Firdavs Notes

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

- IELTS 7.0 (C1)
- SAT 1340
- Software Developer (Python/Dart)
- Solopreneur $x
- Software Engineer Internship
- Accepted 15+ universities
- Full Ride/SH
- Won $700,000+ scholarships
- Charity
- Portfolio

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Vengriya taassurotlari

- Vengriyaga 1-sentabr kuni o'qish yuzasidan keldim. Birinchi marta chetga chiqishim.

- Toshkent aioroporti juda go'zal ekan. Qulayliklari ham yaxshi. Samalyotga birinchi chiqishim lekin oddiy avtobusga o'tirganday gap. Ko'tarilish boshni aylantirib yuborarkan. Taomlari ham juda yaxshi. Tez-tez suv olib kelib turdi. 6.5 soat uchdik.

- Chemadanimni dastagi sinib ketdi yukim ham og'irgina edi. Bu aioroportga kirishim bilan bo'ldi. Eng yomoni ham shu edi.

- Qo'ndik. Birinchi navbatda mashinalar notanish. Yozuv notanish. Odamlarni sochi oq, yevropalik ekanligi birdan bilinadi.

- Biz, men va hamrohim, universititga o'zimiz yetib olishimiz kerak edi. Universitit tomonidan avtobus 2-sentabr kuni kelarkan va men ro'yxatda yuq edim.

- Bizga mentor beriladi va u bizga yordam beradi. Menga yo'lni ko'rsatdi qanday borish kerakligini. Avtobus-metro-poyezd-avtobus

- Avtobusga chiqib bir bekatga to'xtadik. Bilmaymiz qanaqa bekat. Keyingisiga chiqdik lekin bizda chipta yuq edi. Chiptani atrofda chipta sotadigan mashinkalardan olish kerak edi. Biz bilmasdik buni. Qogan hamma avtobusga tekinga chiqib-tushib keturdik. Lekin to'lamaslikni jarimasi katta ekan.

- Xullas, eng yomoni, biz Budapeshtda adashib qoldik. Faraz qiling bir chekka hududdan Yevropani bir shahariga kelgansiz va siz na tilni bilasiz na yo'lni. Ustiga ustak sizda SIM karta ham yuq. Mazzami.

- Ancha yurdik, avtobuslarga chiqib tushdik. Eng yomoni menda bu payti dastagi singan og'ir chemadan, va bir nechta boshqa yuklar bor edi. Shular judad charchatdi. Qaytishga bilet ko'ray desam internet ham yuq edi. Umuman Yevropani vibe bi bilinmadi. Oddiy shahardek edi.

- Poyezd stansiyasini bir amallab topib oldik va Miskolc ga 10 daqiqadan keyin jo'nab ketishi kerak edi. Bilet oldik lekin qaysi poyezdligini bilmasdik. Odamlardan so'rasak sal nariroqdagisi ekan. Yugurib yetib oldik. Ochlik va suvsizlik umuman bilinmay ketgandi.

- 2 soat deganda poyezddan tushdik va biz apartment booking qilgandik. 7 p.m gacha borishimiz kerak edi. Soat 6:52 edi. Taksi to'xtatdik va ozroq kechikdik. Borgan joyimiz g'irt xaroba joy edi. Fayzsiz. Odamzot yuq edi. Haydovchi telefon qilib kirgizib qo'ydi. Egasi kampir ekan. Yaxshi xona berdi yarim kun uchun. U yerda mongol bola ham bor ekan. U ham biz boradigan universititga borayotgan ekan.

- Shu paytgacha hamma odam venger edi. Ingliz tilini bilmaydi. Qo'l bilan tushuntirib gaplashdik. Xali yangi bo'lganimiz uchunmi juda qimmatga tushib ketdik.

- Ertasi kuni ertalab 3 kishi piyoda yo'l oldik. Avtobus bekatigacha 2-3 km edi. Yo'llari tekis, mahalla ichi, trotvor bor. Bitta pitbullni hisobga olmaganda bir amallab bekatgacha bordik va yana tekinga avtobus mindik.

- Universitit hovlisidagi stadionni ko'rganimda bizdan xursand odam yuq edi. Deyarli birinchilardan bo'lib keldik. Xona berishdi. 4-qavat. Xonasi sharoitlari yaxshi.

- Hozir esa xonada o'tirib "ha o'tdi ketdida, bundan ham yomon bo'lishi mumkin edi" deb o'tiribman.

P.S.: Chetga chiqmoqchi bo'lganlar juda yaxshi plan qilib keyin uchilar. Kimdir kutib olsin iloji bo'lsa va og'ir bo'lsa ham o'zizga kerakli narsalarni olib keling. Arzon narsani kelganizdan topa olmaysiz.



