journey.

Maybe let's briefly look at the symptoms of the Black Death:

- fever
- buboes (swollen lymph nodes)
- black or purple spots on the skin
- vomiting
- chills
- headache
- fatigue
- respiratory issues

Does it already ring a bell? There is another phenomenon, which leads to the exact same symptoms: radiation sickness.

So let us bring the pieces together:

The Black Death wasn't some mysterious disease spread by fleas! It was acute radiation sickness (above 2Sv) caused indirectly by the comet Negra: during the fly-by it dropped radioactive material into Earths athmosphere, which spread over the next years among the Silk Road and Europe.

This explains why it could appear anywhere in the greater area and no treatment would help. It also explains the appearance on Iceland, which was not connected to mainland Europe and it explains why Asiatic regions stayed safe.


On lessons of life

The strongest force holding you back in life is your inability to start and do the work that has to be done, without witness or immediate reward for a long enough period of time.

Go and be industrious!


The Paganist dan repost
Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, nature, vegetation, childbirth, care of children, and chastity. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. Artemis is often depicted with a bow, and she represents independence, strength, and the untamed beauty of the natural world.

"Tomb of the Atlantean General"

Ron Cobb - 1982



On peoples

70% of the people of the world are races that reproduce primarily through rape.

The other 30% engage in selective breeding.

Take a guess at who is who!

Most of the world is a complete disaster even with the 30% propping it up.

This is not sustainable for any party involved.

The destruction of Europe is the destruction of the world.


Aurora borealis, spotted in Russia.

The fact that this is an electrical penomenon, triggered by the sun has to make people think about the dynamics of the Solar system.


Face of an ant under electron microscope.


👆🏻 It's not only the killing. It's about a trade between you and the animal: your part is to make sure the animal lives a safe life in a clean environment, enough food and perhaps a partner to procreate. You are responsible for the mammal.
The animals part of the deal is to pay with its life in the end.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.