Life of Ghanaba

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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And also teen life talk
Main source of information: OMGVoice

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Leaving for school today
Those who will be going too kindly stay safe expecially the girls and the guy stay out of disciplinary troubles👍💪


Life of Ghanaba dan repost
It's finally in RoseMary🔥🔥🔥🎶🌹🌹
Kindly listen and leave your comments @FatBoiEra
Thank you🔥❤️💯

Who did this? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤️🔥🔥



@FatBoiEra if anything on your mind to me🙏🙏

Hello viewers hope you good


Tepas 2K17 batch dan repost
Many are landlords in the CEMETRY,
many are tenants in the MORTUARY,
many are candidates of OBITUARY.
But we are here, still worshiping in His SANCTUARY,
He has been keeping us since JANUARY,
His good news filled up our DIARY,
He's doing all these without collecting a SALARY.
He's indeed an awesome God!

If you know God is truly awesome and He is the reason you are alive today, send this to ten of your contacts as a testimony.

That be why I dreamt that they lost their first match😂😂😂😂🌚



Augusco dey inside?

whos going for spriteball tomorrow


Same here

Bored asf💔💔😢

Mad tune

Life of Ghanaba dan repost
It's finally in RoseMary🔥🔥🔥🎶🌹🌹
Kindly listen and leave your comments @FatBoiEra
Thank you🔥❤️💯

Adey spy you

Adey ooo

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