From ivangbi | ngmi (🦞,⚙️🧰)

Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Ruscha
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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Ruscha
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#ivangbi The guy is competitor with less traction too LobsterDAO 🦞

#Nickychalabi The guy probably woke up and though he figured out smth... He discovered double-counting of TVL LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Sunday Intellectual Masturbation LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi A bit confused on how they are trying to market themselves with these a slightly vague arguments. If TVL is double-counted, it doesn’t mean 1!=1. Doesn’t imply any insolvency, does it? LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Guy will save all my bags omfg LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Probably a hard-working perosn who has hit some luck? (which are two mutually supportive things in a way). But ye, very childish. But that's kinda the point of this point: if you put 10 years to build a company, you literally are a child in all other matters because you never took the time off to develop any other skills LobsterDAO 🦞

#OxBecks striking out the autist for smart, but he doesn't seem too smart himself when reading his himalaya story LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi If you know where it is, you know. If you don’t, you don’t. Echo is public, the group is there. No hand holding needed boss. LobsterDAO 🦞

#cr1st0ff where can i see the echo group? i don't see it in group list on echo LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi No cross-correlation of content with kingdom or with the chat here, so sleep tight. Actually don't sleep, go celebrate and make up new fake new years resolutions. LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Hi frens, happy New Year and all that shabang 💫🎄 Anyway, went through 1.3K Echo requests manually... dare to say I hate you all. And I hate cobie. As people get notifications about having been accepted, the closed telegram chat will grow. However, the number of accepted members is now ~330 (you see that on echo).


There is no agenda to turn this into a shitcoin fest or have it as an open garden for everyone to milk you for fees [kek, one day]. Overall, want to keep a pretty high degree of curation, just like lobsterdao vibes have been (or at least have tried to stay since 2018!) No point to get into 100 locked bags at the top of the bull market and then get rekt. You know, like all our bags of 2021 which still haven't TGE'ed. Yikes. Let's be smarter this time. This time will be different / s.

💡 As an angel myself I pass on 95%+ of the things. Right or wrong, so far I am at least still alive. I have no objective to start doing 1 deal per day, but if there is ever very a strong desire to get something, I can always look into things.

Member Criteria

Criteria who got in: not only just friends or mutuals. I tried to mix things up with seemingly high-signal people based on their timelines or githubs if they provided those. A half are people I haven't been connected to before directly, which imho is actually great. So if I didn't know you but you seemed to have cool content (or be properly retarded) or build something - accepted. After all, Echo to me is about supporting a potential portco through different means and abilities. That is marketing, content, dev, BD stuff, etc. And not just a friend investment group. Text changes in GitHub are also developer skills so please stfu.

a) lobs holders who I could identify (if you are a holder but not in Echo and want to be, make sure you are in kingdom first, and then DM so I will check)
b) team members of good projects (high correlation with lobs holders hence why they are poor and have to work)
c) rotten but well-followed twitterati brains
d) a lot of founders, GPs, trench fighters, etc. quite a few top names I followed myself but never got connected to before

Also a bit of FAQ:

1️⃣ If your friend was rejected by accident, please ping me and I will double-check. If you have a friend you think must be here and is high alpha, invite them. I went through everyone manually, but could have misclicked. Oh and ye if you had farcaster connected, I can't fking check anything on it cause it's kinda meh.
2️⃣ Deals? Oh right. Will sleep and send a suggestion for the first one.
3️⃣ Legal disclaimer by echo applies: can't save anything from here, can't talk while the deal is ongoing, can't make screenshots, can't shill profits or the group, etc. Otherwise it's a ban here, in lobs, and cobie might publicly drag you into the cesspool of poop. Don't fuck around to find that out. Also there is no dao revenue sharing, expectation of being accepted, or whatever else. Other strict disclaimers apply.
4️⃣ Let's keep this group for money-losing only please. Either past or future. If you want to meme or have fun with friends, I am sorry, but don't do this here. Unless during a deal going through, when excitement kicks in. Then it's fine. Otherwise be real, so we can lose money in peace. And ye, no public info posting from here. Respect privacy of whales and builders.
5️⃣ Because people here are kinda high-alpha in general, talking of other bags (liquid too) is kinda ok. But don't try to dump your bags on us, it will be very quickly noticed and you'd be exposed. Shilling what you love could be ok sometimes, but for exit liquidity purposes - you know what will happen to you xoxo. LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi (forward from crab notes echo) LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Ye then you can’t escape it LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi And the sequencer team would get fucked by users instantly, wouldn’t they LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi But then you would easily see it LobsterDAO 🦞

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