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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

order: @wdiamondz
archive: @fuwarchive

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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mkseh nami imuuur

hefie 102pErmen @chewrubs yang imut

Yumonnachii. | Commission open dan repost

THANK YOU FOR 100+ SUBS ILY ALL🫶🫶💗💗💞 Aku ngadain art raffle buat terima kasih pada kalian yang udah ngesupport channel ini dari nol sampe sekarang, makasih banyakk aku harap Channel ini bisa terus berkembang dan menjadi lebih baik lagii ^^

-Join ch ini (new subs welcomee)
-Like postingan ini (pake react aja)
-share ke ch kamu buat ramein art raffle ini!! (Opsional)

Kalau sudah silahkan komen dengan username di bawah :3

Pemenangnya cuman ada 3 orang!! Dan 3 3-nya dapet chibi full body seperti sample di atas

Good luck!! ♡

Deadline 1 juni 2024

BAESEII. dan repost
Hii my Lovee, moots and subs seiyies ⭐️3⭐️.
Mootseyis, can you help me to forward this message to your channel?

@Baekseiyoon is looking for the mutuals who are hiding in his residence, can you bring them to me? I only accept mutuals who are ART COMMIS/PROFFNEEDS (editing). I hope you are willing to accept me as a good mutual 😉. Contact us @Etehan as the owner of Baeseii as well as the main account ♥️ and @HFWBaeseii_Bot for helping. I hope you and I can become long-lasting and good mutuals, Thanks a lot & Have a marvelous day! O__

FUWIESS, aku ganti usn dari @wdiamondz ke @RootDeft yahh! boleh kirim link mutual kalian buat aku ganti

Art(s) dump OPENNNNN dan repost
[ HELP FORWARD ARE APPRECIATE ] halo halo, @fujikaaze lagi open commission art nih! CUMAN DUA SLOT!! no form! langsung chat @mooretti dan kasi penjelasan sama referensi commisart. furthermore information:

a. pricelist/katalog:
- anime style.
- chibi style.
- food style.

b. perbedaan full render/colored sketch/sketch only.

c. terms n condition.

d. waitlist.

ikoo's art dan repost
"hi moots imut, boleh tolong fw this bbc :3"

Heloo! @thisikoo looking for mutuals ⊂⊃﹒␥

Only main account and art channel type ya! Menerima segala jenis art ch ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
Jika berkenan, hit this account yaa @cinnamoniko

𝘾ʜɪ's 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘺. 📃 dan repost
[ Can you help me to forward this message if you see it? Thanks before! ]

Hello! I'm looking for a new mutual

chocho mols ! 🪼 ORDAL dan repost
do help forward, please!


klean ngantuk gK

fuwies hfw dongg 0.0

BUAT CHARA sih skrg gatauyahh, soalnya aku lumayan enjoy aja ngerjain semua charaa! PART FAVORITEKU—sekaligus kadang bikin pusing itu BUAT MATAA!!

wiwww 80 teratai mengapung diudara

lg dong ges yg banyak..

BISAA KOKK, cuman aku liat liat dulu yahh. charanya siapa duluu


yang jawab nay pls kasih tau aku alasannya.. aku BENERAN MIKIIIIR BANGET

jawab plis guis ku 🙁😞

📝 apa alasan kalian yay sama fuwies, dan ituu.. kenapa nay?

👤 Yg ada f nya lucu aja gtu

👤 setuju sama sender di bawah, imut

👤 yay karena imut

👥 3 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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