IELTS with Mr.Fayz

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The channel is mainly about IELTS
If you're interested in IELTS, you can find useful sample essays on my channel

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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The registration for the course will expire at 7:59 p.m. today.

Ivan Vosilovich oʻz kasbini oʻzgartirdi😁

The bottom line is I'll be telling what really helped me improve my reading and writing.

To join to the course⤵️
Write to: @MrFaizullaev

Writing/reading "+++" course

The map of the course will be as follows:

📖 Reading
1. One article a day
2. One passage for homework + video explanation
3. Individual help
4. Five question types will be addressed ⤵️
True\False\Not given
Yes\No\Not given
Matching headings
Multiple choice
Matching ideas

✍️ Writing
1. Real exam Task 2 questions will be shared.
2. Your essays will be checked.
3. 7.5 essays will be shared
4. Covers five question types.
Discussion questions
Positive and negative
Cause and effect

Duration: 10 days (January 20 - January 30)

And all of them will be COMPLETELY FREE.

I'm working on it for the last few hours and realized there needs a bonus to increase engagement.🤨

To be honest guys, what bonus do you really wanna take at the end of the challenge?

Or do you think the challenge itself is a gift for you😁?

Full details will be available tomorrow inshallah

Meni aytyapti😁

IELTS ZONE 9.0 dan repost

🧩 Score: 7.5
🎓 Instructor: Abubakr Tolibov
🔖 Course: IELTS Standard

Congratulations to Abdulloh for his solid 7.5 performance on exam day, including a remarkable 7.5 in Writing! Excellent work and dedication throughout the course. 🎉👏

📌 Don’t miss your chance to join our upcoming IELTS Standard courses and reach your goals!

👉 @ieltszone_uz

Want 10-day writing and reading challenge?

🔥 - yes

That was me with 7.5 in writing

The result has just come

What do you expect?

8.0 - ❤️‍🔥
7.5 - ❤️
7.0 - 👍

30 subscribers 🔥

2 days left❤️‍🔥

I'm so creative that I create brand new problems everyday.

Xa aytgancha !

Armiyaga bormaganman demang.

14-yanvar bilan tabriklash uchun shu joyni tanisangiz yetadi🗿. #joke

Bayramingiz bilan! 🎉

4 days left

6 days left

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Well articulated

There seems to be nothing unusual, but remember, there is no magic formula for reading success.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.