Preacious Maknae : Lee Donghyuck

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CW // HARSHWORD, LGBT, NSFW. you don't like what is on this channel especially to 𝕳omophobic, leave this channel b̶e̶̶f̶̶o̶̶r̶̶e̶ that remove @qLeeDonghyuckie account from your channel and stop plagiarisme.
active: @MaknaeDaily @babypudu127 @refckthsbot

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inget jangan asal mencet , yang misal keberatan ke bot kasih id ch kamu @refckthsbot

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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engga deng , kalau gabut bakal setiap waktu

  •   bolehh
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32 ta ovoz

revan diving nya setiap pagi, siang, malam aja ndak 24 jam, ndak papa? soalnya lagi siapin ujian buldep + lebih mau on wa.

ternyata capek bolak balik akun ya..

hfw vivi ... thank you

Preacious Maknae : Lee Donghyuck dan repost
📝 [HFW] Massive salutations, lets do sfs main acc with this duplicate lee haechan (@qLeeDonghyuckie) and drop your cool acc . Admin upsubs service, side acc, grammar police, rprl area, homophobic, gc help & sq, jarang diving, Minor Strictly DNI.

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

📝 [HFW] Massive salutations, lets do sfs main acc with this duplicate lee haechan (@qLeeDonghyuckie) and drop your cool acc . Admin upsubs service, side acc, grammar police, rprl area, homophobic, gc help & sq, jarang diving, Minor Strictly DNI.

Mirade, IA: @irehne

Abel loving you @Sooyaane: @Sooyaane everyone's allowed

Kaira P. تيفي cakra⁵: @Notfoundns only owner

Jeral Vāgods. @taehyvngkhim: @taehyvngkhim everyone is allowed

jevan on slr dlu brader: @qLeeJevano everyone allowed

👥 5 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

Sacha, return @ParkRuoseanne plss?: 1000/10 KERENNN ga bikin pusing bacanya, btw nomornya ga disensor kh?

endak dong , kebanyakan dari sini dari platform wa juga ++ itu kan bukan no rl

📝 kasih rate dong yang diatas , sekalian absen


Jade @Yoonjvnq: 💯/🔟 kereennn

Thor's brother, Loki. @ughMarkIee: 1000/1 kece euy, ajarin dong

Jeindra: buset 10/10 keren bat

αxEL ,bEARડ ☆?!@ItBoysNono: 100/10 keren kaa

jeje @nonchrjea: kece betul 10/10 dah

bian ninu ninu🚓 @htburbf: busett kereenn coyyy 1000/10

ジェヒョン 𝐀𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐧: #bianca. 10/10 bagus woylah, keceh🙏

clau @iKimJichuyyaa: 1000/10 KEREN BANGEEETTT

the prettiEs chava @virtualssucks: 100/10 keren abiieeeessss 😍

Andre: 100/10 bagus

Saschya Faresta, @dyireom: 100/10 KEREN BANGETT SAYA TERSANJUNG

Nathan.: 100000/10 WOWWW KERENN BT BSUETT

Junel @DJXIAOJJUN99: keren banget 😆

vál or ihms @urrrawr: 11/10

The Ice Prince; @Joeneo.: 10000000/10 kece bangett.

raa pending @melukkisenja: 1000000000/10
kecee swagg

shaka: 10/10 keren

Naurya Casey @nrycsy: 100/1 kece

s/ia. awpd rendy ntá: #ren 1000/10 KERENN

Leo @vdoyu: 100/100 , MANTEPP KUECEE POLL

Zhielā rvg⁶ @iKimMinjzu: 1000/10 KEREN BGT??!!!! AJARIN BOLEH KALI??

DEV @JJAEHYUN0609: 10000000

Sacha, return @ParkRuoseanne plss?: 1000/10 KERENNN ga bikin pusing bacanya, btw nomornya ga disensor kh?

galen: 10/10 keren brok

anishà kvrgxcsp: 100/10 keren

Kalasia: 10000/10 keren bangettt

Haura, mp: 1O/1O bagus ckl, rapi jugaa

DNI @maiincast: 1000/10 keren bener

āksarà @Manurich0s: 10000/10 kecee banget🤩👍

Esa. @YiAzhuoNinG: 100000/10000 KEREN AMATTT😳😳

marvin @lehaecan: 100/10 kerenn

jie @BadsJiesung: 💀. 1000/10 kerennn

Sorayaa.: 1000/10 KERENNN

Annètha @hwngyecjiy: 🖇. 1000/10 KERENNN BANHH 😍😍😍

#SADULANOPMEMB Narula @imurwolf: #R𝕃$a 1000/10 KECE

Bianarel K. Denandra: 1000/10 GW GK JDI2 ANJROT

kalalalala 👩🏻‍💻 @Rseanne: 100/10 KEREEENN

👥 58 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

vivii lihat inii , sudah selesai katalog barunya yeayy

moovity , @revandonedivingmoovity , jangan lupa feedback , yang pakai ( ゅִ ) itu revan yya , yang belum ke isi board nya nanti revan isi , lagi limit sebentar . buat yang ch nya rest ijin left ya, udah di keluarin juga acc kamu , terimakasih.

•┈┈ ✶ 𝐏age 𝐕

ִ such a strong relationship till now which we have been through together from a few months ago. If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, i'd say 'Simply Amazing'. If I could give you one thing in life, I'd give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me. I wish I was your blanket, I wish I was your pillow underneath your head, I want to be around you, and I want to be the lucky person who kisses you goodnight.

┈┈ ✶ 𝐏age 𝐈𝐕

✶ ִ ‌perfect boy, I don't know what words to type here, he is so perfect in the life he lives. although there were some who hated him, he could only reply with an apology. It's hard to hold a grudge in this heart, especially with the people we love so far. We don't know what he's hiding behind us, if that really happens, accept what you have to choose in the future. it's never too late, choose according to what you want and can be a good choice for the way forward.

•┈┈ ✶ 𝐏age 𝐈𝐈𝐈

ִ ‌this is my favourite. I don't know how long we've been together the whole time. there's nothing you can't do, it's up to you. all the things that you treat well, then the person or thing that is treated by you will return well too. like love, if there were lies between us, the relationship would not last long like this. everything just needs a process.

✶ ִ ‌I myself don't know what made me with him last so long, maybe there were some problems that we both had to face, but it didn't last long. each other's loyalty that makes the problem easy to solve. I really love him, until whenever, only he can raise my mood again like before.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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