#STEREOTYPE dan repost
Congratulations to our beautiful girls, StayC! 'Stereotype' is finally available on YouTube. Let's check it and streaming. Mereka sudah bekerja keras dan membuktikan kepada para penggemar dengan menghasilkan sebuah lagu yang sangat indah. Pesona mereka tak kalah menariknya dari nada-nada lagu yang dihasilkan. Our girls have amazed comeback! Give them lots of love and support. Their hard work should be appreciated, efforts will not betray the results. The MV is so lit and they are like walking on their charms and showing the world that they are the most beautiful. Hari ini benar-benar hari yang sangat spesial. And also happy comeback too all of my fellows, aishenora, abinaya, miley, michelle, rameyza, isabelle, dara, lullaby, mauren, jiecha, yunisa, greisy, amigelle, kale, naléyya, marēiline, sihan, maura, minji. I give you four thumbs up for your hard work. Keep up all the good work and let's celebrate this moment with joys!