‘Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elites Slept’ is up there with ‘Silent Invasion’ as a must read on the Communist Chinese threat. You can get it at
https://amzn.to/3nqwB2lAs it’s full title suggests, ‘Stealth War’ takes aim at political, academic, media and corporate leaders in the USA for turning a blind eye and even appeasing the Chinese Communist Party, but the general criticisms could equally apply to their counterparts in Australia.
Last year, I interviewed retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding about his book which you can listen to here:
https://www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast/episode4In ‘Stealth War’, Spaulding reveals China's motives and secret attacks on the West. He highlights how Confucius Institutes have been placed in universities to monitor and control Chinese students on campus and spread communist narratives to unsuspecting students. He also outlines how enormous sums have been paid to experts who create investment funds that funnel technology to China.
Despite all the damage done so far, Spalding shows how it's still possible for the free world to combat--and win--China's stealth war.