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🇬🇧 Tracking the „Deep State“
Has the financial elite taken over control of the media, politicians and institutions in the Western world?

· Free21’s founder and editor-in-chief, the late Tommy Hansen, traveled around Denmark with what turned out to be his last tour of talks: “Tracking the Deep State”. At that time he was already very much marked by his illness, but undertook to complete the entire tour and had also planned subsequent talks on the #CityOfLLondon. As part of his last wishes, he asked the Team-Free21DK to transcribe and translate the “#DeepState” talk so – as he wrote – “People will know why Free21 is here!” Tommy Hansen updated his talks from country to.. [read further...]

#langEN 🔍 @free21org 📢

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MANOVA dan repost
Von deutschem Boden darf nie wieder Krieg ausgehen! Kommt also mit uns nach Ramstein!

mehr Infos zur Demo:

Infos über die Air Base #Ramstein und das mörderische Treiben, das von der größten Militärbasis außerhalb der USA ausgeht, bekommt Ihr in diesem Interview mit Rainer Mausfeld ab Minute 34:46:

#Frieden #Souveränität #NATO #Termin
Rainer Mausfeld: Von deutschem Boden geht Krieg aus!
Kommt alle zur großen Demonstration der Stopp Air Base Ramstein Kampagne am 29. Juni! Rainer Mausfeld ruft zur Demonstration der Stopp Air Base Ramstein Kampagne am 29. Juni 2019 auf. Kommt alle und z

The anti-terrorist exercises that came true:
❗️The "Breivik" attack on #Utøya, Norway
❗️The terrorist bombings in #London77
❗️#Boston bombings
❗️September 11, 2001 #NYC #911
#911 #CIA #Terror 🇬🇧 #langEN @free21org!

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