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خیلی کصشر بود ولی می‌ذارمش الان

بچه‌ها LOTL ترک جدید داده و به‌زودی آلبوم هم می‌ده
فردا ترکشو گوش بدم پست می‌کنم

I failed myself most times, but let's put this here to review it overtime

Mushroom Man dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

چرا انقد خفنه

Mushroom Man dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

نتو ملی کنین خداوکیلی تو خیابون پاستور خودمو منفجر می‌کنم همه‌مون با هم بگا بریم

همون وقتی که بابت چیزی که به کسی آموزش ندادین داشتین سرش داد می‌زدین
همون لحظه کص ننت

با تشکر از تینا

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Given up by Linkin park cover

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

با تشکر از walery

یه کاور خفن پیدا کردم

One day
The shadows will surround me
Some day
The days will come to end
Some time

I'll have to face the real me
I'll have to learn to bend
And now I see clearly
All these times

I simply stepped aside
I watched but never really listened
As the whole world passed me by
All this time

I watched from the outside
Never understood what was wrong or what was right
I apologize

I apologize

One day
I'll face the hell inside me

Some day
I'll accept what I have done
Some time
I'll leave the past behind me

For now
I accept who I've become
And now I see clearly
All these times
I simply stepped aside
I watched but never really listened
As the whole world passed me by
All this time
I watched from the outside
Never understood what was wrong or what was right
I apologize
I apologize

One day
The shadows will surround me
All these times
I simply stepped aside
I watched but never really listened
As the whole world passed me by
All this time
I watched from the outside
Never understood what was wrong or what was right
I apologize
I apologize
I apologize
I apologize
I apologize
I apologize
I apologize


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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