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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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“Okay Antifa, here is your chance to convince a room full of Nazis that fascism is bad”

Proceeds to post a wall text of braindead libtard platitudes

Warren Balogh NJP 🔥 dan repost
The STRIKE and Warren Report Episode 25: Defund the FBI!

Striker fills in for Mike to discuss popular anger against the FBI, the privileged entitlement of Christopher Wray, the economics of conservative "populism" laid bare, fed desperation over Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case, local police vs federal police, the FBI's sensitivity to bad PR, and reflections on the five-year anniversary of Unite the Right

Jazzhands FTN (CENSORED) dan repost
American views on immigration have inverted from just 28% opposed to more immigration in 2020 to 38% in 2022. During the same time period, those in favor of more immigration has fallen from 34% to 27%.

While those for and against immigration remained divided along party lines, there has been a sharp bipartisan shift toward increased opposition. Between 2020 and 2022, Republican opposition increased from 48 to 69 percent and Democrats went from 13 to 17 percent. Independents followed this trend with an increase in opposition from 29 to 33 percent.

During this time, encounters with illegal border crossers at the U.S. southern border have increased fourfold. In June, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported 207,416 illegal encounters, the highest number since 1960.

My latest on Dissident Mag.

🎀 𝔹𝕌ℕ'𝕊 𝔹𝕌ℕ𝕂𝔼ℝ 🎀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Genocidal Jew Tim Wise wishing more death and suffering on White people.

Morrigan ⚡️ dan repost

Tweet of the day

Being a giant fag won’t save you from libtard censorship

Jazzhands FTN (CENSORED) dan repost
A literal Schmuelie is trying to spread disinfo on monkeypox in a rhetorical package perfectly crafted for conservative consumption: The monkeypox pandemic isn't caused by gay sex goy, it's caused by mRNA vaccines!

Yeah guy, it's the vaccines 😂

“Heavy D” the GOP is so fucking gay

Jazzhands FTN (CENSORED) dan repost
China's Legitimate Case for Retaking Taiwan:

1. Prior to the WWII era Coup de ZOG, the island(s) belonged to mainland China.
2. The separation was undemocratic and driven by nefarious Jewish geopolitical motivations. Thus the transfer of power fails the democratic litmus test imposed by Jews themselves and has never been valid.
3. Taiwan is comprised nearly entirely of Han Chinese (95-97%), just as it is the case in China (92%). Taiwan is even more Chinese than China itself!
4. Mandarin is the official language spoken in Taiwan, just as it is in China.
5. Traditional Chinese is the writing system in Taiwan, just as it is in China.
6. Taiwan, like Ukraine, is a made up territorial name w/ no historical basis. It's official name is the Republic of China (ROC), the anti-PRC gayop originating from the days of philosemite Chiang Kai Shek and his Jewish handler Moishe "Two Gun" Cohen. Before that it was Chinese Taipei.

Taiwan should take a lesson from Ukraine, surrender to China, and beg for diplomacy.

Not my caption, I get it lol

mj oldasgoad dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
What’s this?
I don’t get it.

The Western Chauvinist(Uncensored) dan repost
Christian Nationalism
  •   Yeah but more like Pro White Christian Fascism
  •   Yes - All races of Christians unite
  •   No - Not Christian
  •   No - Nothing against Christians but I'm race first
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