84 0 1 12 12

Can anybody describe the image?

Upd: For the first time flight mode was used correctly

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

127 0 1 19 11

A year ago, in Tashkent, after I took ielts speaking exam, I immediately picked up and went home. I was so happy. Now, I am on the way home to Tashkent and I am so sad.

Life is harsh!

Curriculum_Tantervihalo_Computer_Science_Engineering_BSc (1).pdf
University of Miskolc, Curriculum Fall 2024,

NewUU or any IT students, feel free to share your curriculum


Right now in the village 💫


🥳Yahooo. Driving license 🚗 🪪

Today I got my driving license. Actually I passed the exam yesterday. How was it? Now, driving exam is very strict. Those who prep for it know it.

First attempt: 14.08.2024
- Test was passed: 18/20 ✅
- Driving part was failed: 145/100 ❌

Second attempt: 22.08.2024
- Driving part was passed: 30/100 ✅

BTW, an hour ago, police officer halted me, thinking young guy at the wheel. :)


Anyone on this list? Nah, I am not. Not this time. 

Actually, today was my interview date, but I didn't participate, even not just for getting experience. I am in Tashkent. I could go. But why didn't?

When I was a high school student, I won multiple subject olympiads simultaneously. Each year, the same. I was proud of myself.  However, authorities wouldn't allow me anymore to participate after that. I didn't think I sacrifice someone's opportunity.

All you guys know I have a scholarship and even bought a ticket. As I mentioned before,  EYUF is really competitive for bachelors, especially for CS and Business students. It is really hard to score higher, and all candidates know the current score rate. Just terrible.

Although it is not guaranteed, I was worried about winning the scholarship. I probably might ruin someone's whole life-dream. I never worried about major part questions.  I was already ready, I have 2-3 projects, which I can compare with their global and local alternatives and give a better solution. Even my current portfolio would prove it. I predicted a score 80-90 and probably  90+ with good prep for spiritual questions. It is just prediction. So this score could be a real competitor. 

As you see the file, none of them is 90+, meaning it was harder today. But anyway, the scores are still good. All in all, I gave up the interview to not give it extra thought.


For those who have been interested in the VISA process.

All necessary documents:
- international passport and its copy
- you have to fill out two forms and print it out. This is not hard. Just common information filling
- 3.5x4.5 photo
- flight booking. You can do it online for free
- letter of acceptance
- letter of award
- bank statement. I put $1000
- 40 days travel insurance. You can do it by UzbekInvest. If I am not mistaken, you can charge about 140K uzs. Insurance type is 30-35K Euro. They know what it is
- IELTS copy
- diploma copy
- birth certificate
- if you are under 18, you have to make parents agreement doc. It is called "davernis" and your mother's birth certificate

VISA day process:
- You have to translate all uzbek documents into English. I didn't know and I was returned at the first day. They didn't receive my documents without it.

- There is 1mln+ fee for the VISA but because it is governmental scholarship, it's free. However, there is 200k uzs fee at the end for all.

- After preparing all documents, you have to get appointment online. Mine was on 10th July but I realized that if it's urgent, you can go to the BLS after 4pm and process without appointment. Receptionist is a good sister :)

- To make sure, you can call or visit BLS to know what the requirements are.

- If you make small mistakes, BLS workers help you to fix them.

- All are Uzbek. There's no verbal interview. You are given some common questions and you have to answer by writing.

P.S: Average passport release duration is 30 days


Good for today!

- Received my passport with VISA stamp☺️

- Bought ticket ✅

- Bought new laptop, Lenovo Ryzen 7, RAM 24GB, Video Card 8GB, AMD ✅

P.S: Need a better phone to filming and taking pictures. What do you suggest? Except for iPhone

Anyone in this list? I am :)) Nice gift for my birthday

Honestly, I didn't want to participate in this stipendium but then wanted to try. I applied a day before with simple documents. Essay was written by ChatGPT. I thought I fail at the first step. However, as you see, I am going to the interview which is the third step.

But I stopped to hope. There is only one limit for males and there are 29 candidates for that. Damnnn. EYUF is always weird to release the results. But anyway. Good luck for all the candidates.


Welcome 18 🥳

I miss you 17. You are the best age for me. It was lucky year: IELTS, SAT, Universities, Career, Finance, Full ride, VISA, Top student, Graduation, Gold Medal, TV Show, Networking, Internship, Self-improvement.

I hope adult age also comes with great results.


VISA is out guys🎉❤️ Approved ✅

Updated: Hungarium VISA. I will change it to Schengen when I arrive. Do you remember this

484 0 0 27 14

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Soon, Text To Speech in Uzbek.

©️ Bakhtiyor Rizaev


Anyone in this list? I am on 310 🤫


428 0 0 32 10
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.