Donations - we appreciate any help with our rally expenses: canvases, paint, printing flyers/posters/stickers, etc.
Our Mission:
❗ Rising costs of living must be brought under control, everyone should be able to afford living. Everyone has the right to life! Those responsible for rampant inflation must be brought to justice.
❗ Defend liberty and personal freedom, fight the systemic attempts by the government and the predator elites to enslave humanity.
❗ Firmly oppose the onslaught of forced digitization and erosion of privacy in all areas of life.
❗ Protect bodily autonomy, stand against Covid-19 vaccine mandates and travel restrictions.
❗ Protect children's safety from the predator class. Stand against the rampant pedophilia and ritual sexual abuse widespread among US elite.
Worldwide efforts:
📌 World Wide Freedom Rally
Other Houston Freedom Groups:
📌 Houston Freedom Cell
📌 Derrick Broze's Daily News
Note: we are not affiliated with WorldwideUSA, they have long been known to be government infiltrators.
Recommended Resources On How To Use Electronics Safely, Protect Your Privacy, And Avoid Surveillance:
📌 Privacy Tools
📌 Surveillance Self-Defense by the Electronic Frontier Foundation
📌 Above Phone
Donations - we appreciate any help with our rally expenses: canvases, paint, printing flyers/posters/stickers, etc.
Our Mission:
❗ Rising costs of living must be brought under control, everyone should be able to afford living. Everyone has the right to life! Those responsible for rampant inflation must be brought to justice.
❗ Defend liberty and personal freedom, fight the systemic attempts by the government and the predator elites to enslave humanity.
❗ Firmly oppose the onslaught of forced digitization and erosion of privacy in all areas of life.
❗ Protect bodily autonomy, stand against Covid-19 vaccine mandates and travel restrictions.
❗ Protect children's safety from the predator class. Stand against the rampant pedophilia and ritual sexual abuse widespread among US elite.
Worldwide efforts:
📌 World Wide Freedom Rally
Other Houston Freedom Groups:
📌 Houston Freedom Cell
📌 Derrick Broze's Daily News
Note: we are not affiliated with WorldwideUSA, they have long been known to be government infiltrators.
Recommended Resources On How To Use Electronics Safely, Protect Your Privacy, And Avoid Surveillance:
📌 Privacy Tools
📌 Surveillance Self-Defense by the Electronic Frontier Foundation
📌 Above Phone