George Christensen MP

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Federal MP for Dawson who fights for conservative values & Aussie culture, Nth Qld & local jobs.
Authorised G Christensen, LNP, 2/21 Milton St, MACKAY QLD 4740

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I wonder what the polling said...

Watch for this scorcher interview tonight on this Facebook page: and this YouTube channel:

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This isn’t far from where the Left, the media and fair few woke corporations want us to be in Australia either.

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It’s not a conspiracy if they’re saying it out loud.

“Donnelly’s well put together compilation isn’t a manifesto, it’s a response to, and exposition of demonic false doctrines, deceptively emerging from the hegemonic leftist swamp as a liberating, benevolent force.” - Caldron Pool
‘Cancel Culture’ is indeed a must read. Get it here:
Read the Caldron Pool review here:

A net zero emissions target will do nothing for the climate. A former Chief Scientist admitted as much during a Senate Estimates hearing. But a net zero emissions target will harm local jobs. Australia shouldn’t be sucked in by sleepy Joe Biden or the useless United Nations. Let’s put local jobs and workers ahead of global virtue signalling.

‘Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elites Slept’ is up there with ‘Silent Invasion’ as a must read on the Communist Chinese threat. You can get it at
As it’s full title suggests, ‘Stealth War’ takes aim at political, academic, media and corporate leaders in the USA for turning a blind eye and even appeasing the Chinese Communist Party, but the general criticisms could equally apply to their counterparts in Australia.
Last year, I interviewed retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding about his book which you can listen to here:
In ‘Stealth War’, Spaulding reveals China's motives and secret attacks on the West. He highlights how Confucius Institutes have been placed in universities to monitor and control Chinese students on campus and spread communist narratives to unsuspecting students. He also outlines how enormous sums have been paid to experts who create investment funds that funnel technology to China.
Despite all the damage done so far, Spalding shows how it's still possible for the free world to combat--and win--China's stealth war.

A great book out at the moment is Cancel Culture and the Left's Long March, edited by Kevin Donnelly. Donnelly and his writers point out that cancel culture and political correctness are destroying free speech and Western civilisation’s institutions and way of life, and that it’s time to fight back and return to sanity. This topical and informative anthology explores the origins and impact of cancel culture and political correctness on Western societies.
Buy it at

Sign up for my fortnightly Nation First e-newsletter at to read all of my hot takes and to join my campaigns for freedom, sovereignty and conservative values!

If you haven’t read Prof Clive Hamilton’s book ‘Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia’ yet then you don’t fully understand the threat that the Chinese Communist Party poses to our nation, our democracy and our freedom.
The book is a sobering examination of the mounting threats to democratic freedoms Australians have for too long taken for granted. Yes, China is important to our economic prosperity; but, Hamilton asks, how much is our sovereignty as a nation worth?
You must read this book:

News just in.
If you want to get behind the push go to

I caught up with ‘Jacob’ of the Hong Kong International Alliance Brisbane last week to talk about what more the Australian Govt and parliament can do about the Chinese Communist Party crushing freedom and democracy in Hong Kong. What do you think we should be doing?

Remember to go to and sign up for my newsletter.

Big tech censorship must be dealt with. Go to to help me fight it.

My mate Craig Kelly Member for Hughes has just had his main Facebook page banned. He is now operating from a backup page with a significantly reduced number of followers.
In case my page is banned in the future, I’d suggest you sign up to my Nation First e-newsletter at

Craig Kelly’s new page can be found here:
His new Telegram is

15 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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