Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

✸ After Effect editing service ✸
open order at 08:00 - 22:00
bot : @floraestatebot
contact person : @wcasha
Flora Gallery : @floragalleria
testi : @floratesti

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Postlar filtri

untuk contoh contoh editan bisa kalian lihat di @floragalleria yaa

open niihhh! seperti biasa bisa langsung kirim format atau tanya tanya dulu di bot kita yaa @floraestatebot jangan lupa untuk membaca TnC telebih dahulu

open yuukk ! langsung kirim format / mungkin mau tanya tanya dulu? langsung ke bot yaa @floraestatebot bisa langsung bincang” sama admin sampai editan keingan mu benar benar sesuai ekspetasi 🤩

setelah jam 10 kalian bisa langsung kirim format / tanya tanya lebih dulu soal editan yang kalian ingin kan! jangan lupa untuk membaca TnC terlebih dahulu😋

malam semua nya! hanya ingin menginfokan untuk besok kami akan buka lebih telat ya maaf.. kita mulai open orderan dari jam 10 siang okayyy

kalau mau tanya tanya dulu bisa langsung chat di bot yaa

open yukk, bisa langsung send format ke @floraestatebot sebelum nya tolong baca TnC nya terlebih dahulu

CHIMERO! MAY 14 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

ohayou everyone, soon @lordchimero going to open our gate to another space dimension for the third chance! June 11th at 10.00. let’s trade your greatest things (money) and you’ll get a superb work of art! send your format to @chimerobot see you!

ありがとうございます, regards chimero🐉

chiekaa.♡ dan repost
Ada yang mau take @quamnxi 20k? Bu bgt.. Rata nih. negotiable @hanakosbot

𝕸ARVORI dan repost

Greetings to you! @MARVORl is finally open on JUMAT, 11 June at 7PM (Malam). With new catalogues.
Those who just entered the place has to check the importances of this place;

Catalogue start from here.

If you’re interested on our importances, go and tell the Agent with the filled form. We’ll wait for your name to become one of us.

ACKERMAN's rent : OPEN dan repost
Bidding warmest greetings for everyone who see this message. We're proudly announcing that Ackerman's rent is looking for new talent.

With the following conditions :
⋆ Use first account not 2nd, 3rd, etc.
⋆ Trustworthy and confident.
⋆ Not in a state of being busy and inactive
⋆ Experienced and have a good track record
⋆ Preferably can do VN, FC, Literate, IC.

Fill the form if you can meet all the requirements.
Name :
Username :
Why you choose Ackerman's? :
What is your reason for registering? :
What is your pros and cons? :
Another agency (optional) :

If you interested can contact @thekiidbot.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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